The eggs of Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, possess high desiccation resistance, which contribute the rapid spread of this mosquito across the world. Melanization of eggshell appear to play a role in the resistance to desiccation. Dopachrome-conversion enzyme (DCE, Yellow) significantly accelerates the melanization of the eggshell. In this study, we demonstrated functional importance of two yellow genes, AalY-g and AalY-g2, in the chorion formation. Both genes were highly induced in the ovary at 48 h after blood meal. Injection of dsRNA for AalY-g or AalY-g2 into adult females had no effect on fecundity. However, the outermost colorless exochorion of the eggs obtained from both dsRNA-treated females was fragile and peeled off in places, and melanization of the endochorion was obviously delayed by several hours. In addition, unlike eggs from control females which acquired high desiccation resistance between 18 and 24 h after oviposition (HAO), 60-70% 24 HAO eggs from either AalY-g- or AalY-g2-deficient females were collapsed when they were moved to an air-dry condition, and the desiccation resistance was not increased in later stages of embryonic development analyzed. TEM analysis revealed that abnormal morphology and ultrastructure of the endochorion, particularly outer-endochorion, in the 24 HAO and older eggs from either AalY-g-and AalY-g2-deficient females. These results indicate that AalY-g and AalY-g2 are required for morphology and formation of the endochorion (outer-endochorion), a structure that appears to be critical for desiccation resistance of the Ae. albopictus eggs.
This work was supported by NRFs (NRF-2015R1A6A3A04060323 and NRF-2018R1A2B6005106)
Eggs from the mosquito genus Aedes exhibit high desiccation resistance that likely facilitate spreading some of them as a vector of human disease throughout the world. However, molecular mechanism underlying the embryonic resistant to desiccation has not well understood. In this study, we performed functional study of two ovary-specific yellow genes, AalY-g and AalY-g2, in the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus. The eggs obtained from AalY-g or AalY-g2 RNAi females showed poor desiccation resistance. TEM analysis revealed that, unlike that seen in the dsEGFP-control eggs, no high electron-dense outer-endochorion was evident in the eggs from AalY-g- or AalY-g2-deficient females. These results suggest that both yellow genes at least play roles in the chorion formation, which appears to be critical for integrity and desiccation resistance in Ae. albopictus eggs.
The eggs of Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, possess high desiccation resistance, which could lead rapidly spreading this mosquito across the world. Melanization and/or hardening of mosquito eggshell are critical for desiccation resistance to protect embryo from adverse environment. Dopachrome-conversion enzymes (Yellows) catalyze melanin synthesis in insects. Here we report functional importance of two ovary-specific yellow genes, AalY-g and AalY-g2, in desiccation resistance of Ae. albopictus egg. Loss of function of these genes by RNAi causes the fragile exochorion and delay initial melanization of the endochorion. Furthermore, eggs from control females exhibit high desiccation resistance under the air-dry condition, whereas those from AalY-g- or AalY-g2-deficient females are collapsed. TEM analysis reveals ultrastructural defects in the endochorion and serosal cuticle in these eggs. The results indicate that AalY-g and AalY-g2 are critical for integrity and desiccation resistance of the Ae. albopictus egg.
Pigmentation or melanization is an important physiological event in insects and is involved in cuticle tanning, wound healing and encapsulation as a defensive response. Dopachrome-conversion enzyme (DCE, Yellow) significantly accelerates the melanization of the chorion in mosquito eggs. In this study, we demonstrated functional importance of two ovary-specific yellow genes, AalY-g and AalY-g2, in the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus. The transcripts of both genes were detected in the ovary of adult females only 48-72 h after blood feeding. RNAi for AalY-g or AalY-g2 had no effect on fecundity. However, the outermost colorless exochorion of the eggs was fragile and partially peeled off, and initial melanization of the endochorion was significantly delayed. Eggs from control females exhibited high desiccation resistance, whereas those from dsAalY-g- or dsAalY-g2-treated females were collapsed (50-80%) under the air-dry condition. Ultrastructural analysis revealed abnormal morphology of the endochorion and vitelline membrane in the AalY-g and AalY-g2-deficient eggshell. These results indicate that AalY-g and AalY-g2 are critical for integrity and desiccation resistance of the Ae. albopictus eggs. This work was supported by NRFs (NRF-2015R1A6A3A04060323).
