담배가루이 방제는 대부분 화학적 방제에 의존하므로 약제저항성 증가가 야기되므로, 트랩식물을 이용한 대체 방제법 개발을 위해 허브식물들에 대한 담배가루이의 기주 선호성을 조사하였다. 완주군에 있는 국립원예특작과 학원 내 토마토온실에서 실험을 진행하였으며, 허브 식물로 레몬밤, 초코민트, 로즈제라늄, 애플제라늄을 지면으로부터 50 cm와 작물 상단부의 30 cm 위치에 각각 설치하여 담배가루이 밀도를 조사하였다. 허브식물의 설치 위치별 담배가루이 밀도를 각각 조사한 결과 레몬밤이 설치된 곳에서 높았으며 로즈제라늄과 애플제라늄은 오히려 기피하는 것으로 나타났다. 이 결과는 유인제, 기피제 및 트랩 식물을 포함한 허브 식물을 사용하는 담배가루이의 대체 방제법 개발에 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다.
In order to develop the substitutive materials for natural baits of swimming crab pots, the attracting effects of swimming crab such as the preference of baits which were made of the by-products of marine and stock raising through the water tank experiments and fishing experiments. On the investigation of mean entrapped catch number to the pot by the baits after putting the 4 kinds of baits, mackerel(M), mackerel with grinded mackerel s internals(MMI), mackerel with tuna s internalsMMI) and makerel with grinded krill(MK) each in one pot by turns, MMI and MK were entrapped mean 3.9(13.0%) and they were a little more comparing to M, and MTI is least with mean 2.1(7.0%)(F=12.913, P 〈 0.05). Otherwise, on the preference investigation of swimming crabs by the baits after putting the 4 kinds of baits in the 4 pots each, M was entrapped mean 3.0(10%), but MMI, MTI and MK were mean 1.2(4.0%), 1.0(3.3%) and 1.5(5.0%) each and they were only 30-50% of M(F=13.398, P 〈 0.05). On the preference investigation of swimming crabs by the 5 kinds of baits, mackerel(M), and krill(K), manila clam(MC), pig s fat(PF) and chicken s head(CH) which were used in substitutive baits, M was entrapped mean 3.2(10.7%), but K was about 50% of catch of M with mean 1.6(5.3%), and MC, PF and CH were very few with mean 0.1-0.2(0.3-0.7%)(F=89.186, P 〈 0.05). On the preference investigation of swimming crabs by the pots which were put each the 3 kinds of baits, original krill(K), grinded krill with gluten and soybean oil cake(KGGS) and grinded krill with gluten, soybean oil cake and glycine(KGGSGL) in the blue fluorescent hexahedral plastic bait cages(BF), and which were put the mackerel(M) in the non-fluorescent hexahedral red plastic bait cage(RFN), it was entrapped mean 3.0(10.0%) in the pot which was put the mackerel in the RFN, and the same level in the pots which were put the K and KGGSGL in the BF, but it was mean 2.0(6.7%) in the pots which was put the KGGS in BF and it was decreased by 30% of catch comparing to RFN(F=3.750, P 〈 0.05). On the preference investigation of swimming crab by the pots which was put grinded tuna with gluten, soybean oil cake and glycine(TIGSGL) in the blue fluorescent hexahedral plastic bait cage(BF), and which was put mackerel(M) in the nonfluorescent hexahedral red plastic bait cage(RFN), it was entrapped mean 3.3(11.0%) in the pot which was put mackerel in RFN, and mean 2.7(9.0%) in the pot which was put TIGSGL in BF and it was about 15% less comparing to use bait M(t=1.387, P 〈 0.05). As a results of fishing experiments, a plan for enhancing catching efficiency of TIGSGL will be required because catching efficiency of TIGSGL, alternative bait, was half of fish catching efficiency of natural bait using mackerel. Fishing experiments were conducted 3 times using reinforced substitutive artificial bait that is reinforced attractive effect of TIGSGL and composed of tuna intestine, grinded mackerel, gluten, soybean cake, glycine and alanine(TIMGGSGLA). Catching efficiency of TIMGGSGLA was about 80% of that of natural bait made of mackerel.
