Objective : Dementia prevention program has been applied in Center for dementia by the occupational therapists. We evaluated the efficacy of this program to the elderly non-demented women in senior citizens center for cognitive, physical function and depression.Methods : We applied this program to women subjects from a senior citizens centers in 12 sessions. Cognitive and physical functions and depression were compared between pre and post-intervention with Korean Mini-Mental State Examination (K-MMSE), Timed-Up and Go test (TUG), One Leg Standing Test (OLST) and Geriatric Depression Scale Short Form-Korea version (GDSSF-K).Results : We enrolled 26 non-dementia women from four senior citizens centers in Seoul Yangcheon-gu. The K-MMSE improved after the dementia prevention program significantly (p=.00). The GDSSF-K was significantly different between pre and post-intervention (p=.02). For physical function, TUG (p=.02) and OLST in opening eyes were significantly improved (respectively, p=.00 in right side, and p=.00 in left side). OLST in closed eyes were tend to be improved after the intervention, however, they were not significantly different.Conclusion : The dementia prevention program of Center for dementia has proved to improve cognitive and physical function and to reduce depression in the non-demented women from senior citizens centers. These findings suggest that the dementia prevention program that has led by occupational therapist in Center for dementia can be applied other setting in a community.
An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is a powered aerial vehicle that does not carry a human operator, uses aerodynamic forces to provide vehicle lift, can fly autonomously or be piloted remotely, can be expendable or recoverable, and can carry a lethal or no
도로 공사나 토지 공사에서 대규모 절성토 개발 시 설계되는 토량이동계획에서 호수나 습지와 같이 이동불가능한 제척지를 고려해 최적 토량이동 경로 계산 알고리즘을 제안한다. 대규모 절성토 내 토량의 이동계획 수립은 운반단가에 많은 영향을 미치므로 사전에 토량이동계획을 수립해야한다. 선형계획법을 이용한 토량이동 최적화에 대한 연구는 있었으나 이동불가능한 제척지에 대한 영역을 고려한 토량이동 최적화에 대한 연구와 시스템 구현은 없었다. 대부분의 경우는 설계자가 제척지를 고려해 수작업으로 토량이동경로를 조정하고 있다. 본 논문에서 제시한 모델은 먼저 제척지 영역을 평면다각형 위상정보로 변환한 후 A*알고리즘을 이용하여 여러 가시점 경로를 계산한다. 이 경로에 선형계획법을 이용하여 토량이동 최적화를 위한 최소비용 경로를 얻는다. 본 논문에서는 최적 토량이동 설계시스템을 실현함으로써 제시한 모델의 타당성을 입증한다.
The large-scale disasters occur to unexpected accidents such as natural disasters(earthquake, typhoon, tsunami, etc.), and human-caused accidents(fire, collapse, terror etc.). Rescue teams perform rescue activities to save many lives in large-scale disaster area. The main purpose of this study is to compose a optimal routing planning for rescue of multiple victims in disaster area. A realistic routing planning with rescue limit time which considers rehabilitation and reconstruction will be suggested in this study. A mathematical programming model and a hybrid genetic algorithm will be suggested to minimize the total spending time. By comparing the result, the suggested algorithm gives a better solution than existing algorithms.
최근 도시기후를 고려한 도시계획이 많은 나라에서 실용화되고 있다. 도시기후의 고려는 주로 도시의 바람 길 조성이라는 개념으로 구체화되고 있다. 도시의 바람 길 조성은 주로 하계에 도시지역의 열적 쾌적성을 개선하는 것을 목표로 한다. 아울러, 과학적 조사에 근거하여 도시의 단지계획을 합리적으로 함으로써 청정한 냉기류의 도심유입을 원활히 하여 도심의 대기오염을 저감하고자 하는 것도 목적으로 한다. 이 연구에서는, 수치실험을 통하여 전형적인 난후기일을 대상으로 대구지역의 국지순환풍이 지나는 바람의 길을 조사하였다. 그리고 이 바람에 의한 대기오염의 수송도 조사하였다. 수치실험에 사용한 모형은 RAMS(지역규모 대기모델)이다. 수치실험의 관심지역은 대구광역시 일대(약900km2)이다. 수평규모는 약 30km이다. 수치실험은 일반풍이 약하고 쾌청한 일기조건을 갖는 늦봄의 기상조건 하에서 수행되었다. 수치실험의 결과 다음과 같은 3가지 결과를 얻었다: (1) 대구의 대표적 산지인 팔공산과 앞산에서 야간에 산정에서 복사냉각으로 생성된 국지풍이 지나는 길을 발견할 수 있었다. 그 바람은 대구의 동쪽 지역에서 중력류의 형태로 계곡을 따라서 흘러내렸다. (2) 평지에서는, 그 바람이 대구의 중심지를 지나 서쪽으로 흘러갔다. (3) 그 결과로, 대기오염물질은 야간에 국지풍에 의해 서쪽지역으로 수송되어졌다.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship of fine dust PM10 and heavy metals in PM10 in Asian dust flowing into Gwangju from 2013 to 2018. The migration pathways of Asian dust was analyzed by backward trajectory analysis using HYSPLIT (Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory) model, and the change of heavy metal concentration and heavy metal content per 1 μg/m3 of fine dust PM10 in Gwangju area were analyzed. Also, the characteristics of the heavy metals were analyzed using the correlation between the heavy metals in PM10. As a result of analyzing Asian dust entering the Gwangju region for 6 years, the average concentration of PM10 measured in Asian dust was 148 μg/m3, which was about 4.5 times higher than in non-Asian dust, 33 μg/m3. A total of 13 Asian dust flowed into the Gwangju during 6 years, and high concentration of PM10 and heavy metals in that were analyzed in the C path flowing through the Gobi/Loess Plateau-Korean Peninsula. As a result of the correlation analysis, in case of Asian dust, there was a high correlation between soil components in heavy metals, so Asian dust seems to have a large external inflow. On the other hand, in case of non-Asian dust, the correlation between find dust PM10 and artificial heavy metal components was high, indicating that the influence of industrial activities in Gwangju area was high.