A hypertonic solution of sorbitol was used to precondition Douglas-fir and Western hemlock plug seedlings to improve desiccation resistance. Seedlings were preconditioned by soaking their root balls in water, -0.75 or -1.50 MPa sorbitol solution for 22 hr, and then exposed to desiccation conditions for 8 days. During the desiccation period, a transpirational water loss was significantly reduced by the sorbitol preconditioning, with its effect positively depending on concentration. This preconditioning-induced reduction in water loss was mainly caused by the decline in needle stomatal conductance. Sorbitol-induced stomatal control was more closely associated with reduction in plant water potential, rather than increase in abscisic acid concentrations. After rehydration of stressed-plants, most of the preconditioned seedlings with sorbitol were survived, while only 35% of Douglas-fir and 28% of Western hemlock seedlings treated with water were alive. The post-growth was significantly greater in the preconditioned seedlings than only water-treated seedlings. These results suggested that the earlier stomatal control with sorbitol-facilitated preconditioning could play a role in improving desiccation resistance of evergreen woody plants at transplanting in the field where water supply is limited or dry conditions are prevailing.
본 실험은 개갑된 인삼종자를 안전하게 장기보존하고, 또한 이를 효율적으로 발아시키기 위하여 인삼종자의 건조 저항성 및 동결보존을 위한 적정 수분함량을 분석하고, 배 발육과 발아에 관여하는 온도와 호르몬의 상호작용 효과에 대하여 조사하였으며, 이에 대한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 30일 후의 초기 발아율은 GA3 와 BA 등 생장조절제 처리 후 5℃ 와 10℃ 에서 발아시킬 경우에만 50~% 이상으로 높아졌다. 70일 후의 발아율은 생장조절제의 처리와 상관없이 5℃ 와 10℃ 에서 모두 90~% 이상으로 높게 나타났고, 15℃ 에서도 생장조절제 처리구에서는 일부 발아하였다. 2. 개갑 인삼 종자를 무균상 송풍구와 종자건조실에서 건조시킬 경우 각각 12시간(종실 수분함량 10.6~% ) 및 3일(6.1~% ) 까지는 내과피와 종실간에 수분함량에 차이를 보이면서 급속히 건조되다가 이후 서서히 건조되었다. 3. 무균상에서 0~~l8시간 동안 건조된 종자(수분함량 57.9~~8.7~% )는 95~% 이상이 발아하였으나, 30시간 건조된 종자(7.2~% )는 발아율이 85~% 로 감소하였다. 건조된 인삼종자를 액체질소에 저장 후 발아율을 조사한 바, 12~~30시간 건조(10.6~~7.2~% )된 종자는 90~% 이상이 발아하였다. 4. 건조실에서 건조된 인삼종자는 0~~2일 동안 건조(57.9~~9.0~% )하였을 때 90~% 이상이 발아하였으나, 6일 건조(3.8~% )된 종자는 발아율이 30~% 이하로 대폭 감소하였다. 동결보존 후의 발아율은 2일 건조 종자(9.0~% )만이 90.5~% 의 높은 발아율을 보였다. 5. 최적수분함량에서 두 건조방법간에 동결보존 전후의 발아율에 유의한 차이가 없었으며, 건조 장해를 받지 않으면서도 동시에 동결장해를 회피할 수 있는 적정 수분함량범위는 8~~l0~% 였다.
Seeds of burcucumber were treated with accelerated aging, cold-stratification, and light quality illuminated during desiccation to enhance their germination and seedling emergence. The germination was increased by aging and cold-stratification although the latter treatment showed greater effectiveness than the former one. In the combined treatment of aging 6 days at 45~circC and cold-stratification, the germination was promoted under longer period of cold-stratification to reach nearly 100% in 3 week cold-stratification on the ninth day from sowing. In the sequentially combined treatment of aging, cold-stratification, and light quality during 24 hour desiccation at 35~circC , no-stratified seeds showed the highest rate in red light treatment but the lowest in far-red light. This implies that the phytochrome action run during the desiccation of imbibed seeds. The red light exposure during drying for the cold-stratified seeds after aging accelerated the germination even more than the dark treatment and germinated 100% on the next day of sowing. It is concluded that the sequential treatment of aging, cold-stratification, and red light illumination during desiccation can highly promote percentage and speed of burcucumber seed germination.
Freshly collected pollens from opened and unopened flowers of two genotypes (EG45 and 1361) of Eucalyptus grandis were desiccated in oven at 30˚C and over silica gel in desiccator for various times. It was found that E. grandis pollen has a requirement of