In order to develop the artificial bait of trap for swimming crabs, the attracting effect was analyzed in the duration time of attracting effect, preference and shape recognition to the bait in the water tank and field experiments. According to the result which investigated the mean entrapped number of swimming crabs into the trap for each bait(mackerel, sardine and anchovy) in water tank experiments, the mean entrapped number was found to be higher in the trap with mackerel(6.9 ind.; 23.0%) than in other traps with sardine(5.2 ind.; 17.3%) and anchovy(3.4 ind.; 11.3%). In addition, the mean entrapped ratios of swimming crabs into the traps for 3 kinds of baits were estimated to be over 80% all in 5 hours after soaked in the water tank. For preference of swimming crabs to 3 kinds of baits, the trap with mackerel(6.9 ind.; 23.0%) was evaluated to be higher than the traps with sardine(2.8 ind.; 9.3%) and anchovy(0.2 ind.; 0.7%). In the field experiments, the mean entrapped number of swimming crabs into the trap with mackerel and sardine were found to be similar as 120 and 118 ind., but the trap with anchovy was only 85 ind.. According to the result which investigated the shape regnition of swimming crabs to the bait used mackerel, divided into 8 pieces, 16 pieces and grinded mass in water tank experiments, the mean entrapped number of swimming crabs into the traps that includes the mackerel divided into several pieces was significantly decreased. Moreover, by the presence of skin of mackerel for bait, there was a great difference in the entrapped number of swimming crabs. Therefore, it was thought that the swimming crab was attracted to the bait and entrapped into the trap would indicate that not only the chemical stimuli such as the attactant, but also the visual stimuli such as the shape recognition to the bait might be closely related.
For the purpose of leading horse mackerel Trachurus japonicus schools, mackerel Scomber japonicus schools and arrow squid Todarodes pacificus schools, which migrate to the Cheju coast and are caught by the set-net, to the set-net by attracting lamps, we made five attracting lamps and took a practical experiment in the Gwiduk and Dongbuk set-net fishing ground. In the set-net with two bag-nets, we compared the amount of catch of both bag-nets by the means of switching on and off the each attracting lamps in order, switching off the attracting lamps in order which had been switched on and moving an attracting lamp.In the bag-net with an attracting lamp, horse mackerel, mackerel and arrow squid were caught the most, on the other hand, yellow tail Seriola quinqueradiata, striped mullet Mugil cephalus were caught in large quantities in the bag-net without attracting lamp. File fish Stephanolepis cirrhifer, Dusky spinefoot Siganus fuscescens were caught evenly in both bag-nets regardless of an attracting lamp.This result indicates that the amount of horse mackerel, mackerel, arrow squid can be increased by the use of attracting lamps in the set-net fishing method.
We selected horse mackerel Trachurus japonicus, mackerel Scomber japonicus and arrow squid Todarodes pacificus, to use in the experiment. These fishes migrate to the Cheju coast and were caught by set-net. We studied the leading effect on the fish schools using the attracting lamps in an outdoor water tank at the Marine Research Institute in Cheju National University. The results obtained are summarized as follows; 1. The attracting rate of fish schools was increasing as the time between switching on and off each lamp was getting longer when each of the attracting lamps was switched on and off in order. However, the attracting rate of mackerel school showed a tendency to be higher than that of the other two species. 2. The attracting rate of fish schools was increasing as the time of switching off the lamps was getting longer when the attracting lamps which had been switched on were switched off in order. However, the attracting rate of mackerel school showed a tendency to be higher than that of the other two species. 3. The attracting rate of fish schools was decreasing as the speed of moving the attracting lamp was getting faster when the attracting lamp was moving. However, the attracting rate of mackerel school showed a tendency be higher than that of the other two species. 4. To determine the distance between the attracting lamps, there would be two methods. One is switching on and off the attracting lamps in order, and the other is switching off the attracting lamps in order which had been switched on. The methods showed that the attracting rate of fish schools were decreasing as the distance between the attracting lamps were getting longer. However, the attracting rate of mackerel school showed a tendency to be higher than that of the other two species.
제주도 연안 정치망어장에 다량 내유아여 어획되고 있는 전갱이,고등어, 오징어를 실험어로 하여 백열등에 의한 어군의 유집효과와 어군의 유도 효과에 관한 실험을제주대학교 해양연구소 옥외 수조에서 실시한결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 백열등에 대한 전갱이, 고등어, 오징어 어군의 행동은 백열등에 잘 유집되는 경향을 보였으나, 백열등에 대해서 유집하는 적정조도와 반은행동은 어종에 따라 조금씩 다른 경향을 보였다. 2. 유도등을 한 등씩 순차적으로 점등후 소등하는 방법에 의한 전갱이, 고등어, 오징어어군의 행동양식은 어종에 따라서 약간 다르지만, 이들 어군을 목적지까지 유도할 수 있었다. 3. 유도등 3개를 모두 점등한 후 1번 등부터 순차적으로 한 등씩 소등하는 방법에 의한 전갱이, 고등어, 오징어 어군의 행동양식은 어종에 따라서 약간 다르지만, 이들 어군을 목적지까지 유도할 수 있었다. 4. 백열등의 이동에 의한 전갱이, 고등어, 오징어 어군의 행동양식은 어종에 따라서 약간 다르지만, 이들 어군을 목적지까지 유도할 수 있었다.