Assembly of automobile interior materials is very important for assembly and inspection such as sensitivity and noise reduction. Particularly, since assembling parts of automobile interior parts is manually assembled by a worker, a claim due to poor assembly sometimes occurs. In addition, as the labor cost rises, automobile assembly line adopts automatic assembly device as the concept of smart factory in assembly process. Therefore, in this study, we intend to develop automatic assembly device of the door trim for reducing the field claim, improving the productivity, and reducing the assembly failure.
Recently, automobile washing methods have been carried out using steam of high temperature and high pressure instead of water. Therefore, it is necessary to secure the structural stability of the steam tank. In this study, it is necessary to reduce the weight of the steam tank by reducing the thickness of the existing steam tank by about 25%. The safety of the product design was verified through simulation to ensure the robustness of the product by securing the structural stability and fatigue analysis at high temperature and pressure of the steam tank according to the weight reduction. For newly developed products compared to existing models.
In this study, temperature and pressure of guided wave radar products are transmitted at high temperature and high pressure. In the case of transmission of temperature pressure, high temperature and high pressure steam leak from the guide rod part to the atmosphere causes the failure. Therefore, in this study, structural analysis and thermal flow analysis of the product are performed to identify the problem of the product, so as to prevent leakage in the product development by grasping the cause of the leakage of the product. In this study, if the method of assembling the lower end of the piston rod and the gasket is changed from line contact to face contact,
In recent years, the regulation of exhaust gas of automobiles has been strengthened, and various high-tech technologies have been applied to cope with exhaust gas regulations. Especially, in case of gasoline vehicles, by injecting gasoline direct injection, a large amount of carbon deposits are adsorbed in intake / exhaust valves and combustion chambers, Which is a cause of combustion. Therefore, in this study, we developed the cleaning liquid and related special tools to remove carbon deposits in the combustion chamber, and developed the cleaning process of the combustion chamber and tried to understand the effect on the engine performance improvement. In order to prevent the release of heavy metals after burning, the cleaning effect of the cleaning liquid was investigated by temperature and the influence of the knocking of the engine on the cleaning performance.
This study is intended to secure seolge and structural strength of the suspension as necessary amphibious boat amphibious facilitate a possible amphibious boat 7m parenting class. Developed a technique for mounting a three-wheel drive track traveling device to medium-sized vessels, and the control device in order to improve the efficiency of the safety and operation of this device, the braking device of the land driving, the steering apparatus and the linear adapted to install the device development and installation of the wheels on the bottom, leaving space travel wheel award during lift pockets (wheel pocket) analyzed the impact of the ship resistance and stability, and tried to improve the problem.
This study will develop a small ship, boat, It is available a versatile system to rock like a shower, as well as drinking water by desalination of sea water just offshore yachts, etc. to be applied to their own country.
In this design the element technology development part design and the point in the system was designed to be compactly mounted to a boat or the like is applicable. To work in the maritime industry, as more and more leisure development becomes a sail to load large amounts of water before departure, such as the drinking water is to give an adverse effect on fuel consumption with the increase gigyul eojim and the weight of the hull during loading increased due to set sail. Therefore, the present study was to compensate for this disadvantage by designing the first time in Korea Development wishes to contribute to import substitution effects were developed with an emphasis on practical application.
This study is Performance Improvement of Hot Water Panel to Energy Reducing. Hot Water Panel is two kinds of Wet and Dry Type. This panels are very important to reduce energy saving, for example TOE, energy savings. The effecting elements to performance improvement of hot water panel are panel characteristics and manufactured types. This study used dry type of hot water. The dry type acquired 56% energy saving comparison to wet type.
AbstraThis study on the High Vpltage Ionizer for Automotive to reducing of an Electrode heat deterioration. Generally, High Volatage Ionizer is effect on the life cycle because of activating high voltage of electrode needle. An electrode needle deterioration effect on coil bobin number, manufacturing process, ion characteristics, etc.
Thus, this study is considering to various characteristic of high voltage ionizer more improvement in effective.
This study on Structural analysis of kickboard used two types suspension systems. Kickboard is very dangerous in rider because of unstable in diving conditions. Thus suspension system of kickboard are very important component parts. This study focus on two suspensions for stability in kickboard which coil spring and aluminium leaf spring.
