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        검색결과 8

        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        항공기 연료 결함으로 인한 사고는 CICTT에서 규정하는 사고유형 34개 중 상위 13번째를 차지할 정도로 중요하다. 유통과정과 보관환경 등에 따라 수분이나 오염물질의 유입되어 항공기 사고가 발생하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 장기간 보관 항공유의 물성변화를 확인 하고자 JET A-1 항공유를 금속캔에 보관하여 6개월 이후의 변화를 관찰하였다. 그 결과 장기간 보관된 항공유는 품질기준을 만족하였으 며, 연료유의 안정성도 높은 것으로 확인되었다. 하지만 해양경찰 항공기와 같이 임무의 특성상 항공유를 선박과 육상 저장시설, 유조차 등에 분리하여 보관하고 있는 상황에서는 내외부 환경 변화로 인해 수분이나 오염물질의 유입 가능성이 높다. 또한, 오염물질에 대한 분 석은 현존 검, 증류성상 등으로 분석이 가능하지만 수분의 경우는 국내외 표준과 국내법령에서 물 분리지수를 통한 항공유의 수분 분리 능력을 판단할 뿐 수분함량에 대한 분석이 수행되지 않고 있다. 이에 수분함량에 대한 품질관리 기준을 추가하고 국내외 표준과 법령을 획일화하는 개정을 수행하여 항공 안전성을 확보해야 할 것이다.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The increasing use of ballistic missiles as a means of delivering weapons of mass destruction in the course of military activities constitutes a new threat to civil aviation safety. Ballistic missiles are considered as a new form of offense and defense. These challenges may come in the form of warheads, carried by the missiles, with the possibility to explode at any time in air, or the long ranges of the missiles that bring them close to flight routes, which may endanger civil passengers. The multilateral treaty on ballistic missile prohibition is nonbinding in nature, voluntary and has a limited duration puts civil aviation safety at risk. Therefore, regulating ballistic missile in a binding manner are urgently needed to ensure civil aviation safety.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The major issue in aircraft industry is aviation safety management because of demand improvement and advancement of the aircraft. This study is to assess the risks for aviation safety management using IRPN( importance-risk priority number) which is added to importance coefficient from RPN(risk priority number). In FMEA, RPN requires the factors like the occurrence (O), Severity (S), and Detection (D) of each failure mode to be precisely evaluated. Therefore, the severity and detection is derived by the value from FMEA of expert group based on the Fuzzy theory. The occurrence is calculated from the accident statistics of IATA(international air transport association) database. Particularly, this study introduces importance coefficient to prevent from RPN distortions. It is also derived from FMEA based on the Fuzzy theory. Finally, the critical ranking of risk factors according to I-RPN is compared with the existing research.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Aviation safety is increasingly important to secure the safety of the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF). A critical activity for enhancing aviation safety is to analyze an accident throughly and to identify causes that can explain it reasonably. The results of such a systematic accident investigation can be effectively used for improving information displays, task procedures, and training systems as well as for reorganizing team structure and communication control system. However, the current practice of analyzing aviation accidents in ROKAF is too superficial and simple to diagnose them systematically. Additionally, the current practice does not give a full consideration to human factors that have been identified as main causes of most of the aviation accidents. With this issue in mind, this study aims to suggest a new approach to analyzing aviation accidents related to human factors.The proposed method is developed on the basis of several models and frameworks about system safety, human error, and human-system interaction. Its application to forty-two human factors-related accidents, which have occurred in ROKAF during the last ten years, showed that the proposed method could be a useful tool for analyzing aviation accidents caused by human factors.
        2014.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The goal of this paper is to suggest aircraft maintenance and its improvement for aviation safety. The purpose of aviation safety is to prevent aviation accidents resulting in damage to human life and property. Aviation safety relies heavily on maintenance. Human error is cited as a major causal factor in most aviation mishaps, including maintenance error. Errors can be described as active failures that lead directly to the incident, and latent failures whose presence provokes the active failure. Maintenance errors are parts installed incorrectly, missing parts, and necessary checks not being performed. In comparison to many other threats to aviation safety, the mistakes of an aviation maintenance technician(AMT) can be more difficult to detect. Often times, these mistakes are present but not visible and have the potential to remain latent, affecting the safe operation of aircraft for longer periods of time. State safety programmes is a system of activities for the aim of strengthening the safety and integrated management of the activities of government by standards of the ICAO. In summary, It is necessary to revise regulations on the basis of the aviation practice for aviation safety regulatory requirements. The goverment will eventually need to promulgate fatigue management standsrds for AMT also pay particular attention to the safety and education for small aircraft AMT.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Chicago Convention in 1944 made important contributions to aviation safety improvement, building an aviation safety monitoring system for its signatory countries. As ICAO is now on the verge of changing its supervision system from self-reporting to preventive Continuous Monitoring Approach(CMA) in 2013, we also expect our own safety system to make a progress accordingly. The government is pushing ahead with plans to build an integrated safety management system at government level that satisfies international standards and reflects domestic features. To this end, this report proposes the most effective system-building model, by analyzing the current status of the system that is in use and meets the requirements of international aviation agencies.
        2015.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        긴박하고 최악의 재난현장 상황에서 활동하는 구조인력의 리스크를 최소화하고, 인명구조 등 정확하고 시의적절한 현장상황을 파악하고 분석하는 업무는 중요하다. 최근 세월호 희생자 구난과정에서 제기된 재난 초동대응에서의 첨단 재난장비들의 적시적인 투입과 이를 활용한 과학적인 조사분석, 관련된 체계적인 기술개발의 필요성은 아무리 강조해도 지나치지 않다. 파주, 백령도에서 발견된 북한 무인기 추락사고를 계기로 무인항공기 기술에 대한 대중적인 관심이 높아지고 있고, 운용이 용이하면서도 고화질의 항공촬영까지 가능한 UAV 보급이 보편화되면서 농업, 항공촬영업, 택배 등 물류업 등 공식적인 신고등록 기체수만 240대에 이르고 있다(‘14.4.). 이러한 무인비행장치에 대한 사회적인 관심과 수요가 폭증하면서 국가차원의 항공안전 관리의 필요성이 제기되고 있으며, 이를 강화하는 방향으로 관련 법제도가 개정되어 왔다. 국토부에서는 이미 ‘14년 4월, 관련 항공법 개정을 통해 활용목적, 성능 등을 고혀하여 장치 신고 및 비행허가, 자격증명, 안전성 검사 등 안전관리 기준을 강화하려고 움직이고 있다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 항공안전관리 변화여건에 따라 재난관리 분야에서의 UAV 운용전략을 기술하고 있다. 특히, 재난관리 단계별, 재난 유형별 UAV의 운용가능성을 매트리스 분석기법으로 도출하고, 재난관리에 필요한 UAV 요구성능과 유형별 최적의 플랫폼, 재난용 탑재센서 설계 등 재난관리를 위한 효율적인 UAV 운용방안을 제시하고자 한다.