The proportion of software in the automotive industry is steadily increasing due to the rapid technological development of automobile E/E parts. Because the automotive E/E technology is now on the basis of intelligent automobile and advanced safety automobile technology. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of organizational capability (organizational resource capability and management capability), process capability (process capability, customer Requirement management capability), performance dimension (motivation, participation level). In this study, we conducted questionnaires and statistical analysis on engineers (members of the Korea Advanced Automotive Technology Association) who perform research and development activities in the R&D organization of the automotive E/E part in South Korea. ANOVA is applied for the verification of the difference in performance measured by organizational capability, process maturity, and motivation participation level according to company characteristics (level of processing : supply chain configuration, annual sales, total SW development ratio). According to the results of this study, in order to improve the performance of ASPICE or ISO 26262-related consulting project, a different consulting approach strategy considering the characteristics of organization and personnel is needed. In summary, the analysis results for the three main treatment levels are as follows. The difference in organizational capacity, process capability and performance was found to be statistically significant according to supply chain configuration and annual sales, but it was found that the difference of response according to the proportion of total SW was not significant.
농산물 직거래는 생산자와 소비자를 직접 연결하면서 중간유통비용을 절감하고 이를 통해 생산자와 소비자 모두에게 만족을 줄 수 있는 대안적인 유통경로이다. 이러한 역할때문에 최근 온라인 농산물 직 거래에 대한 관심이 다시 높아지고 있다. 하지만 농산물 직거래는 중간유통단계를 생략하는 것이기 때 문에 생산자가 그 역할을 대신하여야 하기에 다양한 장애요인을 가지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 직거래를 추진하고 있는 농업인을 대상으로 직거래 장애요인을 파악하고, 직거래 활성화를 위하여 농촌진흥청에 서 수행하고 있는 e-비즈니스 교육을 어떤 방향으로 이끌어가야 할지에 대하여 방향을 제시하였다. 그 결과, 교육 프로그램 보완, 개인역량 강화, 협업화, 농업인들이 희망하는 교육 확대 등이 필요한 것으로 나타났다.
This research will introduce the characteristic of the current E-Sales system, the concept of CTP(Capable to Promise), the process analysis of CTP, the modeling of algorithm and the development of algorithm. This research considers the environment of using Job-Shop method. The CTP algorithm models specially through using LPST(Latest Possible Start Time) and EPST(Earlist Possible Start Time) method. It is important part of executing CTP. This research develops the system which can be implemented in the various business environment through additional and continuous research.