Antioxidants have been added to cryoprotectant or in vitro culture medium for sperm to reduce the detrimental damage, such as reactive oxygen species. However, curcumin, an antioxidant, shows dual effect on the viability and progressive motility of bovine sperm exposed to hydrogen peroxide. Low concentration of curcumin increases sperm viability and progressive motility, whereas high concentration of curcumin reduces them. This study was performed to identify whether TREK-1 channel is related to low sperm viability and motility induced by high concentration of curcumin. Curcumin reduced TREK-1 channel activity in a dose-dependent manner. TREK-1 channel was expressed in sperm obtained from Korean native bull. Treatment with TREK-1 channel blockers, such as curcumin, fluoxetine, GdCl3, and spadin, significantly reduced sperm viability and motility (p < 0.05). However, TREK-1 channel activators showed different effect; linoleic acid showed an increase in sperm viability and motility, and wogonin did not affect them. These results show that TREK-1 channel is involved in the regulation of sperm viability and motility. In particular, high concentration of curcumin might reduce sperm viability and progressive motility of Korean native bull through blockage of TREK-1 channel.
Sperm recovery from epididymis in animals considered as important tools to preserve high-value or endangered species. However, there are no appropriate castrating indicators of timing for recovery of sperm which can be available to artificial reproduction technologies such as artificial insemination (AI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF), particularly in young Hanwoo bull. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate semen volume, morphology and motility of sperm in epididymis of young Hanwoo bulls at 8, 13, 14, and 15 months of age. About 2 cm of the epididymal tail only was cut and minced using blades. Minced epididymal tail tissues were mixed with semen extender (OptixCell, France, IMV technologies) and sperm were recovered with a cell strainer (100 μm nylon mesh). The number of sperm at 8 months of age was lower than that at 13, 14, 15 months of age in bulls after collection (33.6±27.2 vs. 352.4±39.2, 320.4±113.6 and 422.8±252.4×107cells respectively; P<0.05). After the frozen-thawed sperm the the percentage of abnormal head, tail and dead damaged acrosome did not differ between the ages 13, 14 and 15 months of age in bulls (P>0.05), however, the dead sperm with intact acrosome (DIA), the numbers showed that more than 15 months in 8, 13, 14 months (8.7±4.1 vs. 47.3±12.2, 34.8±14.0, 28.8±8.5, P<0.05). In addition, frozen-thawed sperm at 8 months of age showed low total motile sperm compared to those at 13, 14 and 15 months of age (26.4±8.2 vs. 45.7±29.5, 62.3±41.0, 70.4±15.9%, respectively; P<0.05). In conclusion, sperm derived from epididymal tail at 8 months of age in Hanwoo bulls showed high abnormal morphology and poor motility, which is not adequate for artificial insemination(AI) and in vitro fertilization(IVF). On the other hand, sperm derived from epididymal tail at 13, 14, 15 months of age in bull showed high normal morphology and motility, which may be available for AI and IVF. Epididymal sperm collected from bulls over 13 months is needed for further study whether to use the actual in vitro fertilization.
The recovery of epididymal sperm in animals is considered as one of the important tools to preserve high value or endangered species. However, there are no appropriate castrating indicators such as months of age in bull, sperm morphology, and motility, particularly in young Korean native bull (Hanwoo). Therefore, this study aimed to investigate sperm number, morphology, and motility of sperm in the epididymis tail of young Hanwoo bulls at 8 and 15 months of age. After castration, epididymal tails were collected and minced with blades to recover sperm. In experiments 1 and 2, sperm number, morphology, and motility were examined. Total number of sperm and percentage of normal sperm from bulls at 8 months of age was lower than that of bulls at 15 months of age after collection (P<0.05). Percentage of abnormal head, tail, proximal cytoplasmic droplet, dead and damaged acrosome of sperm from bulls at 8 months of age were higher than those of bulls at 15 months of age (P<0.05). In experiment 3, sperm motility from bulls at 8 and 15 months of age were examined before freezing and after thawing. Frozen-thawed sperm at 8 months of age showed low total motility and motile sperm with ≥ 25 μm/sec compared to those at 15 months of age and commercially-used sperm (P<0.05). In conclusion, sperm derived from the epididymal tail of bulls at 8 months of age showed high abnormal morphology and poor motility, which are not adequate for AI and IVF. On the other hand, sperm derived from the epididymal tail of bulls at 15 months of age showed high normal morphology and motility.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of growing stages of the Korean Native Striped Bull (KNSB) on the freezability and fertility of frozen-thawed semen. First, we investigated the total motility (TM) and progressive motility (PM) according to the diluent used for semen freezing. Second, we examined the effect of the age of KNSB on semen volume, TM and PM of fresh and frozen-thawed semen. Third, we examined the effect of frozen semen from the different age of KNSB on the fertilization rate, and the artificial insemination pregnancy rate. The diluents used in this experiment were Triladyl and Tris-egg yolk extender (EYE). Semen was collected from 5 KNSB in the growing stage (15 months) and 5 adult KNSB (36 months). When Triladyl or Tris-EYE extender was used for semen freezing, there was no difference of the mean TM and the mean PM. However, the mean TM was significantly higher in Bull No. 1885 than Bull No. 4283 ( <0.05). The mean volume of semen collected from the 15-month-old bulls (2.3 ml) was significantly lower ( <0.05) than that from the 36-month-old bulls (5.0 ml). The mean semen concentration was similar for the 15-month-old ( spermatozoa/ml) and 36-month-old ( spermatozoa/ml) bulls. For the 15-month-old and 36-month-old bulls, the mean TM of fresh semen were 93.7% and 88.3%, respectively, and the mean PM were 97.0% and 88.3%, respectively; the 15-month-old bulls showed a particularly high PM ( <0.05). For the 15-month-old and 36-month-old bulls, the mean TM (56.0% and 58.0%, respectively) and the mean PM (64.0% and 70.7%, respectively) of frozen-thawed semen did not differ. The development rates of embryos after fertilization and the pregnancy rate after artificial insemination using frozen-thawed semen did not differ according to the bull's age. In summary, semen volume differed according to the bull's age, but semen concentration and survival rate, the fertilization rate, and the pregnancy rate did not differ according to the stripe bull's age. Accordingly, semen from bulls in the growing stage can be collected and frozen for the preservation and multiplication of rare livestock.
희소 한우인 칡소의 정액 동결을 위해서 레시딘을 기본 희석제로 하는 AndroMed와 Tris-egg yolk extender를 사용하여 정자의 생존율과 활력 조사를 위해서 본 연구를 수행하였다. AndroMed 희석제를 사용하였을 때 생존율과 활력은 와 의 결과를 보였다. 그리고 Tris-egg yolk extender의 경우는 각각 와 결과를 보여 생존율에서는 Tris-egg yolk 희석제가 AndroMed 희석제를 사용하였을 때보다 유의적으로(p
본 연구는 종모우의 선발방법으로 난포란을 이용하여 실험실내 정자의 수정능력을 직접 검정하여 평가코자 시도되었다. 즉 본 실험은 후대검정중에 있는 한우 후보종모우 15두의 동결융해정자의 수정능력을 평가하기 위하여 정액을 고장액(HIS)에 처리한 후 DM에서 6시간 그리고 소 난포액이 20% 첨가된 DM에서 4시간 전배양하여 수정능을 획득시켜 정자의 활력과 첨체 반응율을 조사하였고 전배양된 정자의 체내(토끼 난관) 또는 체외수정능력을 조사하기 위하여 FCS