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        검색결과 52

        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, numerical simulations were conducted to secure both flow distribution and uniform flow discharge through a wall mount type air sterilizer. In order to increase the reliability of the simulation results where there is no well-known validation case for air sterilizer, mesh sensitivity study was performed under the constraint that y+ set to one for k-w SST turbulent modeling for both the air sterilizer and the fan. The installation of various guides and structures was reviewed in the point of flow distribution and pressure drop inside the sterilizer, and the exhaust pressure conditions were predicted to secure uniform flow discharge at outlets. This study has been done based on the computational analysis during the development stage of the air sterilizer, and the results will be verified through physical testing after production of prototype.
        2022.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Generally, Au electrodes are the preferred top metal electrodes in most perovskite solar cells (PSCs) because of their appropriate work function for hole transportation and their resistance to metal-halide formation. However, for the commercialization of PSCs, the development of alternative metal electrodes for Au is essential to decrease their fabrication cost. Ag electrodes are considered one of the most suitable alternatives for Au electrodes because they are relatively cheaper and can provide the necessary stability for oxidation. However, Ag electrodes require an aging-induced recovery process and react with halides from perovskite layers. Herein, we propose a bilayer Au/Ag electrode to overcome the limitations of single Au and Ag metal electrodes. The performance of PSCs based on bilayer electrodes is comparable to that of PSCs with Au electrodes. Furthermore, by using the bilayer electrode, we can eliminate the aging process, normally an essential process for Ag electrodes. This study not only demonstrates an effective method to substitute for expensive Au electrodes but also provides a possibility to overcome the limitations of Ag electrodes.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the analysis of the unsteady viscous flow field using the uRANS equation in a moving mesh was studied. The simulation domain is composed of an overset zone fixed to a propeller and rotating at a constant angular speed and a far zone which is located in the far distance and does not move. Each zone is composed of a polyhedral meshes for the accurate and robust gradient calculation in addition to the reduction of computation time. Simulation technique was applied to the aerodynamic analysis of the 5-inch propeller and compared with those of the MRF and the thrust test. The thrust predicted by the moving mesh showed good correlation with the MRF result within 0.5% difference, but the torque showed a tendency to under-prediction by about 10% compared to the MRF. In the future, we plan to further validate the numerical analysis technique using the moving mesh by applying it to the configurations in which precise test results exist.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 대학생을 대상으로 진행된 코칭 프로그램과 코칭 교과목 운영 효과를 밝히고, 그 결과를 바탕으로 대학생 진로지도를 위한 커리어코칭 시스템을 제안하는 것이다. 이를 위해 2010년∼2014년 동안 12차례에 걸쳐 진행된 코칭 프로그램에 참가하거나 코칭 교과목을 수강한 대학생 669명을 대상으로 현장실험설계와 질적 연구를 병행했다. 먼저, 코칭 효과를 분석하기 위한 현장실험설계에서는 연구대상자를 실험집단과 통제집단으로 나누고, 실험집단에 속한 대학생들에게는 코칭 강의와 코칭을 병행하여 진행했다. 그리고 코칭 전후에 자기효능감, 진로준비행동, 진로성숙도, 가족관계, 시간관리행동, 감성지능, 커뮤니케이션 역량 및 진로결정 자기효능감 검사를 진행했고, 학점을 조사했다. 두 집단의 코칭 전후 차이를 비교하기 위해 IBM SPSS 22.0 프로그램을 활용하여 수집된 자료를 분석했다. 한편, 양적 연구의 한계를 보완하기 위해 대학생들이 코칭을 받은 후에 작성하여 제출한 소감문과 보충면접 내용을 분석했다. 그 결과, 코칭을 진행한 후에 대학생의 자기효능감, 진로준비행동, 진로성숙도, 가족관계, 시간관리행동, 감성지능, 커뮤니케이션 역량 및 진로결정 자기효능감 수준이 통계적으로 유의미하게 향상된 것으로 밝혀졌다. 이것은 코칭이 대학생 진로지도와 일상생활의 긍정적인 변화에 유용하게 활용될 수 있는 인적 서비스임을 의미한다. 그리고 연구결과를 바탕으로 대학생 진로지도 등에 효과적으로 활용할 수 있는 대학생 커리어코칭 시스템(3C·A·N 모델)을 제안했다.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        62세 여자가 약 7-10일간의 발열과 심와부 복통 및 오한으로 내원하여 단순한 급성 담석성 담낭염으로 진단받고 적극적인 시술과 약물치료를 받았으나, 임상경과가 호전되지 않고 비장경색의 합병증이 동반되어 추가 시행한 검사에서 삼일열 말라리아로 확진 받았다. 이후 절제된 담낭의 염증 소견은 말라리아 관련 급성 담낭염 소견을 시사하였다. 따라서 단순 급성 담석성 담낭염이라 하더라도 임상양상이 통상적인 회복소견을 보이지 않을 경우 다른 전신 질환에 합병된 담낭염의 가능성을 적극 고려해 보아야 한다.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is a powered aerial vehicle that does not carry a human operator, uses aerodynamic forces to provide vehicle lift, can fly autonomously or be piloted remotely, can be expendable or recoverable, and can carry a lethal or no
