
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,376

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper aims to study the modeling and controller of an electrically driven tractor optimized for energy efficiency under off-road conditions and when subjected to loads such as plowing. The dynamic model design is aimed at a 30kW electric tractor. The vehicle model consists of a 30kW motor, transmission, wheels, and a controller, designed using the commercial software Matlab/Simulink. In order to optimize energy efficiency under load conditions, this paper designs and implements a PID controller focusing on the vehicle's speed and wheel slip. The newly proposed electric tractor modeling and PID controller aim to demonstrate improved energy efficiency through simulation.
        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study sought ways to connect urban above ground roads and underground roads to utilize urban space more efficiently in the development of underground roads, which are currently under development in order to alleviate problems caused by oversaturated above-ground roads. A simulation analysis was performed to develop an operation strategy that connects above-ground and underground roads to prevent congestion in above-ground areas such as entrances and exits from transferring to underground roads as well as to present its effectiveness. METHODS : Traffic efficiency analysis according to the operation strategy of above ground and underground roads was conducted using VISSIM, a microscopic traffic simulation software. The functions implemented in VISSIM were collected to set effectiveness analysis indicators for each underground road operation strategy. The Shinwol-Yeoui Underground Road was selected as the spatial scope of this study, and a surrounding road network was constructed. In addition, full-scale simulation analysis preparations were completed by performing network calibration based on the actual traffic attribute data of underground and surrounding surface roads within the construction scope. Accordingly, a traffic efficiency evaluation analysis was conducted based on the underground road operation strategy. CONCLUSIONS : Information on the increase in traffic volume within the Shinwol-Yeoui underpass was collected every 15 min. The analysis was divided into an analysis of the traffic situation within the underpass through demand control when the service level reached level D and an analysis of when demand control was not performed. It was found that demand control was necessary for the Shinwol-Yeoui Underpass when the internal traffic volume reached 2,500 vehicles/h. In addition, to analyze the spread of traffic and congestion owing to the weaving phenomenon caused by lane changes in the underpass, an analysis was conducted to observe the traffic improvement effect when full lane changes are possible for the Shinwol-Yeoui Underground Road, which currently has some lane-change-permitted sections. The analysis showed that both the maximum traffic volume and average travel speed showed better results when lane changes were allowed, and the communication situation at Yeoui JCT was found optimal.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        스마트팜으로 알려진 지능형 온실환경 제어(스마트제어)가 겨울철 장미 ‘비스트’의 절화품질에 미치는 영향을 기존의 농 가 수동제어(수동제어)와 비교하여 조사하였다. 그 결과 지능 형 스마트제어가 온실환경인 기온, 배지온도, 상대습도를 겨 울철 절화 장미 생산에 적합하게 유지시켰다. 반면, 수동제어 는 적정한 환기와 상대습도 관리에 다소 불리하였고, 결과적 으로 겨울철 과습으로 흔히 발생하는 잿빛곰팡이 발병이 증가 했으며 절화수명이 단축되었다. 절화의 생체량, 길이, 수명 등 절화품질 역시 스마트제어를 통해 상대적으로 개선되었다. 