
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2014.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Primary oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) associated with dental osseointegrated implants is very rare. We experienced two patients who had received dental implant surgery before they were diagnosed with OSCC. We report these cases to emphasize the importance of differential diagnosis of malignant lesions associated with dental implants. Additionally, we also suggest that bone graft materials around implants can serve as a potential inducer of invasiveness in cancer cells.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to improve osseointegration of dental implants with bone we studied an implant with holes inside its body to deliver bioactive materials based on a proposed patent. Bioactive materials can be selectively applied through holes to a patient according to diagnosis and the integration progress. After the bioactive material is applied, bone can grow into the holes to increase implant bonding and also enhance surface integration. In order to improve the concept and study the effect of bioactive material injection on implant integration, design optimization and integration research were undertaken utilizing the finite element method. A 2-dimensional simulation study showed that when bone grew into the holes after the bioactive material was injected, stress vertically distributed in the upper part of the implant was relieved and mild stress appeared at the opening of the injection holes. This confirmed the effect of the bioactive material and the contribution of the injection holes, but the maximum stress increased ten-fold at the opening. In order to reduce the maximum stress, the size, location, and the number of holes were varied and the effects were studied. When bioactive materials formed an interface layer between the implant and the mandible and four holes were filled with cortical and cancellous bones all the stress concentrated opposite to the loading side without holes disappeared. The stresses at the four outlets of the holes was mildly elevated but the maximum stress value was ten-fold greater compared to the case without the bioactive material.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to observe the histopathologic reaction in vital bone to various surface treated implants. For this purpose, ten New Zealand Albino rabbits, weighing 3.3 to 4kg were used as experimental animals. All the experimental groups divided into five groups; 1) Machined surface as control, 2) RBM(resorbable blast media), 3) RBM etched nitric acid solution, 4) RBM etched sodium hydroxide solution, 5) RBM etched acid, alkali, and heat treated group on each. All the surfaces of implants were examined under the scannning electron microscope to distinguish the differences between each experimental groups compare to that on the control group. All the rabbits were implanted into the tibial metaphyses of rabbits. On the 4th and 8th week after implantations, all the experimental rabbits were sacrificed. All the tissues containing each implanted materials were fixed in ethyl alcohol, and embedded in spurr resin as usual manner, sectioned in 10μm or more thickness, grinded, stained with the Villanuevaʼs osteochrome bone stain method and examined histopatholgically. For the fluorescence microscopic examination, three kind of fluorescence dyes, Oxytetracycline, Alizarin-Complexone, and Xylenol-Orange were injected to put into the bone to implant interface produced polychromatic fluorescence labelling on the 1st week, 2nd week, and 5th week on each. On the 8th week after experiments, the animals sacrificed, and the tissues containing the implants were taken, fixed in ethyl alcohol and embedded in spurr resin, sectioned, grounded 10um in thickness and examined under the fluorescence microscope. Following results were obtained; On the scanning electron microscopic examination of the implants, dull cracks, continuous linear indentations were revealed on the machined surface implant, irregular multiple leaflike eruptions on the RBM, and more sharp porous indentation with multiple complicated c rack s on the RBM acid etched surface, and more dull margins on complicated porous indentation on the RBM alkalic etched surface and more dull and less indented particles were noted on the RBM, acid, alkalic etched, heat treated surface, On the histopathologic examination, on the 4th week after experiment, complete osseointegation was noted between the implant and cortical bone on the collar and the apex lesion. and in parts, small newly formed bone spicules directly attached to the screws, and osteoid tissues were revealed in