        2010.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Abstract 1. 서론 2. 연구방법 3. 사고현황 및 특성 3.1 고령운전자의 교차로 교통사고 3.2 신호기 운영방법 및 작동상태에 따른 사고 특성 3.3 차로폭에 따른 사고 특성 4. 결론 5. 참고문헌
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The large-scale disasters occur to unexpected accidents such as natural disasters(earthquake, typhoon, tsunami, etc.), and human-caused accidents(fire, collapse, terror etc.). Rescue teams perform rescue activities to save many lives in large-scale disaster area. The main purpose of this study is to compose a optimal routing planning for rescue of multiple victims in disaster area. A realistic routing planning with rescue limit time which considers rehabilitation and reconstruction will be suggested in this study. A mathematical programming model and a hybrid genetic algorithm will be suggested to minimize the total spending time. By comparing the result, the suggested algorithm gives a better solution than existing algorithms.
        2001.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        80년대 골드랫 박사에 의해 이론이 소개된 이후, 북미와 유럽 지역에서 많은 학자와 기업가들에 의해 연구, 현장에 적용되면서 오늘날 경영혁신 기법들을 주도하는 이론으로 자리잡은 제약이론(Theory of Constraints)은 최근에야 비로소 국내에 소개되고 있는 실정이다. 하지만 소개된 대부분의 연구가 TOC를 구성하는 여러 엔진 중 DBR에 국한된 것들이며, DBR 스케줄링 역시 아직은 이론적 연구에 그치고 있다. 본 연구에서는 기존의 여러 DBR 스케줄링 연구에서 보여진 한계, 즉 제약자원을 선정하는 데 있어, 자원이 가진 부하비율(부하/능력)만을 선정의 기준으로 고려하는 것에서 벗어나 실제 생산현장에 존재할 수 있는 여러 요소를 고려한 스케줄링 방법을 제시하였다. 각 제약자원들의 중요도를 고려하는데 있어서, 객관적 요소와 주관적 요소를 분류한 후 여러 전문가가 각각의 주관적 요소에 부여된 값을 다구찌 기법에서 이용하는 SN비로 계산하고 그 값들을 정규화 하였고, 주관적 요소와 객관적 요소를 위한 가중치 또한 SN비로 계산하고 그 값들을 정규화하는 방법을 제시하였다. 이 방법은 여러 요소들을 고려한 제약자원의 결정에 있어서 다른 요소들에 대한 다수의 전문가의 의견 통합을 시도하였고, 동시에 제약자원 결정에 있어서 임의의 요소에 전문가들이 부여한 값들의 평균이 크고 그 값들이 차이가 적은 즉, 거의 일치한 평가를 내리는 자원을 제약으로 선정하고 스케줄링하는 방법을 시도하였다.
        2014.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        There have been a lot of efforts to increase recycling rate by more utilization of end of life vehicles (ELVs) in Korea.The target of recycling rate was set to 85% until 2014 and 95% after 2015 with including up to 10% of energy recovery,according to the law of “regulation about resource recycling of electrical and electronic products and automobiles”.Therefore, to achieve 95% of recycling rate by the year of 2015, the automobile and recycling industries should developan innovative technology to treat automobile shredder residues (ASRs) by efficient means of reduction or conversion toenergy, which were generated as final left-over after recovering all the valuables from ELVs. As one of the options toconvert to energy forms, the gasification of them was proposed. In this study the gasification experiment was performedusing ASRs at fixed-bed reactor with a capacity of 1kg/hr, at different temperatures of 800, 1,000 and 1,200oC, and atequivalence air ratios ranging from 0.1 to 0.5. The syngas (H2+CO) yield from ASR gasification experiment was obtainedup to 86% in maximum and about 40% in minimum in the experimental conditions given. There was a trend that theamount of syngas increased with elevated temperatures and the calorific value also showed similar trend with syngasproduction.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper analyzed thermal and carbonization properties of sewage sludge in fixed bed reactor and obtained following results. The heavy metal (Pb, Ni, Mn, Cr, Cu) content of Char showed the highest level at unprocessed sewage sludge, followed by carbonized sludge at 600, 400, and 500oC. It was thought to be mainly due to the yield of char rather than the influence of temperature. Also, the migration-test results of heavy metals satisfied the landfill directive in all samples, which may be possible to use it as landfill cover materials. The concentration of dioxin by changes of pyrolysis temperature was higher in the low temperature conditions and the proportion of PCDDs was higher than that of PCDFs.
