
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2013.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article examines the types and cooking methods of Suksilkwa as recorded in 14 royal palace studies and 10 old literature texts of the Joseon dynasty (1392-1909). The types of Suksilkwa during the Joseon dynasty were Joran (棗卵), Yulran (栗卵), and Gangran (薑卵). The frequency of the Suksilkwa types during the Joseon dynasty in order were: Gangran (35.4%), Joran (32.3%), and Yulran (32.3%). Prior to 185 years ago, "Junghae-Jungraeeuigwe (丁亥整禮儀軌)" (1827), Joran (棗卵), Yulran (栗卵), and Gangran (薑卵) were called Samsaegran (三色卵). Nearly 144 years ago, "Mujin-Jinchaneuigwe (戊辰進饌儀軌)" (1868) recalled sulsilgwa (熟實果). "Imjin-Jinchaneuigwe (壬辰進饌儀軌)" (1892) first recalled assorted-sulsilgwa (各色熟實果), in which sansabyeong were added in the sulsilgwa. "Sinchuk-Jinyeoneuigwe (辛丑進宴儀軌)" (July 1901), "Imin-Jinchaneuigwe (壬寅進饌儀軌)" (April 1902), "Imin-Jinyeoneuigwe (壬寅進宴儀軌)" (November 1902) described assorted-sulsilgwa (各色熟實果) in which ohmijabyeong were added to the sulsilgwa. Further study will be conducted on recipes and ingredients recorded in these Euigwe and old books in order to develop a standardized recipe to make Suksilkwa appealing to a global palate.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the prevalence of the traditional fruit preserve, gwapyeon, recorded in 10 royal palace studies and 10 old literature reports on the Joseon dynasty (1392-1909). A total of 62 papers presented the Gwapyeon kind in the documents of the Joseon dynasty. The protocols of the court of the Joseon Dynasty and old literature discussed the Gwapyeon as follows: Nokmalbyeong (ohmijapyeon) 22.5%; aengdupyeon (櫻桃片) 14.5%; salgupyeon (杏) and bokbunjapyeon (覆盆子) at 11.3% each; beojjipyeon and mogwapyeon (木瓜) at 8.1% each; sansapyeon (山査) and chijapyeon at 6.5% each; duchungpyeon (杜沖) 4.8%; and deuljjukpyeon, saenggangpyeon (薑), daechupyeon (棗) and yujapyeon (柚子) at 1.6% each. From "Junghae-Jungraeeuigwe (丁亥整禮儀軌)" (1827) to "Junghae-Jinchaneuigwe (丁亥進饌儀軌)" (1887) called nokmalbyeong (菉末餠). "Sinchuk-Jinchaneuigwe (辛丑進饌儀軌)" (May 1901) renamed the ohmijabyeong (五味子餠). "Sinchuk-Jinyeoneuigwe (辛丑進宴儀軌)" (July 1901), the assorted-sulsilgwa (各色熟實果 ) were included in the ohmijabyeong. "Imin-Jinchaneuigwe (壬寅進饌儀軌)" (April 1902), The ohmijabyeong (五味子餠) and assorted-sulsilgwa (各色熟實果) was used and a mixture of "Imin-Jinyeoneuigwe (壬寅進宴儀軌)" (November 1902) included the assorted-sulsilgwa (各色熟實果).
