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        검색결과 14

        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        마늘은 에티오피아에서 양념으로 쓰이는 가장 중요한 작목 중 하나이다. 그럼에도 생산성은 세계 평균의 절반 수준에 머물고 있는 실정이다. 이렇게 생산성이 낮은 주요 원인으로는 품종의 다양성 부족, 낮은 영농기술 수준과 병해충 등을 들 수 있겠다. 이를 극복하기 위하여 한국의 농촌진흥청 국립원 예특작과학원으로부터 13종류의 마늘 품종이 도입되어 데브라 자이트와 쿨룸사에 위치한 농업연구소(Debre Zeit and Kulumsa agricultural research centers)에서 예비 실험이 진행 되었다. 도입된 13 품종 중에서 Namdo, Daeseo 및 Wangyo 57022 등 3 품종에서만 주아 (bulbil)가 형성이 되었다. 한국에서 도입된 마늘 3 품종의 적응성을 조사한 결과는 아래와 같이 정리할 수 있다. 1. Namdo 품종은 구근의 직경이 38~60 mm였고 무게는 25.1 g부터 92.7까지로 다양하였다. 구근은 8~11 쪽으로 구성 되었다. 2. Namdo와 Daeseo 등 한국 품종들은 Kuriftu라는 지역 품종에 비하여 구근의 크기는 약 2배 정도 컸으며, 마늘 쪽의 무게는 약 5배 정도 무거웠다. 하지만 성숙까지의 기간은 지역 품종(120일)에 비하여 약 60일 이상 길었다 (179일). 3. 쿨룸사 농업연구소에서 진행된 재배결과에서는 지역 품종인 Tesday의 생산량은 12.87 t/ha으로 Namdo (9.53 t/ha) 및 다른 실험군에 비하여 유의적으로 높았다. 하지만 Namdo 품종의 구근 무게는 지역 품종인 G-104/94에 비하여 50% 이상 높은 것으로 확인된 반면, 쪽의 숫자는 9개로 G-94-1/94의 14 개와 Tseday의 23개 보다 유의적으로 적었다. 즉, 상품성 측면에서 한국 품종이 우수하다는 결과로 사료되었다. 4. 파종시기에 따른 Namdo 품종의 발달 차이를 살펴본 결과 높이, 7월 중순에 파종한 경우가 8월이나 9월에 파종한 경우보다 마늘 쪽의 두께, 크기 및 무게가 유의적으로 우수한 것으로 확인되었다. 한국에서 도입된 품종 중에서 특히, Namdo의 경우 성장 기간이 조금 떠 짧아질 수 있다면 에티오피아에서 생산이 가능한 품종으로 판단된다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background:Agricultural work is physically demanding and is associated with a high frequency of musculoskeletal disorders. It is challenging to comprehensively understand the present status of work-related diseases and injuries among farmers in underdeveloped countries.Objects:This study aimed to elucidate the current status of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in local farmers in Tigray, Ethiopia, and identify the agricultural factors associated work-related musculoskeletal pain (AFWMP) and healthy living and healthy behavior factors associated work-related musculoskeletal pain (HFWMP).Methods:The Institute for Poverty Alleviation and International Development at Yonsei University conducted a survey of 126 households in Tigray, Ethiopia in 2014. A total of 116 individuals (73 men, 43 women) representing each household answered the questionnaires.Results:1) Work-related musculoskeletal pain (WMSP) most commonly occurred when performing heavy lifting and most frequently occurred in the lower back. 2) Age, self-perceived labor intensity, and months of farming work were significantly higher in the pain group than those in the non-pain group. 3) Overall work-related musculoskeletal pain intensity (WPI) showed positive and negative correlations with years of farming experience and self-perceived health status, respectively. 4) In binary logistic regression, the occurrence of WMSP showed significant associations with self-perceived labor intensity. 5) On multiple linear regression analysis, age, months of farming work, and self-perceived health status had a significant impact on overall WPI.Conclusion:The WMSP of farmers in Tigray, Ethiopia was related to the characteristics of farm working and health status. Furthermore, HFWMP and AFWMP were the chief factors affecting the occurrence of WMSP in farmers in Tigray. Therefore, both HFWMP and AFWMP should be considered for clinical health assessments of farmers with WMSP in underdeveloped African countries.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Swarming alates of termite Macrotermes sp. has been accepted as food among people of Benishangul Gumuz zone in west Ethiopia bordering with Sudan. The preference seems to be for the reproductive caste. We assessed the nutritional composition of nymph and alate of Macrotermes sp. of Ethiopia. The adult contained higher amino acids (31%) compared to nymph (21%). However, the distribution of amino acids in the protein was similar (ap. 4:6 essential to non-essential amino acids). Both stages tend to have high fat contents (50%). Fat supplement could be a possible reason behind the human consumption of termites. Beside the bio-prospection of termite as food or oil source, termite foraging would have important evolutionary biology due to their significant amount of energy-yielding nutrients which could presumably be critical resource for development of larger brained hominines.