        2013.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In sexually reproducing animals, primordial germ cells (PGCs) are often set aside early in embryogenesis, a strategy which minimizes the risk of genomic damage associated with replication and mitosis during the cell cycle. Here, we have used germ line markers (piwi, vasa and nanos) and micro-injected cell lineage tracers to show that PGC specification in the leech genus Helobdella follows a different scenario: in this hermaphrodite, the male and female PGCs segregate from somatic lineages only after more than 20 rounds of zygotic mitosis; the male and female PGCs share the same (mesodermal) cell lineage for 19 rounds of zygotic mitosis. Moreover, while all three markers are expressed in both male and female reproductive tissues of the adult, they are expressed differentially between the male and female PGCs of the developing embryo: piwi and vasa are expressed preferentially in female PGCs at a time when nanos is expressed preferentially in male PGCs. A priori, the delayed segregation of male and female PGCs from somatic tissues and from one another increases the probability of mutations affecting both male and female PGCs of a given individual. We speculate that this suite of features, combined with a capacity for selffertilization, may contribute to the dramatically rearranged genome of Helobdella robusta relative to various other animals.
        2013.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        According to the statistics of the Ministry of Environment, the emission of sewage sludge is increased by 7 ~ 9% yearly. In the future, it will be increased continuously because of extension of sewage disposal plants, high class treatment for removing nitrogen and phosphorus. The objective of this study is to examine the possibility of the carbonization of the sewage sludge by pyrolysis. The pyrolysis behavior of the sewage sludge was investigated by the thermogravimetric analysis as a function of heating rate. In the pyrolysis studies measurements in weight loss was made and reported as a function of test temperature. To minimize energy consumption used for drying sewage sludge, naturally dried sludge were applied evaluate characteristics of thermal and carbonization treatment using a fixed-bed reactor. The most effective treatment temperature of carbonized material production was 400oC. The temperature of highest total yield of char and oil was 500oC. In the pyrolysis studies measurements in weight loss was made and reported as a function of test temperature. According to the result, the optimum pyrolysis temperature of sewage sludge were found to be ranged from 100oC to 600oC, respectively. About 91% of pyrolysis was completed between 100oC and 600oC. If applying the carbonization, it can be easily utilized as the replaced resource of energy(fuel) in the countries whose energy resources are insufficient, like our country.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently, the recycling of end-of-life vehicles is becoming increasingly interesting for less waste discharge and recovering useful materials such as valuable metals. Hence, in Korea, the target of the recycling rate is made to 85% until 2014 (energy recovery within 5%) and the recycling rate to 95% after 2015 (energy recovery within 10%) according to the law of "regulation about resource recycling of electrical and electronic products and automobiles". However, the recycling rate is around 84% in 2010, and registered numbers of shredder residue recyclers among dismantling recyclers, crushing recyclers, shredder residue recyclers, and waste gases recyclers are very few. In order to meet the goal of 85% until 2014, Korean recycling industry of ASR should grow bigger and innovative recycling technologies have to be developed as well. In the meantime, a recycling technology of automobile shredder residue is developed in the present study, in which ASR is introduced to a copper smelting process. This process is very promising because of co-beneficial effects such as recovering copper and process heat simultaneously from ASR. In this study, lab-scale melting furnace was developed and melting tests for various ASR were carried out. From the results, the physicochemical characteristics of Korean ASR were analyzed and its melting behavior was investigated for the application to the copper smelting process. In particular, melted slag products were fabricated at different melting temperatures. Then, the basicity and pouring index in the lab-scale melting furnace were examined to find out appropriate operating conditions for the melting process. As a result, Because the amount of lump coal that included in existing process samples is a little, melting state and value of pouring index are very similar to existing process samples. In result of this experiment, in case of changing lump coal to ASR, The existing copper smelting facilities, if basicity and melting temperature are well controlled, flow of melting material is considered that is almost not affected.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Gasification, one of the thermo-chemical conversion technologies, has been known and researched for the conversion of low graded solid feedstock to gaseous form of fuel. Gasification for obtaining high-valued combustible gas such as hydrogen and carbon monoxide has been focused again due to high oil price with needs of alternative energy. And the gaseous product, known as synthesis gas (syngas) can be effectively utilized in a variety of ways ranging from electricity production to chemical industry. Gasification and melting processes are also operated at high temperatures with the destruction of hazardous components and production of gases, mainly CO and H2, which can be utilized as fuel gas or raw chemicals after cleaning. In this study, sawdust was experimented on in a lab-scale gasification process in order to characterize the gaseous products. At isothermal conditions at a fixed temperatures (800, 1000, 1200oC), the concentrations of CO, H2 and CH4 increased but CO2 and N2 decreased with lower equivalent ratio (ER). C2H6 concentration was varying and not depending upon ER. Carbon conversion efficiency, gas and tar yields increased with increasing ERs. Tar yield was related to carbon conversion efficiency and gas yield.