marrow tissues, in all experimental groups. On the histopathologic examination, on the 8th week after experiment, osseointegration is more increased compare to that on the 4th week group, the amount of bone trabeculae and osteoid tissues directly fused to screw of implants were markedly increased. On fluorescence examination, band or linear shape was witnessed on the boarder of compact bone and marrow tissues, and on bone trabeculae according to the formed age. and precipitated as granular and globular shape on the haversian canals. These results indicate that the surface treated method used for the present study render the implants compatible to bone tissue but the tissue compartibility is not different among the surface treated implants.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to observe the histopathologic tissue reaction in vital bone in applying the various treated implants. For this purpose, twelve New Zealand Albino rats, weighing 3.3 to 4 kg were used as experimental animals. All the experimental groups divided into four groups; Machined surface as control, RBM(resorbable blast media), Hydroxyapatite-sand and Porous coating groups. All the experimental implants were examined under the scannning electron microscope. All the experimental rabbits were implanted in the tibial metaphyses of rabbits under the general anesthesia with Ketamine HCl(2.5ML /kg.body wt.) injections. For prevention of infection after implant, prophylactic erythromycine injections, 250mg/body wt.(Aldrich Co. USA) were performed on each. On the sixth week after implant, all the experimental rabbits were sacrificed with over dose of Sedaject(Samwoo Pharm .Co. Korea). All the tissues containing each experimental materials were fixed in ethyle alcohol, and embedded in spurr resin(Polytechnic Co. USA) as usual manner. sectioned in 12 um thickness, grinded , stained with the Vulenueva's osteochrome stain methed and examined histopatholgically. For measuring the distances between the implant and bone without any connective tissue interface, all the distances were calculated the length of the implant direct contact to bones. using the view analyzer program( Korea Optical Co.) and the statistical analysis were performed using the one-way ANOVA test. The statistical differences were considered significant below 5% level. Following results were obtained. On the scanning electron microscopic examination, dull cracked continuous linear indentations were revealed on the machined surface implant, irregular sharp indentation on the resorbabale blast, irregular thin exophytic or indentated leaflets on the hydroxyapatite-sand implant, and long ovoid globular particles were revealed on the porous coating implant surface respectively. On the histopathologic examination, complete osseointegation was noted between the implant and cortex bone on the collar and the apex lesion and in parts, small newley formed bone spicules attached to the screws in marrow tissues with compatibility in all experimental groups, but on the aspect of the tissue compatibility to the various implant materials, the superiority of the materials could not identified. The ratio of drect contact between the bone and implant, the HA sand gorup was the most superior among the gorups and followed by the machine surface, but on RBM and porous coating groups were inferior compared to that on the experimental groups. With these results, the superiority of tissue compatibility among the experimental implant group could not be identified
        2019.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        뇌 질환과 두경부 검사에서 전산화단층촬영의 선속 경화현상이 없는 자기공명영상이 조직의 높은 대조 도와 우수한 분해능의 영상을 획득하는 검사 방법으로 인식되고 있지만 구강 내 금속 이식물이 있는 경우는 자화율 인공물(magnetic susceptibility artifact)이 발생되어 영상 진단에 장해 요소가 된다. 따라서 본 연구는 자기공명영상에서 치아 임플란트와 보철에 의한 인공물 감소 방안을 강구하고자 한다. 자기공명영상에서 임플란트에 의한 인공물 발생은 GE 기법에서 TE가 짧을수록 신호 크기가 증가하였고, 물의 온도 변화에서는 일관성이 없게 나타났다. SE 기법에서도 공기보다 물의 신호 크기가 전반적으로 높았지만, 신호 대 잡음비는 공기와 온도에 의한 차이가 없었다. EPI 기법에서는 공기보다 물이 있을 때 정량적, 정성적으로 인공물이 적게 발생한 영상을 얻을 수 있었고, 특히 물 온도 20°와 30°에서 신호 대 잡음비가 가장 높게 측정되었다. 결론적으로 EPI 기법에서 물 온도 20°와 30°의 물주머니를 이용하여 뇌 확산강조영상을 획득하면 임플란트와 보철물에 의한 자화율인공물이 감소되어 보다 진단적 가치가 있는 영상을 획득할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        자기공명영상 장치의 정도관리를 위한 ACR 팬텀은 팬텀내의 여러 구조물을 통하여 자기공명영상 화질을 평가할 수 있다. 본 연구는 3.0T 장비에서 Head coil에서 ACR 팬텀을 이용하여 임플란트와 치아 교정용 철사를 부착하여 영상의 고스트 신호 백분율과 절편 두께 정확도를 분석할 수 있었다. T1강조영상 첫 번째 절편과 열한 번째 절편의 임플란트 보철에서 절편위치 정확도는 수신대역폭이 230에서 좋게 나타났으며, 교정용 철사가 부착했을 때는 수신대역폭이 130일 때가 좋았다. 고스트 신호 백분율은 SE T1강조영상 일곱번째 절편에서 임플란트 보철에 추가된 교정용 철사의 경우에는 수신대역폭 230이 좋게 나타났다. 자기공명영상 검사에서 임플란트 보철 환자의 경우에 적절한 수신대역폭을 선택하여 영상의 왜곡과 신소 소실이 감소된 영상을 획득할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.