        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analyze the research trends in the South Korean Official Development Assistance (ODA), by examining the papers of degree thesis papers, project reports, and academic journals published from 2000 to 2015, as well as investigating and proposing the themes for future studies. According to the rubrics of analysis, from numerous papers, twelve thesis, twelve reports and eight academic journals were selected and considered following five analysis criteria; namely, published year, stakeholder of study, project procedure, methodology, and relevance to MDGs, the Millennium Development Goals. The results of the analysis are as follows: first, the papers associated with South Korean ODA for Ethiopia were published in 2008 for the first time. With steadily increasing numbers of thesis, reports, and journals, following after 2008, researches have conducted studies vigorously since 2011. However, investigations on the South Korean ODA for Ethiopia are noticeably insufficient, in comparison to the grant aids and concessional loans paid thus far. Secondly, the analysis appeared in twelve papers published by universities, eleven by government authorities, and eight by specialty magazines. Upon closer inspection, the government authority indicated Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), and eight other specialty magazines, as well as the following: Korea Water Resources Association2), Korean Association of African Studies3), Korea Society of Agricultural Extension4), Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion5), Journal of International Collaboration in Education6), Korea Research Society for Customs7),Perspectives in Nursing Science, The Women’s Studies8). Third, project procedure utilized as the criteria for the analysis. As a result, one feasibility study conducted in 2012 and 2013, one planning study in 2008 and 2010, two planning studies in 2013, one evaluation study in 2011 were identified. However, each project procedure paper for the 25 projects launched thus far were difficult to find. Papers for those have no relevance with ODA projects, and were considered as other studies. Fourth, papers relevant to the MDGs stand as such; 11 papers were linked with MDG 2, ‘Achieve universal primary education’. Three papers had relevance to MDG 1, ‘Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger’, one to MDG 3, ‘Promote gender equality’, three to MDG 5, ‘Improve maternal health’, four to MDG 6, ‘Combat HIV/AIDS malaria, and other diseases’, two to MDG 7, ‘Ensure environmental sustainability’, seven to MDG 8, ‘Develop a global partnership for development’. There were no papers connected with MDG 4, ‘Reduce child mortality’. Therefore, based on this trend analysis, broader spectrums and diverse methods of study should be implemented for the future studies with regard to the South Korean ODA for Ethiopia.
        2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        에티오피아는 1994년을 기점으로 교육개혁을 시도하면서 보편적 교육 및 질 높은 교육 의 실현을 위한 기틀을 마련하였다. 특히, 두 목표를 실현하기 위해 1994년 교육개혁은 질 높은 교사의 수급을 위한 교사 양성소의 교육과정 변화 및 임금 인상에 따른 승진제도 마련 등의 유인책을 제도에 포함시켰다. 이러한 유인책에도 불구하고 여전히 에티오피아 내 교사수급은 현저한 문제점으로 지적되고 있으며 특히 질 높은 교사의 이직은 심각한 사 회적 문제로 부각되고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 에티오피아 교사들은 왜 이직을 하려고 하는 지에 대해 분석하고자 한다. 본 연구에서는 에티오피아 교사 승진제도 및 낮 은 임금 구조가 교사의 이직에 영향을 미친다는 결론에 도달한다. 첫째, 불투명한 승진구 도는 교사의 이직과 관련성이 있다. 둘째, 승진에 따른 정치관련 업무 증가는 교사의 이직 에 영향을 미친다. 셋째, 교육 및 정치의 연관성으로 인한 교직 내 민주적인 문화형성이 어렵다. 넷째, 승진으로 인한 급여 인상이 매력적이지 않다.
