본 연구는 광주 내 대형마트와 온라인 마켓에서 영유아 를 대상으로 판매하는 과자류 80건 및 음료류 40건의 식 품첨가물(타르색소, 인공감미료), 곰팡이독소 및 영양성분 (자당, 무기질)을 분석하였다. 유아용 표시 식품의 기준 및 규격이 불검출로 설정된 타르색소와 사카린나트륨은 모든 시료에서 검출되지 않았다. 과자류(기타가공품) 1건에서 인공감미료인 아세설팜 칼륨이 0.07 g/kg 검출되었으나 이 는 식품첨가물의 기준 및 규격에서 정한 허용 기준치 이 하였다. 곰팡이독소는 아플라톡신 및 오크라톡신 A는 검 출되지 않았으며, 푸모니신 B1, B2 및 제랄레논이 각각 과자류에서 14건(9.78-78.94 μg/kg), 6건(5.58-11.73 μg/kg) 및 9건(2.96-8.83 μg/kg) 검출되었다. 푸모니신에 대한 기 준·규격은 따로 설정되어 있지 않았으나 타 연구 결과와 비교했을 때 비슷한 수준이었으며, 제랄레논은 식품 일반 에 대한 공통 기준·규격 이내로 확인되었다. 자당은 과자 류에서 65건(0.02-40.94 g/내용량(g)), 음료류에서 24건(0.12- 27.60 g/내용량(g)) 검출되었으나 식품유형간 유의적인 차 이는 없었으며, 타 연구 결과와 비교했을 때 그 함량도 적 은 편이었다. 다만, 검출 시료 89건 중 1건을 제외하고는 모두 1일 영양성분 기준치를 성인 기준으로 표시하고 있 었기 때문에 제품 구입 시 영유아 기준으로 오인될 우려 가 있다. 무기질은 대부분의 시료에서 검출되었으며 과자 류 중 4건의 시료에서 내용량 당 아연 함량이 상한섭취량 (1-2세: 6 mg/일, 3-5세: 9 mg/일)을 초과하는 수준이었다. 아연 강화식품이나 보충제의 과다 섭취가 인체의 유해성 을 보인다는 다수의 보고가 있으므로 섭취시 유의할 필요 가 있다. 나트륨은 과자류 80건 중 16건이 영유아용 표시 식품의 기준을 초과하였으나 모두 품목제조보고서상 영유 아 섭취 대상 식품으로 표시하지 않아 해당 기준을 적용 할 수 없었다. 따라서 영유아용 표시 식품의 기준·규격을 설정과 함께 현재 시행되는 기준·규격이 알맞게 적용될 수 있도록 표시 기준 강화 등의 제도적 개선이 필요할 것으 로 보인다.
This study was performed to determine the quality characteristics of extruded rice flour infant food with mealworm content (0, 15, and 30%) at 110 and 140℃ die temperature and 20 and 25% moisture content. An increase in mealworm content from 0 to 30% led to increased redness, yellowness, color different, water absorption index, reducing sugar, digestibility of protein and rancidity but decreased lightness, water solubility index, and digestibility of starch. Paste viscosity of extrudates increased with increasing mealworm content from 0 to 15% but decreased with increasing mealworm content from 15 to 30%. Elevation of die temperature resulted in increased color difference, water absorption index, and rancidity but decreased water solubility index and digestibility of starch. As moisture content increased, water absorption index and reducing sugar at 140℃ die temperature increased, whereas color difference, water solubility index, and reducing sugar at 110℃ die temperature decreased. In conclusion, addition of mealworm content and extrusion process could enhance nutritional quality and the physicochemical and functional properties of extrudates.
In this study, we selected supplementary vegetable resources to develpe nutritious supplementary model of korean formula for infants and children, purchased and analyzed it to use with a model. We also referred to an old book about Korean vegetable resources and searched a form of vegetable resources. There are a lot of vegetable resources of various kinds which lied scattered in mountains and fields of our country. As for these, a beyond compare menstruation activity component is becoming clear with a lot of things. It is thought that depth search and study of these vegetable resources and practical application to a infant and child supplemen is desirable. Therefore, we choosed vegetable resources ; a Capsella brusapastoris, a Codonopsis lanceolata, Dandelion, a wild plant, a Tractylis ovata(dried), a Tractylis ovata(native), a Pine plant, a burdock, a JanDae, a Plantain, a HollpDae, which gathered in our country, and we analyzied priximate aomposition of sample (moisture, ash, total carbohydrate, crude fat, crude protein, dietary fiber) and micronutrient contents of sample (calcium, Iron, flavonoids, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E).
Purpose - This study aims to examine the influence of social network service (SNS) on the brand image of infant food products; highlight the effects of brand image on the purchasing and word-of-mouth intention; and explore the effects of the purchasing intention on the word-of-mouth intention.
Research design, data, and methodology - Based on previous studies, it was found that the fundamental SNS characteristics for infant food products are reliability, interactivity, and informative. Using AMOS 22.0 and structural equation modeling (SEM), 288 questionnaires were surveyed as a statistical method for examining the proposed hypotheses.
Results - The analysis shows that reliability and informative have significant impacts on brand image, whereas interactivity does not. Again, the effect of brand image of infant food products on the purchase and word-of-mouth intention is statistically significant. However, the results differ across the “working housewife” and the “full-time housewife” groups. The connection between reliability and brand image was found to be statistically significant in this study.
Conclusions - This study analyzes the effects of SNS characteristics on the brand image of infant food products and the effect of the brand image on purchase and word-of-mouth intentions, and provides practical implications for the same.