Obstacle avoidance is one of the most important parts of autonomous mobile robot. In this study, we proposed safe and efficient local path planning of robot for obstacle avoidance. The proposed method detects and tracks obstacles using the 3D depth information of an RGB-D sensor for path prediction. Based on the tracked information of obstacles, the paths of the obstacles are predicted with probability circle-based spatial search (PCSS) method and Gaussian modeling is performed to reduce uncertainty and to create the cost function of caution. The possibility of collision with the robot is considered through the predicted path of the obstacles, and a local path is generated. This enables safe and efficient navigation of the robot. The results in various experiments show that the proposed method enables robots to navigate safely and effectively.
This paper proposes an integrated positioning system to localize a moving object in the shadow-area that exists in the water tank. The new water tank for underwater robots is constructed to evaluate the navigation performance of underwater vehicles. Several sensors are integrated in the water tank to provide the position information of the underwater vehicles. However there are some areas where the vehicle localization becomes very poor since the very limited sensors such as sonar and depth sensors are effective in underwater environment. Also there are many disturbances at sonar data. To reduce these disturbances, an extended Kalman filter has been adopted in this research. To localize the underwater vehicles under the hostile situations, a SVR (Support Vector Regression) has been systematically applied for estimating the position stochastically. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithm (an extended Kalman filter + SVR analysis), a new UI (User Interface) has been developed.
This study was conducted to investigate the correlations between the PM10 concentration trend and meteorological elements in the Gimhae region and analyze the transportation routes of air pollutants through back-trajectory analysis. Among the air quality measuring stations in the Gimhae regions, the PM10 concentration of the Sambangdong station was higher than that of the Dongsangdong station. Also, an examination of the relationships between PM10 concentration and meteorological elements showed that the greater the number of yellow dust occurrence days was and the lower the temperature and precipitation were, the higher the PM10 concentration appeared. Furthermore, a cluster analysis through the HYSPLIT model showed that there were 4 clusters of trajectories that flowed into the Gimhae region and most of them originated in China. The meteorological characteristics of the four clusters were analyzed and they were similar to those of the air masses that influence South Korea. These analyses found that meteorological conditions affect the PM10 concentration.
In urban area, thermal pollution associated with heat island phenomena is generally regarded to make urban life uncomfortable. To overcome this urban thermal pollution problem, urban planning with consideration of urban climate, represented by the concept of urban ventilation lane, is widely practiced in many countries.
In this study, the prevailing wind ventilation lane of a local winds in Daegu during the warm climate season was investigated by using surface wind data and RAMS(Reasonal Atmospheric Model System) simulation. The domain of interest is the vicinity of Daegu metropolitan city(about 900) and its horizontal scale is about 30km. The simulations were conducted under the synoptic condition of late spring with the weak gradient wind and mostly clear sky. From the numerical simulations, the following two major conclusions were obtained: (1)The major wind passages of the local circulation wind generated by radiative cooling over the mountains(Mt. Palgong and Mt. Ap) are found. The winds blow down along the valley axis over the eastern part of the Daegu area as a gravity flow during nighttime. (2)After that time, the winds blow toward the western part of Daegu through the city center. As the result, the higher temperature region appears over the western part of Daegu metropolitan area.