        2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Information and communications technology(ICT) has been emerged as a powerful tool for extending educational opportunities in a global society. Integration of ICT is a key factor of an educational reform agenda in many developing countries. This study examines the current state of ICT facilities and educational environment in Ethiopia. Basic research on Ethiopia and Adama Science and Technology University and interviews with each stakeholder were conducted in order to reveal which factors play a role in the decision to adopt ICT.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국의 종합적인 농촌개발모델로 알려진 새마을운동은 한국의 국가경제 및 농촌지역사회 발전의 토대가 되었고 최근 들어 많은 개도국으로부터 성공모델로써 인정받고 있다. 최근 에디오피아도 한국의 발전경험과 유사한 변혁을 이루고자 노력하고 있다. 1990년대 초반 이후 에디오피아 정부는다양한 전략적인 개발정책을 통해 농업 및 농촌개발을 최우선순위로 실행하여왔다. 지난 10여년간 에디오피아의 농촌개발은 많은 진전이 있었지만, 초기 목표로 하였던 수준은 달성하지 못하였다. 이에 따라 에디오피아에서는 새마을운동과 같은성공적인 농촌개발모형으로부터 교훈을 얻고자 하는 노력이커지고 있다. 본고에서는 농촌개발 접근방식으로서 새마을운동의 성공요인들을 에디오피아의 현재의 농촌개발과 비교하여 검증하고자한다. 1970년대 한국의 새마을운동의 경험과 현재의 에디오피아 농촌개발정책을 비교시 농업·농촌개발정책의 틀은 매우유사한 것으로 평가된다. 반면, 농촌개발현장에서의 실패사례는새마을운동의 정신을 에디오피아 농촌개발시책으로 적용시 좀더 다각적이고 세심하게 고려해야 한다는 시사점을 주고 있다. 특히 본고에서는 새마을운동의 주요 성공요인으로써 농지개혁과 농촌주민의 사회적연대, 강력한 제도개선과 정부의 리더쉽, 그리고 전방위적인 정책지원, 대상마을에 대한 인센티브시책 및 마을간 경쟁유도 등을 들고 있다. 이러한 요소들이에디오피아에 농촌개발전략으로써 종합적이고 유기적으로 실행된다면 한국의 새마을운동과 같은 결과를 도출할 수 있을것으로 기대된다.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: Town of Woldia, a semi-arid region in the Northern Wollo region of Ethiopia, faces water supply shortage in general, though the town possesses a running stream of clean water throughout the year. This study is aimed at analyzing the possibility of using rainwater for water scarcity and non-potable water needs of the Woldia University. A careful study and analysis have been made to assess the feasibility of using rainwater in place of the tap water supply. Research design and methodology: This study was done inside the main campus of Woldia University located in Woldia town. The runoff water from the roof of buildings was studied, by the time of rainfall in the town. Also, the budget needed for implementing a rainwater harvesting system was calculated. Results: The findings of the study clearly indicates that the requirements of the water to use for flushing, cleaning, and washing toilets in the administrative buildings and classrooms can be satisfied by using rainwater as an alternative to tap water. Conclusion: Based on the results the study finds it is benefitable for the Woldia University to install the rainwater harvesting system at the earliest to solve the water problems prevailing in the current situation.
        2015.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        According to a recent analysis of NASA, the year 2014 now ranks as the warmest on record since 1880. Africa is widely held to be highly vulnerable to future climate change related hazards, and Ethiopia is often cited as one of the most extreme examples. The country’s economy is highly exposed to climate variability and extremes and the nature of agriculture, primarily rain-fed is sensitive to fluctuations in rainfall, which forms the basis of the economy supporting roughly 42% GDP and 85% employment. Wahlström M (2009) reported that over the last two decades (1988-2007), 76% of all disaster events were hydrological, meteorological or climatological in nature. In this review, a great concern is given for extreme conditions (flood and drought) particularly climate change related hazards and tries to look at the challenges, mitigation and policies. Climate change, drought and flood will continue to be a primary concern for many Ethiopian and even agricultural production and water supplies will become more severely diminished. Starting from 1970-1996 droughts and the resulting food shortage have affected millions and cause for the death of a significant number of people and in 2009 Ethiopia has experienced a delay in the main rainy season, particularly in northeastern areas, resulting in 50-70 % of agricultural land being sown for cropping. Ethiopia has also experienced a major flood in 1988, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 and 2006 and climate change, including extreme events like drought and flood affected areas will likely become more widely spread. Recently, flash floods affected big cities, including Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa (death of 300 people) and result in considerable damage to lives, livelihoods and property. Despite the hugely damaging effect that natural and man-made disasters have on Ethiopia’s economic development, little is done to prevent them. There are significant challenges to reduce climate change related hazards, but linking of climate change adaptation with disaster risk reduction and effective strategies to prevent hazards from becoming disasters and managing those disasters that do occur would make a lasting contribution to the quality of life and sustainable livelihoods. Several factors contribute to Ethiopia’s high vulnerability to disasters, but here the authors will focus on institutional frameworks and policy. There are several NGO and governmental climate change actors in Ethiopia. The country’s National Policy on Disaster Prevention and Management (NPDPM) was prepared in 1993. Ethiopia has also ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and under the mechanism, a National Adaptation Program of Action (NAPA) was produced in 2001 with an ambition to identify ‘immediate and urgent’ adaptation activities that address current and anticipated adverse effects of climate change and extreme climate events. The Environmental policy of Ethiopia indicates that environmental sustainability to be recognized in policies and strategies as a key prerequisite. In line with this the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), was established and mainly assumes a regulatory role and coordinates various activities and included policy on climate change and pollution, particularly on promoting climate monitoring programs as the country is sensitive to changes in climate, identifying a firm and demonstrable commitment to the principle of containing climate change and fostering to use hydro, geothermal and solar energy to minimize an emission of greenhouse gases.