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        검색결과 16

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To achieve permanent disposal of radioactive waste drums, the radionuclides analysis process is essential. A variety of waste types are generated through the operation of nuclear facilities, with dry active waste (DAW) being the most abundant. To perform radionuclides analysis, sample pretreatment technology is required to transform solid samples into solutions. In this study, we developed a dry ashing-microwave digestion method and secured the reliability of the analysis results through a validity evaluation. Additionally, we conducted a comparative analysis of the radioactivity of 94Nb nuclides with and without the chemical separation process, which reduced the minimum detectable activity (MDA) level by more than 65-fold for a certain sample.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Various dry active wastes (DAWs) have been accumulated in nuclear power plants since the DAWs are mostly combustible. KAERI has developed a thermochemical treatment process for the used decontamination paper as an operational waste to substitute for incineration process and to decontaminate radionuclides from the DAWs. The thermochemical process is composed of thermal decomposition in a closed vessel, chlorination of carbonated DAWs, separation of soluble chlorides captured in water by hydroxide precipitation, and immobilization of the precipitate. This study examined the third and fourth steps in the process to immobilize Co-60 by fabricating a stable wasteform. Precipitation behaviors were investigated in the chloride solution by adding 10 M KOH. It was shown that the precipitates were composed of Mg(OH)2 and Al(OH)3. Then, the glass-ceramic wasteform for the precipitates were produced by adding additive mixtures in which silica and boron oxide were blended with various ratios. The wasteform was evaluated in terms of volume reduction ratio, bulk density, compressive strength, and leachability.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Radioactive liquid waste generated during the operation of domestic nuclear power plants is treated through a somewhat different liquid radwaste system (LRS) for each plant. Prior to the introduction of standard nuclear power plants, LRS used a concentrated water dry system (CWDS) to evaporate liquid waste and manage it in the form of dry powder. The boron-containing radioactive liquid waste dry powder was solidified using paraffin from 1995 to 2010, and about 3,650 drums (based on 200 L) of paraffin solidified drums are currently stored in nuclear power plants. Paraffin solidification drums do not meet the acceptance criteria for radioactive waste repositories because it is difficult to secure the homogeneity of the solidified body and there are concerns about leaching of radioactive waste due to the low melting point of paraffin. In order to solve this problem and safely permanently dispose of paraffin solidification drums, the characteristics of dry powder paraffin solidification drums containing boron-containing radioactive liquid waste must be analyzed and appropriate treatment technology utilizing the results must be introduced. This study analyzes the physical properties of paraffin, the chemical properties of boron-containing radioactive waste dry powder, and the physicochemical properties of paraffin solidification powder, and proposes an appropriate alternative technology for treating boron-containing radioactive waste dry drum. When disposing of the paraffin solidification drum with boron-containing radioactive liquid waste dry powder, the solidification body must be effectively withdrawn from the drum and the paraffin must be completely separated from the solidification body. When disposing the drum, the solidified material must be effectively extracted from the drum and the paraffin must be completely separated from the solidified material. Afterwards, the paraffin must be self-disposed, and the radioactive waste must be disposed of in accordance with acceptance criteria of repository. We looked at how each characteristic of the paraffin solidification drum with boron-containing radioactive liquid waste dry powder can be utilized in each of the above treatment processes.