본 연구는 말 방목에 따른 초지 부실화 및 이용연한이 짧아진 초지에 대해 생산성을 높이기 위해 오차드그라스+페레니얼 라이그라스 혼파 경운초지(paddock No.39)과 보파초지 조성(paddock No.44) 및 톨 페스큐 단파 경운초지(paddock No.64)를 조성한 후 2016년과 2017년에 거쳐 목초율, 건물생산성 및 사료가치에 대해 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다.
목초비율은 No.64가 2016년 81%, 2017년 75%로 No.39 67% 및 60%, No.44 58% 및 54%보다 최대 21%나 높았다. 연평균 건물생산량은 No.64구가 13,234kg/ha로 가장 높았으며 그 다음 No.39, No.44로 각각 10,636kg/ha 및 10,235kg/ha 순이었다. 조단백질 함량은 No.39(갱신혼파) 12.16%로 가장 높았고, N0.44(보파혼파)와 No.64(톨 페스큐 단파)가 각각 10.75%와 10.73%를 보였다. NDF함량(2년평균)은 No.44구가 55.90%로 No.64 및 No.39 각각 58.42%와 57.00%에 비해 다소 낮았다. ADF함량(2년 평균)은 No.44구가 NDF함량과 동일한 경향인 31.07%로 No.39 및 No.64 각각 31.71% 및 32.65% 보다 낮았다. P의 함량(평균값)은 No.44 및 No.64구가 0.29%로 No.39 0.27% 보다 높았고, K 함량은 2.23%~3.83%의 농도를 보였으며 처리 간에는 No.44구가 2년 평균 3.03%로 가장 높았고 그 다음 No.39와 No.64가 각각 3.01% 및 2.81%를 보였다. Ca함량(2년 평균)은 No.39구가 0.28%로 가장 높았고 No.44구 및 No.64구가 각각 0.26% 및 0.22%를 보였다. Mg함량(2년평균)은 No.39구가 0.26%로 No.44 및 No.64구 0.22% 보다 높은 함량을 보였고, Na함량(2년평균)은 No.64, No.44 및 No.39구에서 각각 0.03%, 0.05% 및 0.063% 순의 높은 함량을 보였으며, 연도 간에는 큰 편차가 없는 것으로 조사되었다. 결과를 종합해보면 목초의 영양가치면에서는 갱신혼파(No.39)가 높았으나 목초 구성률 및 생산성을 고려하면 톨 페스큐 단파구(No.64)가 바람직한 것으로 났다.
This study was conducted to find out the effects of over seeding using new grass varieties orchardgrass ‘Kordione’ and ‘Onnuri’, and tall fescue ‘Greenmaster’ on botanical composition and dry matter productivity from 2013 to 2016 in low productivity hilly pasture, middle area of Korea. There were used 3 grass seed mixture types made of different compositions and amounts {T1: control - no over seeding, T2: tall fescue (TF) ‘Greenmaster’ 18 kg ha-1, orchardgrass (OG) ‘Kordione’ 9 kg ha-1, Perennial ryegrass (PRG) ‘Linn’ 5 kg ha-1, and Kentucky bluegrass (KBG) ‘Kenblue’ 2 kg ha-1, T3: TF ‘Greenmaster’ 9 kg ha-1, OG ‘Kordione’ 18 kg ha-1, PRG ‘Linn’ 5 kg ha-1, and KBG ‘ Kenblue’ 2 kg ha-1, T4: TF ‘Greenmaster’ 9 kg ha-1, OG ‘Onnuri’ 18 kg ha-1, PRG ‘Linn’ 5 kg ha-1, and KBG ‘Kenblue’ 2 kg ha-1}. In the botanical composition of grassland, T1 nearly remained constant in other seasons while ratio of weeds were increased in summer season. T2 was better than control (T1) in portion of grass ratio, which has increased by 80%. In the early time of establishment, the portions of OG were increased in T2, but TF rate was increased after 3 years later when grass was established. T3 and T4 showed a very similar patterns, grass ratio had increased by 80% and the portion of KBG had increased as time passed. T2 (129,763 kg ha-1) was showed the highest dry matter yield than other treatments (T1: 6,756 kg ha-1, T3: 9641, and T4: 10,738) in 2016.
In this study we attempted to analyze the change of protein and mycelial activity during low temperature storage progressed. At first, esterase and peroxidase isozymes were detected at third and fourth subculture in Pleurotus ostreatus and peroxidase isozymes in Pleurotus eryngii were detected at first and second subculture but esterase isozymes showed almost same band patterns subculture advanced. The decolorization ratio of media color including indicator were decreased according to subculture advanced in P. ostreatus and P. eryngii. However there were not significantly difference of mycelial growth, fruit body yield, esterase isozyme band pattern and laccase activity of P. eryngii according to storage periods at low temperature. Therefore, it was possible to store sawdust spawn of P. eryngii at 4℃ for 120days.
In this study we attempted to analyze the change of protein and mycelial activity during low temperature storage progressed. At first, esterase and peroxidase isozymes were detected at third and fourth subculture in Pleurotus ostreatus and peroxidase isozymes in Pleurotus eryngii were detected at first and second subculture but esterase isozymes showed almost same band patterns subculture advanced. The decolorization ratio of media color including indicator were decreased according to subculture advanced in P. ostreatus and P. eryngii. However there were not significantly difference of mycelial growth, fruit body yield, esterase isozyme band pattern and laccase activity of P. eryngii according to storage periods at low temperature. Therefore, it was possible to store sawdust spawn of P. eryngii at 4℃ for 120days.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of total factor productivity (TFP), institutional quality, and interactive variable between them on economic growth in 13 low-middle income countries in Asia for the period 2000-2018. The paper uses the difference Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) to explore the dataset provided by the World Bank. The empirical results show that TFP and the interactive variable positively impact on the economic growth, while the institutional determinants have a negative influence. The negative effect is explained by the weak institutions in these low-middle income countries. The findings of the study suggest two points. First, the government should continue to improve TFP, which is associated with the application of technical advances, technological innovations, improvement of management methods, and skilled workers. Second, far more important, is that the authorities should pay special attention to implement institutional reform and strengthen the governance in the future. The successful experiences from Japan, Korea and Singapore will help other governments in Asian low-middle income countries to build developmental state. Probably, the developmental state actively interfere in the market to promote and realize the development goals. By doing so, these economies might overcome the so-called “middle-income trap”.