
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 특별히 공동체 기반 계획 과정에 있어서 참여적이고 협력적인 지리시각화의 구현을 보여주는데 목적을 두고있다. 최근의 비평적 시각 방법론(critical visual methodologies), 지리시각화, 그리고 참여GIS(participatory GIS) 연구에서 부각되고 있는 ‘비쥬얼’에 관한 논의, 특히 비쥬얼에 단순한 사실보다 더 큰 가치를 두는 관점에 기반하여, 이 논문은 계획 과정에 있어서 확장된 지리시각화의 활용이 능동적으로 지역주민의 계획 참여와 협력을 도출하게 하고, 또한 주민들이 합의하는 계획안을 표현할 수 있는지를 보여준다. 지리시각화는 지역주민들에게 비평적인 의식을 가짐으로, 그들 지역에 관한 지식을 발견하고 숙고하며, 구상하도록 하는데, 이러한 주민들의 지역지식은(local knowledge) 전형적인 계획과정에서 종종 경시되어 왔다. 지역 참여자들은 다양한 형태의 지리시각화를 통해 어떻게 근린지구에 대한 그들의 이해가 규정, 설명, 상충, 교섭된 후 시각화되는 과정을 보게 된다. 뉴욕주 버펄로시 매스턴 지구 근린단위계획 사례들은 계획 과정속에서 어떻게 이러한 참여적이고 협력적인 성향의 지리시각화가 나타나는지를 실증한다.
        2007.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The rsearch was an establishment of the important green spaces in Jeonju and to present the basic frame of green network. The relationship which leads to the green spaces and traditional cultual district needs the connetion of green corridor. The ecological view is used as the space for the passeuggest a connection on the base of the important green network between the green spaces and buildings as well as streets. Consequently, a creation plans of green spaces are demanded green corridor for the basic frame of green network in the tradional cultural district in Jeonju.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to quantitatively analyze the corresponding residents' benefit to get in the future from the district unit plan of the settlement zone by Cheongju local government. The target districts were selected as Gumdeong-gol district, Juseong district, and Shinmok-gol district, and Hyeonam district which had recently set their district unit plans. Specific targets to be analyzed were some infrastructure including roads, parking lots, parks and others. Using the analysis methods of the Logit model and non-parametric test approach, this study estimated to the average amounts to be willingly paid(WTP) by the residents in targeting settlement zones and tested the reliability of the average amounts of WTP. The results of analysis were as follows. First, it was found that the WTPs for infrastructure under 1st influence area in target districts were estimated as 5,233won for road, 2,826won for parking lot, and 3,705won for park respectively. For the WTPs for infrastructure under 1nd area were estimated as 4,910 won for road, 2,242won for parking lot, and 3,620won for park respectively. Second, as the result of calculating the non-parametric WTP which built the 95% confidence interval, it was found that the all WTPs except the WTP for parking lot were fell into the 95% confidence interval. Third, as the result of calculating yearly total sum of benefits that the residents would get from the 1st influence area and the 2nd influence area, it was found that Gumdeong-gol district were expected to get 62,376,472won-amounted benefits, and Juseong district, and Shinmok-gol district, and Hyeonam district would get 35,0778,016won, 26,886,560won, and 22,252,032won respectively.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to quantitatively analyze the social welfare value given to the designated rural settlement zone by the resident-participated site unit plan that the City of Cheongju is newly attempting to draft. Firstly, the costs and benefits from the site unit planning were estimated. Secondly, through literature review especially focussed on the benefit and cost estimation, on-site questionnaire was designed, and then sample residents of the qualifying sites were asked about their willingness to pay, which could make it possible to estimate the monetary value of its benefits by the contingent valuation method (CVM). Finally, the present value of net benefits (PVNB) was estimated through the derived costs and benefits. As a result of analysis, firstly, the present value of net benefits (PVNB) was found to be 7,641 billion won, which indicated that the implementation of district-unit plan would be able to cause sufficient social welfare value for the effected residents. Secondly, in examining the result of individual average amount for willingness to pay through the CVM, the area that benefited the most was found to be the road improvement. Thirdly, as a result of sensitivity analysis, the parameter with the most effects was the discount rate, which suggested that, in carrying out public projects, excessive market interest rates would not be appropriate.