Corn is essential for both humans and animals. The crop is the third most important food crop after rice and wheat. A rise in farming is resulting in a lack of self-sufficiency of high quality forages. Therefore, corn cultivars in Korea must be optimized to increase productivity and yield. A study was conducted in Pyeongchang, South Korea between 2021-2022 to evaluate the characteristics and productivity of three corn cultivars: Kwangpyeongok, AGR 41, and Nero IT. Different varieties of corn were sown in Pyeongchang on April 29 and April 27 of 2021 and 2022, respectively. The productivity and characteristics of the cultivars Kwangpyeongok, AGR 41, and Nero IT were evaluated during the yellowing ripening stage. The characteristics included the leaves, stems, grain, and stover content. Across different corn cultivars, there was no significant difference in stem height, diameter, forage or grain quantity based on an average of two years. Yet, significant differences were noted in the stem heights of all cultivars between 2021 and 2022 (p<0.05). There was a significant difference in the diameters of Kwangpyeongok and Nero IT between 2021 and 2022. A significant difference in forage yield was observed for Nero IT between 2021 and 2022. The yield of grains and forages was higher in 2021 than in 2022, which could be attributed to temperature and precipitation variations. We can conclude from these data that all cultivars in Pyeongchang showed significant productivity and yield, which could be useful to produce nutrient rich silage for livestock.
It is widely known that forage corn is one of the most important crops in the production of silage and green chops during the summer months. In this study, the characteristics and the productivity of Kwangpyeongok, AGR 41, and Nero IT corn cultivars were evaluated in the regions of Jeju and Cheonan, Korea between 2021 and 2022. In each year, different corn cultivars were sown in different parts of the country on April 7 in Jeju and May 3 in Cheonan. The yield of three cultivars, Kwangpyeongok, AGR 41, and Nero IT were measured at the yellow-ripening stage, including the leaves and stems (Stover) and corn grain. Kwangpyeongok stover and total dry matter (DM) yields were slightly higher in Cheonan than in Jeju over the past two years. The quantity of corn cultivated in all cultivated areas was similar. The average yield of AGR 41, corn quantity and total DM were slightly higher in Jeju than in Cheonan. In terms of stover yield, and total dry matter content of the Nero IT cultivar cultivated in Jeju had a slightly higher yield than the cultivar cultivated in Cheonan. Based on this study, all cultivars can show some variations but not too much in terms of growth productivity and distinct characteristics depending on their location. Overall, AGR 41, and Nero IT cultivars in Jeju exhibit slightly higher levels of productivity than the same cultivars in Cheonan.
사료용 옥수수 “DK 7545” 교잡종은 미국의 Dekalb plant Genetics Co., “Garst 8285”는 Garst Seeds Co., 그리고 GW 737은 Crosbyton Co.에서 각각 육성한 품종들이다. 이들 품종들의 수입 사료작물 지역적응성을 검정하기 위하여, 수원과 천안 2개 지역에서, 3개년 동안 생산력을 검정한 결과, 그 우수성이 인정되어 2002년 농협중앙회 수입적응성 심의위원회에서 신규보급품종으로 결정되었으며 이들 교잡
사료용 옥수수 교잡종 Nc+4880은 미국의 "NC+hybrids Co.", Garst 8396 IT은 “Garst Seeds Co.” 회사가 각각 육성한 교잡종들이며, 사료작물 수입적응성을 검정하기 위하여, 수 원과 천안 2개 지역에서, 3개년 동안 생산력을 검정한 결과, 그 우수성이 인정되어 2002년 4월 농협중앙회 수입적응성 심의위원회에서 신규 보급품종으로 결정되었으며, 이들 교잡종 들의 주요 재배적 특성은 다음과 같다. 1. NC+4880 가.
