
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The outbreak of the epidemic on an international scale has brought severe challenges to the Chinese language education of various universities. Both teachers and students have brought new challenges. In order to adapt to the new educational environment, teachers in major colleges and universities adjust their teaching concepts and teaching plans. Especially for international Chinese language education, it faces unprecedented challenges. International Chinese language education was affected by the epidemic and changed the traditional education model, opening a new model of online education. With the advantage of using abundant network resources, online education has highlighted its new breakthroughs, and has gradually highlighted some of the shortcomings of online education. Spoken language and pronunciation, which are particularly important in Chinese education, are affected by issues such as online education that restricts certain communication and timely feedback from students. Aiming at the problems of international Chinese online education, this article analyzes one by one and proposes corresponding solutions. Different from the online teaching of traditional subjects, In the special course of language education, certain online courses of Chinese education need to be improved.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The debate and struggle on traditional and simplified Chinese characters cannot be ignored in the context of Chinese international education. Standing on which Chinese Character teaching position should be considered on the features of this two characters systems and learner’s personal experience. Different positions will have different effects on Chinese teaching difficulties, the difficulty of Chinese teaching is the Chinese character, on this premise, the effects of traditional and simplified Chinese character to Chinese learning cannot be ignored especially. Based on the analysis of 3000 traditional and simplified Chinese characters, we draw the conclusion that the significantly decrease of simplified characters’ strokes is far priors the negative effects on characters’ motivation. Furthermore, we suggest that simplified Chinese characters should be chosen at the primary stage of TCSL globally.
        2013.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        어떻게 하면 중국어 국제 교육 중 한자 교육의 장애를 돌파할 수 있을까, 이는 많은 지혜를 필요로 하는 문제이다. 우리들은 한자교육과 한자교학 등의 용어가 가지고 있는 함의와 그 상관관계에 대해 분명히 해 둘 필요가 있다. 한자교육은 한자교학을 포괄하며, 한자교학은 한자교육의 핵심 내용이지만 그 전부는 아니면 서 또한 한자교육은 주로 한자교학을 통해 실현되어진다. 현재 발전되고 있는 중 국어 국제교육의 여러 과목 중 하나로서 볼 때 한자교육이라는 명칭이 더욱 타당 하다. 교사가 중국어 국제 교육에 임할 때 우선 한자교육의 이념을 갖추고 교내외, 교실 안과 밖의 한자 교육의 자원을 충분히 이용하여 한자교육을 진행함과 동시 에 한자의 기본 지식을 습득하고, 항상 학습하며, 한자학 연구의 신성과를 파악해 야 한다. 이렇게 할 때에만 더욱 효과적인 한자교육을 진행할 수 있기 때문이다.