
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2015.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study numerically investigates buckling behavior of press braked steel plates with a free edge. In order to improve structural stability during construction, the top flanges of press-braked U section girder are laterally braced by the installation of prefabricated half-deck. Thus, an unbraced length is taken as the longitudinal spacing of pockets on the half-deck, which are to make composite section. This study performed 3D finite element analyses to evaluate an equivalent effective width of cold-formed flange with a free edge. Through the parametric numerical analyses, the elastic buckling stresses of the cold-formed flanges with rounded corner in the cross-section were compared with those of general flat plates. Then, the equivalent effective width of the cold-formed (press-braked) flanges were numerically examined for some representative cases.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Buckling, a form of failure happened to plated structures, is investigated in this study. The main focus is to investigate the effects of thickness of the plates having through-thickness holes on buckling when the plate is subjected to in-plane compression. Plates having length of 200mm and width of 100mm are chosen to have thickness in range from 0.50mm to 10mm. Two holes of diameters of 20mm are implemented in plates. The finite element procedure using ABAQUS is applied for analyses. Then using the Gerard and Becker equation compressive buckling coefficients, Kc, are calculated and presented to enable engineers to calculate buckling load for the desired plate with holes in specific dimension. In order to generalize the obtained results, verification analysis has been performed by taking plates having different dimensions from the original ones used in this study. The verification showed the capability of buckling coefficients to predict buckling stresses of plates in various dimensions.
        2015.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        TLP is an offshore structure which should be tested for the buckling strength for safety. In this paper, DNV-RP-C208 are used to analyze a stress resultant of buckling phenomenon for complicated structures by using nonlinear finite element methods.
        2013.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Corrugated plate is made that the local buckling, global buckling and interactive buckling occurs because of the geometric properties such as the accordion effect.Corrugated steel having such characteristics is shows a buckling characteristic different from the plate. However, It was a design by the basis of the shear buckling equation of plate. Therefore, this study was investigate the characteristics of the shear buckling mode and shear buckling stress of sinusoidal corrugated plate through a parametric study using the finite element method.