The operating parameters considered in this study include evaporating and condensing temperature, degree of subcooling and degree of superheating. in R744-R717 cascade refrigeration system and R744 two-stage compression refrigeration system with the range of low temperature -50℃∼-30℃. The coefficient of performance(COP) of R744-R717 cascade refrigeration system is about 16∼20% greater than that of R744 two-stage compression refrigeration system in the range of evaporation temperature of -50℃∼-30℃. R744 two-stage compression refrigeration system is unstable because its coefficient of performance changes significantly depending on the evaporating temperature and total compression work, and compression efficiency decreases. In this case, not efficient for long-term use. Whereas R744-R717 R744-R717 is a cascade refrigeration system using eco-friendly refrigerants. And this system is a high-efficiency refrigeration system that performs well even under various operating conditions. This is why it can be configured by selecting a refrigerant suitable for the high temperature side and the low temperature side.
In this paper, the performance characteristics of a cryogenic refrigeration system used in fields such as HMR(Home Meal Replacement) that require ultra-low temperatures of -50℃ using natural refrigerants according to the recent enforcement of the Atmosphere Environment Conservation Act were investigated. For this purpose, a 2-stage compression refrigeration system using R744(CO2) and a cascade refrigeration system using R747/R404A and R747/R717(NH3) were applied. The COP(coefficients of performance) of each refrigeration system were compared according to changes in evaporation and condensation temperature, subcooled and superheated degree. Although the coefficient of performance of the 2-stage compression refrigeration system using R744 was superior to that of the cascade refrigeration system, 2-stage refrigeration system was considered that various problems should be solved in practical terms. In addition, the COP of R744/R717 for various operating conditions showed similar results to R744/R404A, so the possibility of alternativeness could be confirmed in the cascade refrigeration system.
This Study is carried out to stabilize the system according to the change of superheat and subcooling in binary refrigeration system by applying cascade system. When the system on 1 st stage was started and the system on the other side was operated, a temperature reversal phenomenon occurred in which the temperature of the 1 st cascade outlet was temporarily lowered. This means that the condensate heat exchange on the 2 nd is not good, which can cause the compressor to overheated. In order to maintain stable system operation, the opening degree of the expansion valve is controlled to increase the refrigerant circulation amount, thereby facilitating the condensation heat exchange on the 2 nd stage system. We have found that the most suitable refrigerant circulation amount is found by stabilizing the operation of the system while lowerning the super low temperature from -65℃ to -70℃ and increasing again to -60℃.
Abstract The cascade refrigeration cycle system has been used mainly to obtain the ultra-low temperature. In this study, the effects of internal and outdoor temperatures at chamber on the heat capacity of fin-tube heat exchangers were examined. In addition, refrigerant line patterns as well as refrigerant type for cascade cycle were optimized. The results in this study show that the refrigerant line patterns have greater effect on the sensible capacity than the total capacity. Also, the condenser heat release rate for R717-R744 cycle varies the ratio of 46 % with outdoor temperature by comparing with that of 24% for R134a-R410a cycle.
In this paper, cycle performance characteristics of a cascade refrigeration system with internal heat exchanger for cascade heat exchanger using alternative freon refrigerants is presented to offer the basic design data for the operating parameters of the system. This system considered in this study is consisted of a high temperature cycle using Freon refrigerant R23, R508B and low temperature cycle using Freon refrigerants R22, R507A. The operating parameters of this system include subcooling and superheating degree, evaporating temperature, compressor efficiency, and so on. The main results were summarized as follows : The COP of cascade refrigeration system using R23/R507A is the highest results in this study. The COP of cascade refrigeration system with internal heat exchanger only in high temperature cycle is the highest value among three cycle, such as only low temperature cycle, only high temperature cycle and all the cycle
In this paper, cycle performance analysis of cascade refrigeration system using alternative FREON refrigerants are presented to offer the basic design data for the operating parameters of the system. The operating parameters considered in this study include subcooled and superheated degree, and evaporating and condensing temperature, temperature difference of cascade heat exchanger in cascade refrigeration system. The COP of cascade refrigeration system increases with the increasing subcooled degree, but there is no significant changes with the increasing superheated degree. The COP of cascade refrigeration system depends on evaporating and condensing temperatures of cascade heat exchanger. Therefore, subcooled degree, evaporating and condensing temperature of cascade heat exchanger using alternative FREON refrigerants have an effect on the COP of this system. In this paper, COP of cascade refrigeration system using R23 for low temperature system and R507A for high temperature system is higher 8 ~ 29 % than using R13 for low temperature system and R22 for high temperature system.
In this paper, cycle performance analysis of cascade refrigeration system using natural refrigerants R744 for low temperature cycle, and R290, R600, R600a, R717 for high temperature cycle are presented to offer the basic design data for the operating parameters of the system. The operating parameters considered in this study include subcooled and superheated degree, and condensing and evaporating temperature, temperature difference of cascade heat exchanger in cascade refrigeration system. The COP of cascade refrigeration system increases with the increasing subcooled degree, but there is no significant changes with the increasing superheated degree. The COP of cascade refrigeration system depends on evaporating and condensing temperatures of cascade heat exchanger. The COP of cascade refrigeration system using natural refrigerants is similar to the COP using freon refrigerant (R23 / R22). Points to be considered are th security, the attached facilities for natural refrigerants than COP.