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Thermal treatment, such as combustion, is the most effective way to solve the spatial problem of radioactive waste disposal. Existing incineration technology has the problem of discharging harmful pollutants (CO2 and dioxin, etc.) into the environment. Therefore, it was evaluate the validity of the thermal treatment process that can reduce the volume of dry active waste (DAW) in an eco-friendly. In addition, the stability of the alternative incineration process under development was evaluated by evaluating the emission of harmful pollutants to the environment during the thermal treatment process. We selected 14 samples identical to those discarded by each nuclear power plant (Kori, Saeul, Wolsong, Hanbit, Hanul). And EA (Elemental Analysis) analysis was performed on each sample. As a result, excluded samples containing wastes containing POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants) such as PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls), which could generate harmful pollutants during thermal treatment, and halogenated organic wastes such as PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride). In addition, the thermal treatment conditions for the four DAWs were derived by Thermogravimetric Analysis/Differential Thermal Analysis (TG/DTA) analysis. At this time, Py-GC/MS analysis was performed at the temperature at which each waste causes thermal decomposition (cotton is 437°C, paper is 562°C, latex glove is 430°C, plastic bag is 485°C). As a result of analyzing the exhaust gas produced during thermal decomposition, about 77.0% of the cotton was Benzoic acid series, the paper was 41.1% Glucopyranose series, and 15.8% hydroxy acetaldehyde. Latex glove was identified to be 45.9% and 19.2% for Limonene and 2-methyl-1, 3-Butadiene, and for plastic bags, Octacosanol and 2-octyl-1-Dodecanol were 38.8% and 15.2%. In addition, it was confirmed that dioxin and harmful heavy metals, which are discussed as environmental risks, were not detected in all samples.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        With the rapid growth of nuclear power in China, a large number of dry wastes, which mainly include the high efficiency particulate air filters (glass fiber), cotton, polyethylene, and absorbent paper with low-level radioactivity and high volume, will be produced during the operation and maintenance of the nuclear power plants. Thermal plasma treatment is a world acceptable technology to incinerate and immobilize radioactive wastes, owing to the high volume reduction factor and the excellent chemical durability of the vitrified waste form. China has developed thermal plasma technology for the treatment of dry wastes from nuclear power plants for more than 15 years and the pilot plant has been constructed. This work will concentrate on the formulation of waste glass fiber to adapt to the vitrification process. A three-component (glass fiber-CaO-Na2O) constrained-region mixture experiment was designed and their viscosity data was mainly studied. The quadratic Scheffé model was used to plot the component effect on melting temperature. The retentions of simulated nuclides, such as Co, Sr, and Cs in the glasses were analyzed. In addition, the glass fiber as a glass matrix to immobilize residual ashes from the thermal plasma gasification of cotton, polyethylene, and absorbent paper was investigated as well.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        핵종재고량 관리는 처분시설의 안전한 관리를 위해서는 필수적이다. 본 논문에서는 원자력발전소의 잡고체폐기물에 대하 여 기존 발생된 폐기물 자료를 반영한 예측방사능량과 실제 처분시설을 운영하면서 인수되어 처분검사까지 완료된 실제방 사능량을 비교분석하였다. 극저준위방사성폐기물에서는 137CS, 90Sr, 99Tc 그리고 129I 핵종이 예측방사능량보다 실제방사능량 이 높게 평가되었으며, 저준위방사성폐기물에서는 모든 핵종에서 예측방사능량이 실제 방사능량보다 높게 평가되었다. 또 한 척도인자에 의한 예측방사능량의 민감도 분석을 통해 준위별 수량 및 총방사능량의 변화추이를 분석하였다. 향후 중저준 위방사성폐기물 처분시설의 안전한 운영과 Safety Case 구축을 위한 기초자료로 활용될 것으로 판단된다.
        1987.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The experiment was carried out to determine the optimum application rate of liquid waste from methane fermentation (LW) and its effect on botanical composition, dry matter yields and nutrient quality of pasture mixtures. Experimental fields was designed a
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        WtE of MSW plays a crucial role in renewable energy production in Korea. Municipal solid waste (MSW) is an important energy resource for combined heat and power (CHP) production. This study investigated an increasing method to the power generation efficiency by MSW to energy (WtE) plants in South Korea and discussed the issues related to energy efficiency improvement. To achieve energy efficiency improvement is used to lower temperature for emission gas at catalyst inlet, or to reduce/stop using steam to reheat emission gas. Saved energy from this process can be used as power source in order to increase generation efficiency. It is possible to increase denitrification efficiency by maintaining the temperature of emission gas for catalyst denitrification. The temperature of emission gas of which moisture is increased to saturation point (relative humidity of 100%) at the exit of wet scrubber is between 50 and 60℃. This means there should be reheating of emission gas with the approximate temperature of 150℃. Dry emission gas treatment, on the other hand, is the technology to increase generation efficiency by using highly efficient desalination materials including highly-responsive slaked lime and sodium type chemicals in order to comply with air pollution standards and reduce used steam volume for reheating emission gas. If dry emission gas is available, reheating is possible only with the temperature of 45℃ in order to expect generation efficiency by reducing steam volume for reheating.
