교량의 교각 설계시에는 설계기준에 의거하여 차량의 충돌에 대비한 적절한 방호시설 등이 고려되고 있으나, 지하차도의 기둥 설계시에는 차량의 충돌과 관련된 규정이 없다. 또한 지하차도의 기둥은 상대적으로 폭이나 두께가 작아서 차량의 충돌에 의하여 큰 손상이 발생할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 지하차도 기둥에 대한 충돌해석을 통하여 차량의 충돌에 의한 구조물의 손상을 평가하였다. 충돌해석에서는 지하차도 기둥의 물성과 형태 그리고 차량의 속도와 종류 등이 매개변수로 고려되었다. 수치해석 결과 지하차도 기둥이 심하게 손상되는 경우가 있었으며 따라서 지하차도의 기둥 설계시에는 차량 충돌에 대한 적절한 고려가 필요하다.
Recently imported vehicles are increasing rapidly and related vehicle accidents have also increased. In addition, the number of accident in 2010 was approximately 205,000 cases, about 6,000 billion to repair the vehicle accident was paid. RCAR low-speed crash tests to calculate the imported car insurance repairs, domestic cars and imported car repairs were compared. Average repair cost 2,920,000 won in domestic cars and imported cars are 14,570,000 won, imported cars were approximately five times higher than domestic cars. The results of comparing the total repair cost, imported vehicle repairs to the front of the T-car was the highest, rear repairs to the C-car was the highest. New car value for repairs, parts price, damage in terms of imported cars were higher than that of the domestic cars. In order to avoid the social costs of spending, calculated based on proper repairs on imported vehicles, improvement of excessively high parts prices and the repairman cost are needed.
In this paper, the analysis of impact damage behavior of a reinforced concrete structure that undergoes both a shock impulsive loading and an impact loading due to the air blast induced from an explosion is performed. Firstly, a pair of multiple loadings are selected from the scenario that an imaginary explosion accident is assumed. The RC structures strengthened with advanced composite materials (ACM) are considered as a scheme for retrofitting RC wall structures subjected to multiple explosive loadings and then the evaluation of the resistant performance against them is presented in comparison with the result of the evaluation of a RC structure without a retrofit. Also, in order to derive the result of the analysis similar to that of real explosion experiments, which require the vast investment and expense for facilities, the constitutive equation and the equation of state (EOS) which can describe the real impact and shock phenomena accurately are included with them. In addition, the numerical simulations of two concrete structures are achieved using AUTODYN-3D, an explicit analysis program, in order to prove the retrofit performance of a ACM-strengthened RC wall structure.
In this study, we proposed a modified design equation for SC walls subjected to local impact load based on a series of experimental studies on the impact resistance of SC walls. Then, the results of the modified design equation was evaluated and verified based on the extensive experimental test data as well as numerical parametric analysis data. Finally we confirmed that the modified design equation provided reasonable results.
In this study, the investigation of the local damage evaluation method for the SC structure subjected to impact load was carried out. The conventional RC formula and SC formula to calculate wall thickness to prevent perforation were studied and compared. Finally, these results were compared with finite element analysis results using LS-Dyna, and the future direction to develop the reasonable local damage evaluation method of the NPP SC structure was suggested.