
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 10

        2020.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study derived elements from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) to assess factors influencing attitude and intention to use drones for medications delivery among Generation Y consumers. Data was collected from 300 respondents. The results revealed that attitudes towards the use of drones for medicine delivery were influenced by perceived service quality, usefulness, and service value. Subjective norms, usefulness, service value and attitudes impacted behavioural intention. This study contributes in distribution strategy literature. It also enriches information on the drone delivery capabilities as well as the accessibility of medications through drones.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As Internet use has increased, customers have become more active at sharing their travel opinions through social media regarding their experiences with service organizations. Social media has become a ubiquitous tool that enables customers to share their travel experiences. In particular, members of Generation Y are more likely to be active on social media and more likely to share their experiences online. Understanding Generation Y’s online customer engagement preferences on different social media platforms may help to enhance brand loyalty. Customer engagement (CE) has been attracting the attention of both practitioners and academics because it may help to enhance both brand loyalty and purchase decisions. Social media platforms have become a significant communication tool for both customers and service providers, creating an opportunity to engage with customers. Interacting with active customers on the right social media platform can increase direct bookings, building brand loyalty. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to examine Generation Y’s brand loyalty preferences through its members’ engagement with social media. The results of this research will expand understanding of Generation Y customers’ online engagement through social media. This research may also suggest how hotels are able to utilize social media platforms in order to encourage online engagement with Generation Y by building brand loyalty.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The demand for cosmetic products is generally declining globally, but growing among female Generation Y (Gen Y). Gen Y (18-34 years) are large in size and disposable income and are high users of various social media platforms. Thus, cosmetic companies are competing to capture this market segment. However, the type of social media platforms, which can best attract and induce cosmetic products interest among this fickle and notoriously disloyal market segment is unknown. This study therefore employed the AIDA model to examine the effectiveness of YouTube, Instagram and Facebook in igniting female Gen Y South Africans‟ interest in cosmetic products. Data was collected from 220 respondents. Structural equation modeling results revealed that the cosmetic products interest is ignited by YouTube and Instagram ads and not Facebook ads. Implications are provided.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate Generation Y (Gen Y) South Africans’ beliefs about generic medicines. The results indicate that Gen Y believe in the important attributes of generic medicines. Younger, black and ungraduated Gen Y have less belief in the efficacy of generic medicine than older, non-blacks and postgraduates.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Research findings show that money attitude dimensions variedly affect compulsive buying. We surveyed 750 Generation Y South Africans to examine whether gender and family resources received during childhood is influencing the varied impact of money attitude dimensions on compulsive buying. Depending on whether low or high family resources were received during childhood, we found gender differences and a similarity on how money attitude dimensions affect compulsive buying. In terms of similarity, we found that high provision of both tangible and intangible family resources during childhood promotes the development of budget money attitude, which negatively affects the development of compulsive buying behavior.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined relationships among healthy food awareness, behavioral intention toward healthy foods, and actual behavior of Generation Y consumers. This study hypothesized that Generation Y consumers are aware of healthy foods and more likely to eat healthy foods while avoiding junk foods. According to structural equation modeling, all hypothesized paths were statistically significant, meaning that the three constructs in the model showed positive relationships with each other. Results showed that this group of college students is generally aware of healthy foods and have positive intentions toward healthy food choices. Therefore, university foodservice management needs to continue to improve their menus in order to attract this new generation of college student consumers.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Generation Y is becoming important to marketers. Since this consumer is disloyal, more value has to be offered to him. This value can be generated through “coolness” of a brand. By means of a mixed-method approach the German Generation Y consumer is characterized and his perception of cool brands elaborated.
        2009.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Y generation born between 1981 and 1995 is the largest consumer group in the United States. This study is to provide an insight of understanding Y generation’s decision factors of purchasing Jeans and the fit issues. This study investigated their purchasing decisions factors, including fit, cost, brand, color, and the media/internet influences. It is revealed that the Y generation might have access to the internet, but they still rely more on their peers and savvy skills to decide what they purchase. They preferred to shop from the land based retail stores rather than the internet. The fit was the most important factor of their purchasing decision, but less concerns of the brand. In this study, 87% of them chose “fit” as the reason to buy a pair of jeans. Fit problems were related to the price category. This study suggests apparel manufacturers should understand Y generation’s fit issues in the global market.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Entrepreneurship has become an important topic for governments to shape and influence the quantity and quality of entrepreneurship and improve policy toward the entrepreneurial economy. This study investigates the factors affecting the entrepreneurial decision of nascent entrepreneurs belonging to Generation Y in Vietnam. A mixed-method including both qualitative and quantitative methodologies was utilized. A focus group was carried out with 11 participants for exploring, reviewing, and testing content validity of constructs and measurement items. The conceptual model and hypotheses were developed using data collected by a questionnaire survey. The cross-sectional survey method was applied. A sample of 221 respondents was constituted, by both electronic and paper surveys with non-probability and convenience sampling techniques. SmartPLS 3 software was employed to analyze the data collected. The results show that nine factors were affecting the entrepreneurial decision of nascent entrepreneurs belonging to Generation Y in Vietnam, including entrepreneurial education, family background, entrepreneurial ecosystem, perceived behavioral control, social valuation, perceived opportunity, attitude, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and entrepreneurial intention. The findings show the importance of entrepreneurial education, social value, and ecosystems. Therefore, in order to promote successful entrepreneurship, it is necessary to strengthen entrepreneurship education and have a strategy for the improvement of the entrepreneurship ecosystem.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 인플루언서의 속성과 소셜 네트워크 서비스인 인스타그램 이용자와의 관계유지에 미치는 영향을 연구하고자 한다. 또한 세대유형별에 따른 인플루언서의 속성(신뢰성, 매력성)과 관계유지의 차이를 실증적으로 연구하는데 목적이 있다. 이는 모바일 마케팅 전략에 필요한 세부적인 연구로써 정보 제공자와 정보수용자간의 커뮤니케이션의 활성화에 도움이 될 것이다. 인스타그램 이용자들에게 정보를 제공하는 인플루언서의 속성 중 신뢰성과 매력성에 대하여 소비문화에 중요한 Z세대(generation Z)와 Y세대(millenials)에 따른 차이를 검증하였다. 조사방법은 패션·뷰티 분야의 인플루언서(男/女) 4명의 인스타그램 계정 및 게시물을 온라인 서베이를 통해 설명과 함께 예시물로 제시하였다. 연구방법은 Amos 구조방정식을 통하여 변수들간의 인과관계를 분석하였다. 연구결과 관계유지에 대한 영향력은 인플루언서의 신뢰성보다 매력성이 높게 나타났다. 인플루언서 속성과 관계유지 사이에 Z/Y세대 간의 차이를 검증한 결과 매력성에는 차이가 나타났고 신뢰성에서는 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 그러나 영향관계 값의 분석을 통해 살펴보면 Z세대는 신뢰성보다 매력성에 더 높은 영향관계를 나타내며 Y세대는 신뢰성에서 더 높은 영향관계로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 통해 인플루언서와 소비자들과의 관계에서는 진정성을 바탕으로한 신뢰성이 유지되어야 하는 기본 속성으로써 매우 중요한 것임을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구를 통하여 소비자들이 원하는 제품과 서비스에 대한 경험이 인플루언서들의 장점과 협력할 수 있는 기회를 제공해준다면 자연스러운 커뮤니케이션과 함께 지속적인 관계유지가 형성될 것으로 보인다.