        2016.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        염색가공 공정 중 텐터 후처리 과정은 섬유에 다양한 기능성을 부여하기 위해 화학약품 처리 후 건열에 의한 섬유의 셋팅을 하는 단계로 건조에 필요한 고온의 열원이 필요로 한다. 고온의 열원에 의해 기계작동을 위한 윤활유가 증발되면서 유증기(Oil-mist)형태와 각종 첨가제에서 증발된 오염성분이 함께 배출되게 된다. 또한 열원 에너지 특성상 150~160℃ 고온의 폐열이 상당량 발생한다. 염색가공 산업의 에너지 비용은 제품가격의 상승을 가져오고 있으며 이에 따른 저인금 개발도상국간의 경쟁력 저하를 발생시키고 있어 배기되는 폐열을 회수/재이용을 하는 시스템 도입이 시급한 과제이다. 기존 텐터후단에서 발생되는 폐열을 회수하기 위한 연구사례가 있지만 배기가스 중 함유된 분진 및 폐유로 인한 열교환 모듈의 폐쇄에 따른 열교환 효율 미비로 성공적인 상용화 모델이 없는 실정이다. 이를 해결하고자 섬유업종 텐터 후단에서 발생되는 고온의 배기가스를 전단 열교환식 스크라바와 건식전기집진 기술을 접목하여 폐열 회수와 동시에 악취유발물질인 폐유를 회수하고 회수 된 폐유는 정제연료유로써 재활용 가능성을 평가하였다. 본 연구를 위해 400CMM 규모의 열교환 스크라바 건식전기집진 시설을 부산에 위치한 ‘D’사의 염색가공업체에 설치하여 폐열에너지 회수량, 폐유 회수량, 회수된 폐유의 총발열량등을 평가 하였다. 평가 기술 적용대상 업체는 합섬 섬유(폴리에스테르)원료로 해포, 염색, 가공 등의 공정을 거쳐 염색된 화학섬유를 제품으로 생산하는 염색 가공업체로 360 m3 용량의 텐터 1대를 보유 하고 있다. 기존 개발된 건식전기집진시설의 낙모와 폐유로 인한 집진모듈의 오염으로 인한 관리 어려움을 개선하기 위한 열교환식 스크라바를 적용 하여 부산 염색공단내 보급화에 성공하였다. 운전 성능 평가 결과 회수되는 폐유는 0.032 L/m3・hr으로 평균 수분량 8.1~8.2%의 양질의 폐유를 회수 하였으며 발열량은 100,444 kcal/kg으로 B-C유 발열량과 유사 하였다. 배기가스에서 회수된 폐열(에너지)회수량은 평균 발생량 대비 67%인 16 kcal/m3・hr이며 암모니아와 톨루엔의 제거효율 70%이상의 우수한 결과를 나타냈다.
        2015.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        There are a large number of the food companies in Gunsan National Industrial Complex, and the organic sludge generated in these industrial wastewater treatment plants are generally being dealt with ocean dumping methods. As this method will be prohibited from January 1, 2016, it is inevitable to select the method like the reclamation. All over the country, landfill is lacking, and become a target of public grievance since it is recognized as an abomination facility. Consequently it has problem to secure the new location. These reasons lead to increase the organic sludge disposal cost, and it needed to seek the economical and eco-friendly processing methods. This research is regarding the Solid Refuse Fuel technique which is dried and processed the organic sludge generated in Gunsan National Industrial Complex. With Solid Refuse Fuel technique, in the environmental, safety, efficiency and economical aspect, it can derive competitive production technology, promote the Solid Refuse Fuel business and finally build a nationwide network. Through this study, we can derive the optimal manufacturing process from the examination of properties of organic sludge and drying. CFBC is tested the efficiency of solid fuel by the combustion experiment. It is very significant that we develop the Solid Refuse Fuel technique with the sludge generated in food industrial waste treatment plant and derive new competitive manufacturing processes.
        2013.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to accelerate the biodegradation of easily organic materials in landfilled waste before excavating a closed solid waste landfill and prevent to be dried the landfilled wastes at the same time, this study has suggested the Dual Step Biostabilization System (DSBS), which could inject air with dry fog into its body. In addition, the applicability of the DSBS was estimated by means of field test at a closed landfill. As a result of field test, the reduction of oxygen consumption rate for landfilled wastes (48%) stabilized by air with dry fog was higher than that of landfilled wastes (38%) stabilized by only air. Three lysimeter experiments were, also, performed for the landfilled wastes sampled from the closed landfill. The production of cumulative carbon dioxide for landfilled wastes stabilized by air with dry fog was estimated to be highest (1,144.8 mL). In case of lysimeter that moisture was not introduced was found to be 1,051.9 mL, while another lysimeter that moisture was introduced through horizental trenches was 1,095.8 mL. It is clear that the DSBS can accelerate the biodegradation of organic compounds. In terms of volatile solids, the reduction amount of volatile solids for air with dry fog was higher than that of the other conditions.