        2013.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Consumers increasingly prefer HDTV (high definition television), including LCD (liquid crystal display), LED (light emitting diode), and plasma TVs (television), and existing analog TV broadcasting system will be switched to digital broadcasting at the end of 2012 in Korea. Even for computer monitors, CRT (cathode-ray tube) monitors are no longer preferred because of customers’ increasing desire for thinner and lighter monitors and mobile computers. It is anticipated that these shifts will lead to a dramatic increase in disposal of analog TV sets. In 2012, it is estimated that about 117 thousand tons of CRT glass waste will be generated in Korea. CRT glass waste is not only Korea’s problem but also global issue, which needs worldwide attentions and policies for conserving useful resources and preventing groundwater pollution from heavy metals contained in CRT glass waste in case of landfill. It is important to develop BATs (best available technologies) to recycle CRT glass waste properly in short times. Therefore, in this study recycling possibility of CRT class was evaluated for the clay brick including powder of CRT glass of after crushing. Compressible strength and absorption factor of fabricated sample clay bricks were measured and observed whether they could satisfy the Korean Industrial Standard to use as normal bricks or not. The clay bricks containing under 5% of CRT panel glass powders were found to show enough quality as bricks, therefore the recycling of CRT cullet as materials of clay bricks could be utilized as one of the options.
        2013.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Expanding economic growth, the increased and shortened of electronic products rapidly last a couple of decades in Korea. Furthermore, as converting to digital broadcasting system, the amount of discarded analog type TV containing cathode ray tube(CRT) glasses are increasing significantly. Accordingly, since there is no demand for CRT glass anymore, it is very important to find out how to recycle a waste CRT glass. The research was carried out to investigate the best available technologies for recycling waste CRT glass. Primary feasibility studies to find the appropriate technologies were performed in advance and then the use as aggregates of cement bricks was found as a simple and economic way of recycling CRT panel glass cullet. Based on the selection of proper technology, which is the aggregate of cement bricks fabrication using CRT glass crushed, the evaluation of recyclability were made by replacing CRT glass particles to aggregates in the mixture of cement bricks. Up to 50% of sand or stone powder was replaced and the bricks with CRT glasses were manufactured and tested in their qualities as concrete bricks. The bricks including 20 to 30% of CRT particles instead sand or stone powder were good enough to meet the standard in bending strength and absorption rate.
        2012.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As increasing incidents of FMD (Foot and Mouth Disease) in recent years, the country has struggled with huge economic losses and environmental problems. Because of relying only on the burial method according to domestic condition, it needs to consider the alternative measure such as the incineration with being no secondary environmental pollution. In addition, such FMD and AI (Avian Influenza) as classifying in the first-class malignant diseases are very important to be ready with rapidly initial response because of the fact being quickly spreaded with high infection speed. Accordingly, a favorable initial response by the introduction of mobile incinerators has been forced to consider. In this study, it analyzed and compared the existing disposal regulations and methods of carcasses to establish the reasonableness about introducing an incineration technology. In addition, domestic and international disposal status was compared as investigating regulations or disposal law, guidelines of livestock in major developed countries. To introduce the mobile incineration facilities in domestic, it is surveyed international examples and related regulations of using and developing mobile incinerators. The results of study could be used as basic information to design and utilize a mobile incineration process for slaughter animals by deceases.
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