산업화로 인한 급격한 도시화와 인구의 증가는 필연적으로 도시의 확장을 초래하였으며 이는 자연성의 감소로 이어져 생태계 선순환의 가장 큰 위협요소로 다가오고 있다. 이러한 생태계의 위기는 인류의 위기를 동반할 것이라는 공통된 인식의 확장으로 세계 각국은 ESI, EPI, SDI 등 범 국가적인 환경지표 이외에 한 국가 단위나 지방자치단체 단위, 또는 개인단위의 환경소비량을 측정하여 각 지역 간의 비교, 또는 개인의 적정한 소비수준을 지표로서 나타내는 연구들이 수행되고 있다. 이러한 배경으로 본 연구는 경상북도지역 23개 지방자치단체별로 환경용량을 추정하고자 수행 되었다. EF지수의 추정 결과 경상북도지역민 1인당 생활에 필요한 EF지수값은 0.9534를 나타내고 있었으며 생태수용력을 고려한 생태적자 분석에서 25.3%의 적자를 보이는 것으로 추정하였다. 또한 경상북도지역 지방자치단체별 EF지수분석에서 EF지수가 가장 높은 지역은 영덕군이며 가장 낮은 지역은 울릉군이었다. 하지만 각 지역의 생태수용력을 고려한 생태적자분석에서 생태적자가 가장 심한 지역은 구미시이며 생태수용력이 가장 큰 지역은 영양군으로 나타났다. 본 연구로 추정된 환경용량은 각 경상북도 지방자치단체별 생태수용력과 생태적자 규모를 수치로 나타낸 것이다. 추정된 각 지방자치단체별 적정 환경용량은 환경의 보존과 적절한 개발의 규모를 제시해 주고 더 나아가서는 개발시설, 또는 보존지역의 위치를 선정할 경우 각 지방자치 단체 소속 구성원들을 설득하기 위한 기초적인 자료로 사용될 수 있을 것이다.
공학 및 과학문제 해석을 위해 적용되는 전산 시뮬레이션은 다양한 변수 혹은 데이터의 변화를 통해 다수의 작업을 생성하고 계산함과 동시에, 생성된 결과를 비교 분석하기 위한 필수적인 기법이다. 본 연구에서는 그리드 컴퓨팅을 활용하여 웹상에서 대용량의 전산 시뮬레이션이 가능한 시스템을 개발하고, 이를 이용한 2가지 실제 응용사례를 제시한다. 첫 번째 응용사례는 e-AIRS(Aerospace Integrated Research Environment)라 명명된 연구포탈이다 e-AIRS는 수치해석 연구자가 대규모의 전산 해석을 실시하고, 실험 연구자가 원격지에서 실험을 요청하고 그 결과를 모니터링 할 수 있는 e-Science 연구환경을 제공한다. 두 번째 응용사례는 대규모 계산환경을 이용한 단백질 구조설계를 제시한다. 제안된 계산환경을 이용하여 생성된 단백질 전산 예측구조와 자연상태 구조를 비교하고, 제안된 계산환경의 유용성을 검토한다.
가막만 양식 참굴의 정장양상을 모델화 하기 위해 1997년 3월부터 1998년 5월가지 양식장에서 무작위 채집된 총 9,208개체의 각장 및 습중량을 조사하였으며, 참굴 양식장의 환경용량을 추정하기 위하여 1985년부터 2000년까지의 단위면적 당 생산량과 시설대수를 조사하였다. 참굴의 성장모델 추정에는 Bertalanlffy 성장식, 계절변동을 고려한 Bertalanffy 성장식과 일반화된 Schnute and Richards 성장식이 사용되었고, 환
This study aims to implement the modeling of selected substances for the evaluation of Atmospheric Environmental Capacity by means of the data of 2006 atmospheric pollution substance emissions. As a result, it turned out that the substance with the concentration higher than Atmospheric Environmental standard concentration was NO2, and 17.6% of the total regions researched turned out to exceed the standard concentration.
In addition, set was the targeted amount to be reduced in the areas where the upper limit of emission per unit lattice was exceeded, and the model was adopted accordingly. As a result, it turned out that about 80% of the actual emission should be reduced to meet the 2006 Atmospheric Environmental standard over the Daegu. In reality, it is impossible to reduce 80% of the actual emission. Thus, the same ratio of reduction was applied in all of the Daegu regions, and the modeling was applied. The results are as follows: When 30% was reduced, the level went down to 50 ppb, which is as high as 2006 Atmospheric Environmental standard; when 50% was reduced, the level went down to 30 ppb, which is as high as 2007 Atmospheric Environmental standard.
The mechanism of water pollution in Lake Shihwa, one of highly eutrophicated artificial lakes in Korea, has been studied using a numerical 3D physical-biochemical coupled model. In this study, the model was applied to estimate the contribution of land-based pollutant load to water quality of heavily polluted Lake Shihwa. The chemical oxygen demand(COD) was adopted as an index of the lake water quality, and the spatial distribution of an average COD concentration during the summer from 1999 to 2000 was simulated by the model. The simulated COD showed a good agreement with the observed data. According to reproducibility of COD, the highest levels between 8 and 9 mg/L were shown at the inner site of the lake with inflow of many rivers and ditches, while the lowest was found to be about 5 mg/L at the southwestern site near to dike gate. In the prediction of water quality of Lake Shihwa, COD showed still higher levels than 3 mg/L in case of reduction of 95% for land-based pollutant load. This suggests that the curtailment of land-based pollutant load is not only sufficient but the improvement of sediment quality or the increase of seawater exchange should be considered together to improve a water quality in Lake Shihwa.
The eco-hydrodynamic model was used to estimate the environmental capacity in Gamak Bay. It is composed of the three-dimensional hydrodynamic model for the simulation of water flow and ecosystem model for the simulation of phytoplankton. As the results of three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulation, the computed tidal currents are toward the inner part of bay through Yeosu Harbor and the southern mouth of the bay during the flood tide, and being in the opposite direction during the ebb tide. The computed residual currents were dominated southward flow at Yeosu Harbor and sea flow at mouth of bay. The comparison between the simulated and observed tidal ellipses at three station showed fairly good agreement. The distributions of COD in the Gamak bay were simulated and reproduced by an ecosystem model. The simulated results of COD were fairly good coincided with the observed values within relative error of 1.93%, correlation coefficient(r) of 0.88. In order to estimate the environmental capacity in Gamak bay, the simulations were performed by controlling quantitatively the pollution loads with an ecosystem model. In case the pollution loads including streams become 10 times as high as the present loads, the results showed the concentration of COD to be 1.33~4.74㎎/ℓ(mean 2.28㎎/ℓ), which is the third class criterion of Korean standards for marine water quality. In case the pollution loads including streams become 30 times as high as the present loads, the results showed the concentration of COD to be 1.38~7.87㎎/ℓ(mean 2.97㎎/ℓ), which is the third class criterion of Korean standards for marine water quality. In case the pollution loads including streams become 50 times as high as the present loads, the results showed the concentration of COD to be 1.44~9.80㎎/ℓ(mean 3.56㎎/ℓ), which is the third class criterion of Korean standards for marine water quality.