본 연구는 정밀여과용 Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) 평막의 화학약품 수용액 내에서 경과시간에 따른 내화학성을 측정하기 위하여 실시하였다. 화학약품으로는 막 세정에 주로 사용되는 유효염소 0.5 wt% NaClO 수용액과 산성인 HCl 1 wt%, pH 4 수용액 그리고 알카리인 NaOH 4 wt%, pH 10 수용액을 사용하였다. 이상의 수용액중에 CPVC 분리막을 1일, 3, 5, 10일 동안 5, 25, 50℃에서 침지시킨 후, 각각의 인장강도와 파단시 신장율을 측정하여 내구성을 평가하였다. 막 세정시 주로 사용되는 유효염소 0.5 wt% NaClO 수용액의 경우 5℃ 조건에서는 인장강도 변화는 5% 이내이지만 25, 50℃에서는 17%까지 감소하였다. CPVC 분리막의 내화학성은 산성인 HCl 1 wt%와 pH 4 수용액에서 우수하였으나 NaOH 4 wt% 수용액에 대해서 가장 취약한 것으로 나타났다.
This paper is to investigate the effect of the immersion time in the traditional hairtail hand line for developing the fishing methods and the fishing gear in the coast of jeju. The operating of 32 times was made with each different immersion time of hairtail hand line, and the relations between the catch and the immersion time were examined. As the result, targeted species rate was over 98% of total catch. From about 800 seconds after casting, the hooking rate was decreased and the bite loss rate was increased, it seems to be made by the decreasing factors of predators including the cutting of branch lines etc. In addition, it was supposed that the hooking rate and the bait loss rate had a deep connection with feeding time zone. The level of the correlation coefficient of the bait loss rate according to the immersion time was 0.54 at p≤0.01, in the case of the hooking rate, 0.59 was chosen after about 800 seconds. The hooking rate and the bait loss rate according to the hook number were not irrelevant to the fish school layer. Additionally, it was assumed that the bait loss rate was related to the depth of water.
결빙억제제(CPA)의 종류, 농도 및 침지시간이 참전복 Haliotis discus hannai 발생배의 생존활성에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 4세포, 담륜자 및 피면자를 dimethyl sulfoxide, ethylene glycol, propylene glycol 농도별로 10분, 20분 및 30분간 침지하였다. CPA 침지 후 각 발생배의 발생진행률은 각 CPA 농도가 낮을수록, CPA 침지시간이 짧을수록 높았다. 또한, 피면자에서 비틀림전까지의