이 번 연구를 통해 스마트제어 방식이 시설환경관리 측면에서 겨 울철 고품질 절화 장미 생산에 유리하다는 것을 확인하였다.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study develops a model that can estimate travel speed of each movement flow using deep-learning-based probe vehicles at urban intersections. METHODS : Current technologies cannot determine average travel speeds for all vehicles passing through a specific real-world area under obseravation. A virtual simulation environment was established to collect information on all vehicles. A model estimate turning speeds was developed by deep learning using probe vehicles sampled during information processing time. The speed estimation model was divided into straight and left-turn models, developed as fully-offset, non-offset, and integrated models. RESULTS : For fully-offset models, speed estimation for both straight and left-turn models achieved MAPE within 10%. For non-offset models, straight models using data drawn from four or more probe vehicles achieved a MAPE of less than 15%. The MAPE for left turns was approximately 20%. CONCLUSIONS : Using probe-vehicle data(PVD), a deep learning model was developed to estimate speeds each movement flow. This, confirmed the viability of real-time signal control information processing using a small number of probe vehicles.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        작물을 재배하는 데 필요한 여러 가지 환경 조건 중 광은 개 화와 밀접한 연관이 있다. 본 연구는 식용화, 매리골드 화아분 화에 영향을 주는 최적의 광주기를 구명하여 완전제어형 식물 공장에서 효율적으로 재배하기 위해 진행되었다. 실험에 사 용된 광주기는 4, 8, 12, 16시간, 총 4가지로 설정하였다. 매리 골드 ‘듀란고 레드’ 종자를 우레탄 스펀지에 파종한 직후부터 광주기를 처리하였다. 화아분화는 꽃봉오리가 약 2mm 이상 일 때 화아분화가 되었다고 정의하였고, 2-3일 간격으로 조 사하였다. 생육 조사는 지상부의 생체중, 건물중, 초장, 엽면 적을 조사하였다. 최적의 광주기는 식물체의 50%가 화아분 화 된 날을 기준으로 정의하였다. 4시간 처리구에서는 식물체 가 제대로 자라지 못하며 화아도 형성되지 않았다. 8시간 이상 의 처리구에서부터 식물체가 정상적으로 생장하고 화아분화 가 이루어졌지만, 8시간 처리구는 12시간 이상의 처리구에 비 해 화아분화가 더디게 일어났다. 반면에 12시간 처리구와 16 시간 처리구는 서로 유의하지 않은 결과를 보였다. 모든 생육 조사 항목에서 16시간 광주기 처리구가 가장 높은 값을 나타 냈으나 지상부의 건물중과 엽면적을 제외한 나머지 항목에서 12시간 처리구와 유의하지 않았다. 실험 결과에 따르면, 8시간 광주기에서도 화아분화가 일어났지만, 화아형성까지의 시 간이 12시간 이상의 광주기일 때보다 더 많이 소요되었으며, 식물체의 생육 또한 12시간 이상의 광주기를 조사받은 식물 체보다 낮게 나타났다. 본 실험에서 에너지 소비량을 고려한 최적의 매리골드 ‘듀란고 레드’의 광주기는 12시간으로 판단 된다.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In compliance with environmental regulations at sea and the introduction of unmanned autonomous ships, electric propulsion ships are garnering significant attention. Induction machines used as propulsion electric motor (PEM) have maintenance advantages, but speed control is very complicated and difficult. One of the most commonly used techniques for speed control is DTC (direct torque control). DTC is simple in the reference frame transformation and the stator flux calculation. Meanwhile, two-level and three-level voltage source inverters (VSI) are predominantly used. The three-level VSI has more flexibility in voltage space vector selection compared to the two-level VSI. In this paper, speed is controlled using the DTC method based on the specifications of the PEM. The speed controller employs a PI controller with anti-windup functionality. In addition, the characteristics of the two-level VSI and three-level VSI are compared under identical conditions. It was confirmed through simulation that proper control of speed and torque has been achieved. In particular, the torque ripple was small and control was possible with a low DC voltage at low speed in the three-level VSI. The study confirmed that the application of DTC, using a three-level VSI, contributes to enhancing the system's response performance.