        2009.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the examples of wooden member terms of architecture terminology used in Yeonggeon-euigwe(營建儀軌) in the era of Joseon Dynasty. It is to trace the period of their appearances and changes and also to illuminate coinage characteristics and method of architectural terminology used in Yeonggeon-euigwe through graphonomy research and system and structure of wood member terms. By analyzing the meaning of a word, it was found that there was much Insineui, difference of word meaning by country was shown although it was the same shape of character. In particular, the specialty of double language system of Korean language is combined with that of wood terms. Operation of type unrelated to word meaning was found and Korean unique Gachaeui(假借義) like Bo(椺) was generated. This study draws separate systems: one is that can indicate coinage characters of architectural terminology in Yeonggeon-euigwe. The other is to obtain coinage method as a result of reclassifying terminology based on it.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the examples and changes of wooden member terms in Yeonggeon-euigwe(營建儀軌) in the era of Joseon Dynasty. As a result of examining examples, about 240 wood member terms were found on the basis of phonetic value and examples different from today's term use were also confirmed. Wood member terms were derived in variety and synonym and different style, that is, coexistence or transition of several notations as the term indicating the same member was found. Derivation of detail terms has the characteristic increasing on the basis of morpheme and formation of different notation followed Chinese notation or was caused by complex coinage features like a coined word of Korea by the meaning of a word and borrowed character notation borrowing sound and it is also related to the specificity of that time which had dual language system. The typical examples without different style for long were pillar, rafter, door and window. Examples with active generation and selection of different styles included beam, capital and bracket-system terms. Different styles were caused by the combination of several notations including borrowed character in the process of Chinese character notation borrowing sound, Korean unique character emphasizing and limiting combination of 木 (wood) with side of character and Chinese. Period showing remarkable change of example notation was the compilation of 《the Hwa-Sung-Sung-Euk-Eui-Gue》華城城役儀軌. 《the Hwa-Sung-Sung-Euk-Eui-Gue》is the representative type uigwe made by printed type not by handicraft. Printing by type accompanies unification of the shape of a character necessarily and it was considered that it resulted in the unification of character of different style, the number of strokes and minute difference of strokes, and it was interpreted that common use of intentional notation with the unification of the shape of a character was achieved.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        의궤는 조선전기부터 제작된 것으로 기록에 나타나지만, 현존하는 의궤 중 가 장 오래된 것이 선조대 후반에 제작된 것들이다. 따라서 광해군대에 제작된 의 궤는 현존 의궤 중에는 상당히 시기가 오래된 것으로 분류된다. 광해군대에 제 작된 주요 의궤는, 1) 선조의 국장, 부묘, 묘호 개상, 존호와 관련 의궤, 2) 명나 라 사신을 영접한 의궤, 3) 생모인 공성왕후의 추숭에 관계된 의궤, 4) 화약무기 를 제작한 과정인 󰡔화기도감의궤󰡕, 5) 천문관측기구를 보관하는 흠경각과 보루 각 건축 의궤, 6) 제기 제작에 관한 의궤, 7) 󰡔삼강행실도󰡕를 새로 펴낸 과정을 정리한 󰡔동국신속삼강행실찬집청의궤󰡕 등이다. 이 중 󰡔화기도감의궤󰡕와 󰡔흠경 각영건의궤󰡕, 󰡔보루각영건의궤󰡕, 󰡔영접도감도청의궤󰡕는 광해군대에만 특별히 제작된 의궤들로서, 국방과 외교 분야에서 큰 성과를 이룬 광해군 정권의 성격 을 잘 보여주고 있다고 여겨진다. 광해군 재위 16년간 27종의 의궤가 편찬되었 다. 그런데 그 중에 6종이 명나라 사신을 접대하는 외교와 관련되는 의궤라는 점이 우선 주목이 된다. 광해군은 국방이나 외교, 과학에서만은 탁월한 군주임 에는 분명하였다. 명과 청의 세력교체라는 국제정세에 대한 정확한 인식을 바 탕으로 실리외교를 수행한 것이나 화기제작을 통해 국방 강화에 주력함으로써, ‘예견된 전쟁’을 슬기롭게 막는 능력을 보여주었다. 과학 중시의 사고가 그 바탕 에 있었음은 물론이다. 그의 시대에 제작된 󰡔영접도감의궤󰡕과 󰡔화기도감의궤󰡕, 󰡔흠경각영건의궤󰡕 등은 그 능력을 축소판처럼 보여주고 있다. 특히 광해군 정 권의 주역인 북인인 점을 고려하면, 북인의 학문적 원류가 되었던 남명학파나 화담학파의 博學, 실천 중시의 사상적 흐름이 광해군대의 국방, 외교, 과학적 분 위기와도 일정한 연관성을 갖는다고 할 수 있다.