This study is on the structural analysis and fatigue evaluation of Re-EV engine cam shaft used to drving range extended electric vehicle. Recently, Electric vehicle is very important for driving extended. Specially this study is upgrade of cam shaft to improve durability and fatigue life.
This study is reduction to measuring error rate which checked or evaluated of overspeed euipment in the local roadway, national roadway and highway for overspeed driving vehicle. Especially, reliability of overspeed equipment is very important according to speed measurement devices between roof sensing method and radar, etc. So, this study is to measuring method and measuring devices for high reliability.
This study is comparisions evaluation of noise between mass production bushing type and new development bushing which is wire meshed type. In vehicle, iantake system influence on the hose length, intake pass ways, mounting positions, etc. Recently, intake system which are named variable control module or variable intake system depends on engine performance, intake noise. Intake noise reduction is very important in intake system. Intake noise reductions are vary method. This study is used wire mesh bushing.
This sudy on the evaluation of steering knuckle effect on wheela alignment for passenger automotive. In generally, wheel alignment of vehicle influences on steering knuckle of shapes, sizes, working clearances, etc. The wheel alignment values in vehicle suspension system are very important factors because vehivcle riding quality handling performance are related to these factors. This study on camber angle according to lateral force of two models.
최근 에너지절약 및 자원절약 차원으로 전 세계적으로 가전제품 및 자동차 부품 등에 대하여 재사용, 재활용, 재제조 등에 대한 법적 규제 및 의무화를 추진하고 있으나 아직 우리나라는 재제조에 대한 판심과 정부의 지원 정책이 이루어지고 있으나 아직 활발하게 산업 발전이 이루어지지 못하고 있는 실정 이다. 득히 자원순환법이 고시되면서부터 재제조에 대한 인식과 이에 판련된 부품의 재제조 기초연구를 버롯한 기반기술 개발이 진행되고 있으며 디양한 부품에 대하여 재제조 기술 개발 및 품질인증이 추진되고 있다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 자동차 부품의 승차감올 향상시키는 쇽업쇼버에 대하여 재제조와 관련된 재제조 공정을 비롯하여 재제조 검사기준 등에 대하여 연구하여 관련 산업체에서 활용 가능하게 연구하였다.
집안에는 많은 생활가구가 었다. 그중 가장 큰 부피를 차지하는 생활가구기 장롱 또는 붙박이장 이다. 본 논문에서는 장롱이냐 붙박이장으로부터 주부, 영아, 어린이들에게 발생하는 손가락 및 발가락 손상을 미연에 방지하기 위한 안전성을 확보하기 위한 기술이다 선진국에서는 가정에서 발생하기 쉬운 부분에 대하여 하이테크 기술을 접목하여 가구용 하드웨어를 개발하여 실용화를 추구하고 있으나 아직 우리나라에서는 이러한 하이테크 기술을 적용한 하드웨어 개발이 초기 상태이다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 기존의 슬라이딩 도어의 문제점을 개선하여 신체 손상 방지 및 거실 내에서 소옴이 적은 하드웨어를 개발하여 실용화하고자 하였다.
리무진 차량은 특수 용도로 사용하고 있고 현재는 수작업으로 하이루프를 작업 시 다수의 작업자가 하이루프를 작업 하고 었으며 생산성 저하는 물론 제풍의 품질에도 영향을 주고 있다. 본 본 논문에서는 이러한 조립공정을 감소하는 기술과 1인의 작업자가 작업이 가능하도록 하는 공정을 개발하여 작업자의 안전과 직무 능력과 안전성을 확보하는 방향으로 기술 개발을 실시하였다.
A study on air bag filter for passenger car which is manufacturing preocess and method of very important one of the components. The manufacturing equipment consists of various component which nitting cam, nitting knife, rollers. The development target is weight reduction of metal filter, reduction of process.
A study on cluster ionizer for passenger automotive. This study is technical study which is performance, reliability, manufacturing method and productivity of cluster ionizer. Cluster ionizer function is comfortable compartment which eliminated of anti-virus, ordor, etc. This study on cluster ionizer which is manufacturing method, performance, reliability, production technology is mass production for automotive