
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Generally, the outcomes of the historical study in some domain would be a most fundamental and basic reference for understanding the essential and core component of them. Specially in case of social science, the importance of historical research much more emphasized that would be divided into independent academic field. In Korean history including fisheries business and industry, the most remarkable historic event would be the period of Japanese colonial rule that one of the most obstacle should overcome. Though the fisheries business and industry of Korea have considerable own history, the research and study of that not so much have been performed or investigated including the period of Japanese colonial rule. Most of the existing research of fisheries history have merely focused on partial topics like ‘Fishermen’s Association’,‘Fisheries Industry Despoliation’. And the historical study of fisheries business and industry’s overall status and trend in local area except Pusan also not enough. The aims of this study are exploring the fisheries trends and status during the period of Japanese colonial rule in Tongyeong and finding out the overall major fisheries business issues that would be a better understanding the Korean fisheries industry. Achieving that Objectives, over 800 articles of media, the Japanese government-general of Korea, and other historical data were gathered, refined and analyzed. This paper focused on of major fisheries topics and issues that including overall fisheries status, trends, fisheries catches, local fisheries cooperatives and fisheries exhibition during the period of Japanese colonial rule in Tongyeong. The result of this study shows that the status of fisheries in Korea had been deteriorated for exploitation of Japanese imperialism and Japanese fisheries capitalist during that period. Though the level of Tongyeong in fisheries was very high in terms of catches ratio and population of fisherman, the distribution networks of fishermen’s association was not good enough. And the Tongyeong fisheries exhibition in 1922 has positive aspects for considering both composition of organization and educational activity. Even though the results and findings would be a helpful guidelines for understanding the fisheries business trends and status under the rule of Japanese imperialism, more research and study of that should be accomplished.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Though the debate of the establishment time, place and characteristic of the first fisheries cooperatives in Korea has been existed, it is clear that they had been established in the neighborhood of Tongyeong during the period of Japanese colonial rule. But the objective, motive and historical background of the first fisheries cooperatives are still slightly vague. To explain and explore that of fisheries cooperatives, over 1,000 articles of media, about 100 document of the Japanese government-general of Korea and the annals of the Joseon dynasty, many of research paper and others were included and refined. Through the result of that process, three core factors were founded that affect both the emergence of fisheries cooperatives and relationship of the them. The first one is about the royal family’s fishing area where in the neighborhood of Tongyeong. The next one is Kentaro Kashii who was called king or devil of the Korean fisheries industry and the last one is fishermen and their organizations including fisheries cooperatives. Some of the above and the fishing rights conflict that make a guidance for understanding them has not been clearly mentioned. The result of this study shows that the birth of the first fisheries cooperatives were caused by not only the Japanese government-general of Korea but mainly Korean fishermen’s voluntary activity and free will against fishing rights conflict between them. And both of the first fisheries cooperatives had somewhat difference in their constitution of organization and their characteristics but it was a tragic irony that the more exploitation and despoliation were conducted by Japanese government-general and Japanese capitalist the more movement and activity of Korean were frequently and severely occurred. Even though the findings and results of this study would be a proof and helpful material for understanding the establishment and their activity of fisheries cooperatives in Tongyeong, more research and contribution would be need by members of fisheries academic and business world.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article is about the study on construction contractors in Daegu during the Japanese Colonial Rule. The first construction contractors who involved with Kyong-bu railroad work in 1904 personally. But, after they go through the bidding method, changed by the Japanese Government General of Korea in 1922, and the second bid rigging in 1932, contractors was changed gradually the organization into unlimited partnership, limited partnership or stock corporation. The number of them was increased. Most contractors were Japanese, and organized a limited partnership which has been capitalized at 30,000 won. On the other hand, Korean contractors couldn't work at an important part, except for the personal activities of Youngsil Lee(李永實). They were usually employed as consultants or field deputies by Japanese contractors. After the Liberation, Japanese construction contractors returned to Japan, however Tatuoka-kumi(龍岡組), Yasiro-kumi(屋代組) and Sakano-kumi(坂野組) that was leading the business which were took over by Koreans. They were leading architecture field in Daegu.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 한반도를 둘러싼 동아시아의 격동기였던 구한말부터 일제강점기에 이르는 19~20세기 초엽의 한반도 지도제작과정을 규명한 것이며, 한국지도발달사 중 고지도와 현대지도의 고리를 잇는 작업으로 자리매김할 수 있다. 일제는 1884년부터 한반도에 육군참모본부 간첩대를 파견하여 지도를 제작하기 시작하였고, 국가기본도인 1:5만 축척의 지형도는 3차에 걸쳐 간행되었다. 제1차 지형도는 간첩대를 파견하여 비밀측량과 같은 주권국가에 대한 불법행위를 무릅쓰고 간행된 것이며, 제2차 지형도는 기존의 제1차 지형도를 삼각측량에 의해 개측하거나 새롭게 측량한 것이고, 제3차 지형도는 식민지정책인 토지조사사업의 일환으로 간행된 지도이다.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study deals with construction contract bid-rigging by Japanese contractors who monopolized the construction market of the Korean Peninsula during the Japanese colonial rule, and investigates the abuses of the contract bid-rigging. First of all, construction contract bid-rigging in Korea was triggered by Japanese construction contractors and contract brokers, who had savored the benefits of bidrigging in Japan and had repeated the bid-rigging in Korea since 1903. Second, the agency played a significant role to mediate construction contractors, and existed throughout the Japanese colonial rule on the Korean Peninsula with changing their names. Most of them were engaged in major contract bid-rigging scandals. Among them was Construction Association of Korea, which existed for over 13 years. The agencies had took part in governmental services since the mid-1930s when Japan exploited Korean people during wartime, and focused on sweating human resources for the constructions. Third, one of the biggest construction bid-rigging scandals during the Japanese colonial rule was "the 1st and 2nd scandal on Daegu construction contract bid-rigging." Indeed, the second scandal paved the way for the serial scandals: "Kyeongseong construction contract bid-rigging scandal", "Busan construction contract bid-rigging scandal", and other cases throughout the nation. Fourth, along with the contract bid-rigging cases related to the Japanese Government-General of Korea and local authorities, bid-riggings firmly took rooted in local governments' farmland reclamation projects in the 1920s and the poor relief services in the 1930s. The "bid-rigging charges" forced contractors to compensate their losses with exploiting material costs and labor costs, generating serious problems. The construction contract bid-rigging enabled Japan to monopolize the construction industry and to sweat farmers on the Korean Peninsula. Against this backdrop, contract bid-rigging by Japanese construction contractors during the its colonization made Korean contractors ruled out, and helped Japanese monopolize the industry. A large amount of bid-rigging charges drove Japanese contractors to do fraudulent work with cheap materials and to exploit Korean labor force.