        2024.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Understanding the behavior of soil under cyclic loading conditions is essential for assessing its response to seismic events and potential liquefaction. This study investigates the effect of non-plastic fines content (FC) on excess pore pressure generation in medium-density sand-silt mixtures subjected to strain-controlled cyclic direct simple shear (CDSS) tests. The investigation is conducted by analyzing excess pore pressure (EPP) ratios and the number of cycles to liquefaction (Ncyc-liq) under varying shear strain levels and FC values. The study uses Jumunjin sand and silica silt with FC values ranging from 0% to 40% and shear strain levels of 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5%, and 1.0%. The findings indicate that the EPP ratio increases rapidly during loading cycles, with higher shear strain levels generating more EPP and requiring fewer cycles to reach liquefaction. At 1.0% and 0.5% shear strain levels, FC has a limited effect on Ncyc-liq. However, at a lower shear strain level of 0.2%, increasing FC from 0 to 10% reduces Ncyc-liq from 42 to 27, and as FC increases further, Ncyc-liq also increases. In summary, this study provides valuable insights into the behavior of soil under cyclic loading conditions. It highlights the significance of shear strain levels and FC values in excess pore pressure generation and liquefaction susceptibility.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study developed an IoT-based agricultural well control system and demonstrated it through a control system in the current state of domestic open-field smart farms where systematic management is insufficient due to the difficulty of collecting accurate data such as agricultural water intake and usage. As a result, it was possible to derive the optimal control system test results according to the watering conditions for each schedule by conducting automatic control focusing on periods when there is no precipitation. This means that irrigation can be carried out smoothly during the time when irrigation is needed to improve crop quality and secure farm income, and as a result, it is possible to systematically manage and operate among demonstration farms connected to irrigation, resulting in a shortage of agricultural water and a resolution of supply imbalances.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For motor controller designers, building a simulation environment is not a difficult process. After verifying the controller by simulation, it is common to select 20kHz for the current control loop, 1kHz for the speed loop, and 100Hz for the position loop when implementing the actual HW embedded system. This is because maximized cycles (20kHz) for each control loop are unnecessary in control theory and are a waste of cost and HW resources. However, in a simulation environment, each loop will often have the same control cycle (20kHz maximum). This is because we think it is unnecessary to reflect this part in the simulation. In this paper, it is shown that the difference in the sampling time of each control loop makes a big difference in the simulation result, and as a solution, it is proposed to apply LPF to the position loop output stage. In the process, the reasons for the differences were analyzed, and the effect of LPF, the reason for application, and the feasibility of implementation were proved by actual software coding.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구에서는 운전 시뮬레이션을 사용하여 자율주행 환경을 구현한 후 3-수준 자율주행 조건에서 자율주행 차량 (automated vehicle: AV)으로부터 운전자에게 전달되는 제어권 인수 요구(takeover request: TOR) 정보의 양상(시각, 청각 및 시각+청각) 및 도로 형태(직선도로와 곡선도로)에 따라 운전자의 제어권 인수 시간(takeover time: TOT) 및 정신적 작업부하(제어권 인수 이후에 운전자들이 경험한 주관적 작업부하와 심장박동수에서의 변화)가 어떻게 차별 화되는지 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 먼저, AV로부터 TOR이 제시된 이후 실험참가자들 이 보인 TOT에 대한 분석 결과, TOR 정보양상의 측면에서는 시각 정보가 가장 빠른 TOT를 이끌어 낸 반면 청각 정보 조건에서 가장 느렸고, 도로 형태 측면에서는 직선도로 조건에 비해 곡선도로 조건에서의 TOT가 유의하게 더 느렸으며, 특히 청각 정보 조건에서 도로 형태에 따른 TOT에서의 차이가 가장 컸다. 둘째, 정신적 작업부하에 대한 분석 결과, TOR 정보가 시각 혹은 시각+청각적으로 제시된 조건에 비해 청각적으로 제시된 조건에서 주관적 작업부 하 측정치와 심장박동수 변화 크기 모두 전반적으로 더 낮았고 특히, 심장박동수 변화의 경우 이러한 경향은 곡선도 로 조건에서만 관찰되었다. 이러한 결과는 TOR 정보의 양상과 도로 형태에 따라 운전자의 TOT와 정신적 작업부하 수준이 달라질 수 있고, 특히 TOT가 빠를수록 정신적 작업부하 수준은 상대적으로 더 높아질 수 있음을 시사한다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Highly safe lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are required for large-scale applications such as electrical vehicles and energy storage systems. A highly stable cathode is essential for the development of safe LIBs. LiFePO4 is one of the most stable cathodes because of its stable structure and strong bonding between P and O. However, it has a lower energy density than lithium transition metal oxides. To investigate the high energy density of phosphate materials, vanadium phosphates were investigated. Vanadium enables multiple redox reactions as well as high redox potentials. LiVPO4O has two redox reactions (V5+/V4+/V3+) but low electrochemical activity. In this study, LiVPO4O is doped with fluorine to improve its electrochemical activity and increase its operational redox potential. With increasing fluorine content in LiVPO4O1-xFx, the local vanadium structure changed as the vanadium oxidation state changed. In addition, the operating potential increased with increasing fluorine content. Thus, it was confirmed that fluorine doping leads to a strong inductive effect and high operating voltage, which helps improve the energy density of the cathode materials.
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