In this study, we conducted a comparative study on user’s perception and behavior on public system service (PSS) using institutionalism theory and MGA (multi-group analysis) methodology. In particular, this study focuses on how institutional isomorphism is applied to public system services and how MGA can be implemented correctly in a variance based SEM (structural equation model) such as PLS (partial least square). A data set of 496 effective responses was collected from pubic system users and an empirical research was conducted using three segmented models categorized by public proximity theory (public firms = 113, government contractors = 210, private contractors = 173). For rigorous group comparisons, each model was estimated by the same indicators and approaches. PLS-SEM was used in testing research hypotheses, followed by parametric and non-parametric PLS-MGA procedures in testing categorical moderation effects. This study applied novel procedures for testing composite measurement invariance prior to multi-group comparisons. The following main results and implications are drawn : 1) Partial measurement invariance was established. Multi-group analysis can be done by decomposed models although data can not be pooled for one integrated model. 2) Multi-group analysis using various approaches showed that proximity to public sphere moderated some hypothesized paths from quality dimensions to user satisfaction, which means that categorical moderating effects were partially supported. 3) Careful attention should be given to the selection of statistical test methods and the interpretation of the results of multi-group analysis, taking into account the different outcomes of the PLS-MGA test methods and the low statistical power of the moderating effect. It is necessary to use various methods such as comparing the difference in the path coefficient significance and the significance of the path coefficient difference between the groups. 4) Substantial differences in the perceptions and behaviors of PSS users existed according to proximity to public sphere, including the significance of path coefficients, mediation and categorical moderation effects. 5) The paper also provides detailed analysis and implication from a new institutional perspective. This study using a novel and appropriate methodology for performing group comparisons would be useful for researchers interested in comparative studies employing institutionalism theory and PLS-SEM multi-group analysis technique.
본 논문은 현재 한국에서 논란이 되고 있는 게임등급심의제의 현황을 객관적으로 살펴볼 수 있도록 역사적 제도주의의 관점에서 게임선도국인 미국과 일본, 그리고 한국의 게임등급심의제를 둘러싼 제도의 맥락을 연구한 것이다. 제도는 그 나라의 정치, 경제, 사회적 맥락과 역사 안에서 성립된다. 각 나라의 게임제도는 고유의 맥락을 가진 제도를 가지기 때문에, 맥락이 다른 국가와의 제도를 일률적으로 비교하기 보다는 각국에 대한 깊이 있는 환경연구가 필요하다.
Jeju Special Self-Governing Province has implemented a self-governing environmental impact assessment system (Jeju-EIAS) in recognition of its autonomy. In this study, the institutional features of Jeju-EIAS were examined by analyzing the development projects whose consultation under Jeju-EIAS were completed from 1994 to 2019. The consultation procedure of Jeju-EIAS, such as the actual operation of Review Committee for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), the consent of the provincial council, and the regular follow-up activities for the implementation of EIA consultations, has been implemented differently from those of other metropolitan cities and provinces. Under Jeju-EIAS, types of development projects subject to consultation on EIA also take into account local conditions, and include the construction of aquarium basin and building. In addition, provisions concerning the scale of development projects is strengthened above the Korean Environmental Impact Assessment Act (EIA Act).
The drastic change of spatial structure in rural area and the recent rural development policies(related to settlement reorganization and plot rearrangement) make the rural space planning more important than ever. So this paper tries to evaluate the institutional aspects of rural spatial planning system focused on planning area. land use classification and hierachical order between existing plans. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the rural planning areas are classified into 4-tiers(e.g., Gun, Myon, District, Village). Second, the rural land use planning has 3-tiers(e.g., macro, mediate and micro zoning) from the viewpoint of land use classification system, but it doesn't have mediate-micro zoning system. Third, the spatial plans in rural area, positioned in local planning, were categorized into regional planning system and land use planning system. However there's no linkage between both sides of each hierachial planning order.