
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 10

        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The odors emitted from wastewater treatment plants are not only a health and hygiene problem, but can also lead to complaints from residents and have wider social ramifications such as bringing about falling property values in the surrounding area. In this paper, based on the data measured at domestic and overseas wastewater treatment facilities, the concentrations of complex odors and odorous compounds were compared for each treatment/process: primary treatment, secondary treatment, and sludge treatment processes. Odor compounds that contribute greatly to complex odors were summarized for each process. In addition, the characteristics of odor wheels for each wastewater treatment process, which provide both chemical and olfactory information regarding odors, were reviewed. For domestic wastewater treatment facilities, the complex odor concentrations (unit, dilution factor) of the primary and secondary treatment processes were 4.5-100,000 (median, 32.1) and 2.5-30,000 (median, 10.7), respectively. However, the complex odor concentrations in the sludge treatment process were 3.0-100,000 (median, 118.7), which was more than three times higher than that in the wastewater treatment process. In the wastewater treatment process, those odor compounds making the greatest contributions to complex odors were sulfur-containing compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, dimethyl sulfide, and dimethyl disulfide DMS. In order to properly manage odors from wastewater treatment plants and minimize their impact, it is important to understand the status of odor emissions. Therefore, the compositions and concentrations of odors from wastewater treatment processes and odor wheel information, which are reviewed in this paper, are used to evaluate the potential risk of odor from wastewater treatment facilities in order to derive strategies to minimize odor emissions. Moreover, the information can be usefully used to introduce the best available technology to reduce odors emitted from wastewater treatment facilities.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내에서 2008년과 2009년 국토해양부장관에게 신고한 해양시설의 전국 현황을 분석한 결과, 2009년 말 현재 총 672개소의 해양시설이 전국의 동 서 남해 해안에 산재하였다. 마산지방해양항만청에 신고한 해양시설 수가 124개소로 전국의 약 18.5%를, 목포청과 포항청에 신고한 해양시설은 공히 69개소로 전국의 약 10.3%를 각각 차지하였다. 마산청과 부산청에 신고한 해양시설의 합계가 181개소로 전국의 26.9%를 차지함으로써 전국 해양시설의 4분의 1이상이 부산과 마산을 중심으로 하는 남해 동부해역에 집중되었다. 기름 및 유해액체물질 저장시설은 320개소로 전국 해양시설 총 672개소의 47.6%를 차지하여 시설 종류별 1위였다. 오염물질저장시설은 11개소로 1.6%를, 선박 건조, 수리 및 해체 시설은 178개소로 26.5%를, 하역시설은 7개소로 1.0%를, 폐기물해양배출업자의 폐기물저장시설은 12개소로 1.8%를, 연면적 100m2 이상의 해상관광시설, 주거시설(호텔 콘도), 음식점은 전혀 신고가 없었고, 관경의 지름이 600mm 이상의 취수 배수시설은 88개소로 13.1%를, 유어장은 37개소로 5.5%를, 그 밖의 시설은 13개소로 1.9%를, 국가해양관측을 위한 종합해양과학기지는 6개소로 0.9%를 차지하였다. 해양시설 관리방안으로는 해양시설 신고제도의 계도 및 홍보, 신고제도 및 관리방안의 개선, 신고업무 처리의 개선 및 보완, 신고제도에 대한 해양시설 설치자의 자발적 참여 및 준수사항 이행 등을 제안하였다.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to design and implement web-based quality cost management system to measure the performance of quality improvement activities in the business firms. The designed web-based quality cost management system which is also known as
        2003.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Enormous stocks by the reduced life cycle of products caused by the technological innovation in later 20 century, development of new materials and diversified demands of customers appeared as the pressing element causing the trouble in management of companies, and when considering the logistic costs that are imposed to companies in terms of function, the costs related to the stock topped the list of costs, followed by the transportation ones, and for pallet pool system, inventory of stocks is very difficult by the number of companies. Reducing the logistic cost may be accomplished by numbers of logistic management methods, but the most fundamental and essential one is the accomplishment of the consistent pallet system that is the core of unit load system, and the purpose of consistent pallet system is the treatment of logistic functions such as transportation, storage and unloading with consistent pallet system, and increasing the turnover ratio is required for the improvement of the system. As the turnover ratios is increased, more pallets will be used so, numbers of empty pallets will be increased accordingly by returning the pallet. Therefore, in this study, we will establish the effective stock management system by comparing with the other existing stock management system after looking at the concept and examples of pallet full system in order to resolved this kind of problem.
        1990.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 실험은 혼파초지에서 봄철 1차 이용시기와 1차 이용후 재생기간에 따른 목초의 일당 건물생산량, 경엽분포비율, 일반성분함량 및 세포벽 구성물질 등에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 1차 이용시기(주구)를 영양생장기(초장 25-30cm), 절간신장기(초장 40~50cm) 및 출수기(초장 60~70cm)로 하고 1차 이용후 재생기간(세구)을 20, 30 및 40일로 하여 1987년도와 1988년도 2개년에 걸쳐 실시하였다. 1차 이용시 일당생산량은 늦게 이용할수
        2009.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        High turbid water in the River has been one of the major concerns to the downstream residence. Especially in the Nakdong River basin severe turbid water problem occurred in year 2002 and 2003 due to the typhoon Rusa and Maemi consecutively. The main objective of this study is to develop turbid water management system in reservoir downstream of the Nakdong River combining physically based semi-distributed hydrologic simulation model SWAT with 1-dimensional dynamic water quality simulation model. SWAT model covers the area from the upstream of the Imha and Andong reservoir to the Gumi gage station for the purpose of estimating flow rates and suspended sediment of the tributaries. From year 1999 to 2007 runoff simulation for 8 years Reff and R2 ranges 0.46~0.9, 0.54~0.99 respectively. Through the linkage of models, outputs of SWAT model such as suspended sediment and flow rates of the tributaries can be incorporated into the 1-dimensional dynamic water quality simulation model, KoRiv1 to support joint reservoir operation considering the turbidity released from Imha and Andong reservoir. The applicability of model simulation has been tested for year 2006 and compared with measured data.
        2002.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 월 Palmer 가뭄심도지수(PDSI)를 산정하여 목표지역을 중심으로 가뭄 관리 및 감시를 수행하고자 하였으며, 이에 이용한 자료는 1906년부터 1999년까지 94개년의 목포기상대 자료를 이용하였다. 월 Palmer 지수를 7개의 추계학적 등급으로 분류하고 마코프연쇄(markov chain)를 이용해 월전이확률을 산정함으로써 동적인 확률변화를 살펴보고자 하였으며, 가뭄의 정상상태확률 또한 산정하였다. 본 연구를 통하여 전체 7등급 중 가