
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 11

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To safely dispose of highly radioactive spent resin and concentrate waste generated through nuclear power plant operations, it is essential to meet the physicochemical properties requirements of the packages and ensure the accuracy and reliability of radiological characteristics determination. Both spent resin and concentrate are packaged in high-integrity containers (HICs) after drying and are homogeneous waste products generated in the primary system and liquid radioactive waste treatment system. Meeting the physicochemical properties requirements does not appear to be difficult. However, to achieve reliable radiological characterization of high-integrity container packages, it is necessary to take a representative sample and perform accurate radiological analysis. Therefore, this paper discusses the methodology for evaluating the radionuclide inventory of high radioactive resin and concentrate packages, as well as the essential element technology and considerations. For relatively high radioactive resin and concentrate packages, the radionuclide inventory for each package should be evaluated with high reliability through direct radiological analysis of the representative samples collected for each package. This can contribute to the efficient operation of radioactive waste disposal facilities. Radionuclide-specific concentrations directly analyzed for each package will be managed in a database. As analytical data accumulates and direct measurements of high-integrity container package such as the radwaste drum assay system (RAS) become feasible, statistical techniques such as correlation analysis between easy-tomeasure (ETM) nuclides and difficult-to-measure (DTM) nuclides can lead to the development of efficient and reasonable indirect evaluation methods, such as scaling factor and the mean activity concentration method. As for the element technology, a remote representative sampling technique should be developed to safely and effectively take representative samples of highly radioactive materials, including granulated or hardened concentrate waste. Considerations should also be given to determining the sample quantity representing each package, as well as establishing radiation calibration and measurement methods appropriate to the radiation levels of the representative samples.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Licensing for the application of the Polymer Concrete High Integrity Container (PC-HIC) to nuclear power plants has been completed or is in progress. Approval for the expanded application to all domestic nuclear power plants has been completed to utilize the 860 L PC-HICs for the 2nd stage surface repository, and the regulatory body is reviewing the license application to use the 510 L PCHICs for the 1st stage underground repository in the representative nuclear power plants. The 860 L PC-HICs, which have been licensed for all domestic nuclear power plants, will be used for safe storage management and disposal of low-dose dried concentrate waste and spent resin, and a total of 100 units is expected to be supplied to representative nuclear power plants that have been licensed first. The 510 L PC-HICs are planned to be used for underground disposal of high-dose spent resin and dried concentrate waste. Prior to the application of PC-HICs to nuclear power plants and disposal to the repository, it is necessary to establish realistic and reasonable requirements through close consultations between waste generator and disposal operators to ensure the suitability for disposal of PC-HIC packages and to carry out disposal delivery and acceptance work. Since the Polymer Concrete High Integrity Container (PC-HIC) has long-term integrity of more than 300 years and the barrier does not temporarily collapse, spent resin and dried concentrate waste, which are radioactive wastes to be solidified, can be disposed of much more safely in PC-HIC packages than solidified types. Acceptance criteria for the PC-HIC packages should be prepared fully reflecting the advantages of PC-HIC, and quality assurance methods for physical/chemical/radiological characterization results based on the Waste Certification Program (WCP) should be supported. In addition, infrastructure should be secured for safe transportation, handling, and storage of the PC-HIC packages. In this paper, we have tried to find a reasonable acceptance criteria, quality assurance method, and infrastructure level according to the dose and disposal conditions of PC-HIC packages.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        High Integrity Container (HIC) made of polymer concrete was developed for the efficient treatment and safe disposal of radioactive spent resin and concentrate waste in consideration of the disposal requirements of domestic disposal sites. Permission for application of Polymer Concrete High Integrity Container (PC-HIC) to the domestic nuclear power plants (NPPs) has been completed or is under examination by the regulatory agency. In the case of 860 L PC-HIC for very-low-level-waste (VLLW) or low low-level-waste (LLW), the application of four representative NPPs has been approved, and the license for extended application to the rest NPPs is also almost completed. A licensing review is also underway to apply 510 L PC-HIC for intermediate and low-level-waste (ILLW) to representative nuclear power plants. In order to handle and efficiently store and manage PC-HICs and high-dose PCHIC packages, a gripper device that can be remotely operated and has excellent safety is essential, and the introduction of NPPs is urgent. The conventional gripper device developed by the PC-HIC manufacturer for lifting test to evaluate the structural integrity of PC-HIC requires a rather wide storage interval due to its design features, and does not have a passive safety design to handle heavy materials safely. In addition, work convenience needs to be reinforced for safety management of high radiation work. Therefore, we developed a conceptual design for a gripper device with a new concept to minimize the work space by reflecting on-site opinions on the handling and storage management conditions of radioactive waste in NPPs, and to enhances work safety with the passive safety design by the weight of the package and the function of checking the normal seating of the device and the normal operation of the grip by the detector/indicator, and to greatly improves the work efficiency and convenience with the wireless power supply function by rechargeable battery and the remote control function by camera and wireless monitoring & control system. Through design review by experts in mechanical system, power supply and instrumentation & control fields and further investigations on the usage conditions of PC-HICs, it is planned to facilitate preparations for the application of PC-HIC to domestic NPPs by securing the technical basis for a gripper device that can be used safely and efficiently and seeking ways to introduce it in a timely manner.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        During the normal operation boron concentrates and spent resins are generated. The boron concentrates are treated by concentrated waste drying system (CWDS) and results in fine powder form. The solidification or application of high integrity container (HIC) is required for the disposal of the dried boron concentrates. The spent resin is stored in storage tank after the water treatment. The spent resin also requires solidification or application of HIC to satisfy the waste acceptance criteria (WAC) in Korea. The solidification process requires periodic validation. The repeated validation and complicated process hesitates the practical application. The application of HIC offers various advantages, including flexible free standing water requirement, higher waste loading compared to solidification, and simple process. The polymer concrete (PC), which is a primary component for PC-HIC exhibits good material stability. The expected transportation mechanism of nuclide in the PC-HIC are 1) diffusion by concentration, 2) permeation by pressure, and 3) capillary suction when considering the disposal condition. Since the PC-HIC effectively prevents the intrusion of neighboring water and volume of free standing water is lower than 1%, it seems that diffusion by concentration is the primary transportation mechanism. In this study, the property of PC is investigated based on Cl ion diffusion test to evaluate the material reliability. The results indicate that PC exhibits superior stability compared to ordinary portland cement. In addition, the reliable life time of PC is estimated base on the element transportation phenomena.