Sixteen cultivars of corn(Zea mays L.) hybrids have been recommended as the government recommended corn hybrids since 1984, however, their forage performances have been mostly tested at two locations, such as Suweon and Sunghwan in the Middle parts of Kor
This study conducted experiments on the reclaimed land of Saemangeum located in Jeongrabuk-do in order to gain basic information about growth characteristics and yield ability according to soil salinity. Having soil excluding salt as a control group, this study adjusted the specimens’ soil salinity to level 4 and then planted four varieties including Ilmichal Corn to investigate the growth or grain yield according to salinity. About the corn establishment rate according to soil salinity, over 97% up to 3.2 dS m-1 was established, and then, it was reduced gradually according to the increase of concentration. According to the salt concentration of soil more required growth duration from seeding to heading comparing to non-treatment salt was delayed, at 1.6 dS m-1, two days were delayed, at 3.2 dS m-1, four to six days were delayed differently by varieties, and at 4.8 dS m-1, six to 10 days were delayed. About the plant fresh weight according to soil salinity, Chalok 4 and Eolrukchal indicated 93%~97% or so compared with the salt-free one at 1.6 dS m-1, and Chalok No. 4 showed 79% at the salinity of 3.2 dS m-1, too, and it was a relatively higher growth percentage than those of the other varieties. In terms of dried seed weight according to soil salinity, compared with the corns cultivated in the control group, averagely 12.1% was lowered at the time of cultivation at 1.6 dS m-1, and 3.2 dS m-1 40% was lowered, and about 70% was lowered at 4.8 dS m-1. According to the result of examining the point of time that dried seed start to reduce due to soil salinity with the regression equation, soil salinity which starts the reduction of grain weight is 1.67 dS m-1~2.18 dS m-1, and it differs by varieties, and EC of 50% that the yield reduces in half is 2.96 dS m-1 ~4.45 dS m-1. And the degree of influence on each of the growth factors according to soil salinity is founded to be in the order of establishment rate<plant length=the ear’s fresh weight<the plant fresh weight<yield.
Corn (Zea Mays L.), the third cereal crop in the world, is not known well in Mongolia. The corn research program was started in 2004 with collaboration of International Corn Foundation (ICF), International Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) of KNU, Mongolian Academy of Science (MAS), Mongolian University of Agriculture (MUA) and Mongolia International University (MIU) in Ulaanbaatar. Since that time approximately 2000 genotypes were planted. Within 6 years of research we have succeeded in forming Mongolian corn population (MCP). In 2009, some promising segregating parental line crosses and inbreds were selected at Plant Science and Agriculture Research Training Institute (PSARTI) in Darkhan, 250 km toward the North from the capital city, and in greenhouse of Kunwi, Korea for further breeding. To develop corn hybrids we selected lines based on yield potential, cold tolerance and early maturity. Early plantings in the mid of May as well as tolerance to cold would permit longer growing cycle for higher yield. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) showed highly significance within lines, which means we can easily select cold tolerance and early maturing lines and breeding materials for further breeding program. Due to lack of plant proteins and Vitamin A deficiency, health of Mongolians has been affected. We consider corn can be a solution to reducing pasture and soil erosion. Breeding and cultivation of locally adapted stress tolerant stable corn hybrids may boost livestock industry and improve people’s health for Mongolians.
The historical Tsunami hit Banda Aceh on 24 December, 2004 that killed 280,000 people. The incidence was the center of the world concern. In November of 2007, the governorment of Aceh Province invited the senior author as the President of ICF to initiate corn breeding program for Aceh environments. Germplasm from East Timor, Cambodia, Thailand, and IITA-Nigeria were used to develop locally adapted open-pollinated varieties (OPV). An OPV, "NAI" bred for East Timor using materials from Indonesia and Thailand was selected. The team planted seeds of nine commercial hybrids marketed in Indonesia and Thailand five times with two weeks interval. Through the half-sib improvement of NAI, new name "Jagung Aceh" was given. Jagung means corn in Aceh language. Inbreeding of the selected OPVs and commercial hybrids are intensively carried out with three cycles yearly. Both Jagung Aceh and selected elite hybrids have been used as testers for high combining ability as well as disease and insect tolerance. Major constraints of corn cultivation are Puccinia polysora rust, Exserohilum turcicum blight, downy mildew (Peronosclerospora maydis), ear rots, stem borers, and drought. Storage weevil is the major post harvest problem.