
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this research was to select sites that are appropriate for the storage of individual protective gear that can be used by traffic-controlling police when chemical terrorism occurs. METHODS : A storage facility, which is classified as Class A in the Act on Safety Action at Facilities Vulnerable to Terrorism, is defined for use in the event of soft-target chemical terrorism. Considering the number of controlled intersections and the police stations/substations within a radius of 750 m, the jurisdiction of traffic police and grade of protective gear were identified using ammonia, which has the widest protection boundary among known chemical terrorism substances. RESULTS : The results indicate that mobilization should only occur after the police have put on protective gear at the nearby station, regardless of the police district. Additionally, Class B protective gear should be furnished if there is a police station/substation within the jurisdiction, whereas Class C protective gear should be furnished if there is police station/substation outside of the jurisdiction. CONCLUSIONS : Because it is inefficient to keep protective gear at all police stations/substations, appropriate sites should be selected in accordance with chemical terrorism action strategy.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: This study aims to evaluate the resistance to chemical attack of combined organic and inorganic hybrid mortars as the repair materials (i.e., HRM mortar) used for concrete road facilities through a comparison with mortars made from cement repair materials (i.e., IRM mortar). METHODS: Inorganic materials used as a binder and two mineral fillers were adopted to produce HRM mortars. The ratio of the main resin versus the hardener was fixed at 2:1. For comparison, IRM mortars made of cement repair materials were also manufactured. The mortars were exposed to chemical solutions, such as NaCl, MgSO4, Na2SO4, and H2SO4, with the same concentration of 5% after 7 days of curing. The compressive strength, compressive strength loss, mass ratio, and relative bulk density of the mortar samples exposed to the chemical solutions were measured at predetermined periods. In addition, a scanning electron microscope observation was performed to evaluate the microstructures and the products formed by the chemical reaction of the mortar samples. RESULTS : As a result, the resistance to chemical attack of the HRM mortars was found to be much better than that of the IRM mortars, regardless of the types of attacking sources. This finding implies that HRM is a highly promising and versatile material because of its excellent resistance to chemical attack. CONCLUSIONS: The application of the combined organic and inorganic hybrid mortars is a possible option for repair of concrete road facilities exposed to aggressive environments.
        2015.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT), widely spread in Europe, is a process combined with mechanical separation and biological treatment. This is an alternative technology that can accomplish WtE (Waste-to-Energy) and landfill diversion. Bio-drying, aimed to produce high quality SRF, focused on removing moisture of waste through generated heat when biodegradable organic material is partially degraded by micro-organism. However, most of SRF production facilities in Korea consist of mechanical treatment. In those, 40% of input waste have been generated as residue disposed of in landfill. As a result of physico-chemical characteristic analysis of residue from target facilities, composition of food wastes, papers and plastics ranged 6.7 ~ 18.3%, 9.1 ~ 17.3%, and 5.8 ~ 12.2%, respectively. The moisture content of residue was about 43%, and low heating value was analyzed a range of 1,300 up to 1,900 kcal/kg. Results showed that combustible material having potential to produce SRF is discarded and the amount of biodegradable material such as food waste is still large. Therefore, we assumed it may cause pollution in terms of landfill gas emission and high concentrated leachate generation. In this study, recent trends of Bio-drying is discussed as the alternative technology to solve problems at SRF production facilities in South Korea.