The study was conducted to determine effects on forage productivity, feed value, grazing intensity and livestock productivity in growing Korean native female goat grazing in native pasture. Its with average initial body weight of 14.10±3.6kg and an average age of 4 months were used in this study. Dry matter content of native pasture was the highest at 33.48 ± 2.56% in June, and the content was significantly increased from spring to autumn (p<0.05). Crude protein was maintained between 11% and 12% on average. Nutrient content was maintained at a certain level in native pasture, but there were differences due to the different types of wild grasses produced in each season. The productivity of forage crops increased from June, but decreased after August and showed a characteristic of grassland where productivity decreased rapidly in spring and autumn. The average grazing intensity are 39 head/ha. Black goat average daily gain was 80.2g/d. The stable weight gain in grazing is that the nutrient requirement of the black goat was met by supplementing the concentrated feed during grazing. study, can be expected that the productivity of livestock can be increased through the proper feeding of supplementary feed and maintenance of grazing intensity
This study was conducted to determine grazing intensity of growing Korean native goats (Capra hircus coreanae) on mountainous pasture. It was carried out to obtain basic information for improvement of mountainous pasture management and establishing feeding system of Korean native goats. Castrated, male goats (n=10) with average initial body weight (BW) of 23.33±2.15kg and an average age of 4 months were used in this study. Grazing goats were supplemented by concentrates with 1.0% of BW. The crude protein content of forage was the highest in October (22.71±0.25%) and there were significantly differences (p<0.05) in monthly comparison. The forage productivity of pasture was the highest from May to June (1718.7±207.5~ 1672.0±422.8 kg/ha) but it was decreased in July (1356.0±103.8 kg/ha) because of drought and summer depression. Average daily gains (ADG) of goats were the highest in June (99.5±6.4 d/g). Grazing intensity was calculated by forage productivity and dry matter intake (DMI) and was the highest in May (65 head/ha). As shown in the results of this research, grazing intensity was suggested to average 39 head/ha from May to October. It is desirable that adequate grazing intensity was maintained by adjusting supplemental feed.
This study was carried out to find out the effect of establishment or renovation of organic pasture by hoof and tooth cultivation with Korean native goat. This study was conducted from August, 2005 to the end of growing season in 2008 at test field of RDA in Cheonan. Experiment design composed with 4 treatment : Standard(Control, T1), Grazing after application cattle manure(T2), Application cattle manure after grazing(T3), Application cattle manure at half of grazing(T4).
To access the feeding value of the herbage produced from the wildflower pasture, DM intake, digestibility and utilization of nitrogen and energy of herbages by Korean native goats were determined. The experimental herbage included two treatments: Conventi
This experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of pasture types(mixture and mono tall fescue pasture) and endophyte infection on the animal behavior of Korean native cattle at the Experimental Field of Grassland and Forage Crops Division, Natio
This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of pasture type on behavior pattern, change of body type and daily gain of Korean native goat at the College of Natural Science of Kon-KuK University in Chungju. The results are summarized as follows
Adequate regrowth control of weeds and shrubs has been one of the important problem for pasture establishment by overseeding on reclaimed forest hilly land. This experiment was carried out on sloping shrub land near Anseong, Gyeonggido to evaluate the eff
本 연구는 濟州道內 放救用 野草地(마을共同收場)에서 野草類의 植生 및 收量性을 조사하여 草地改良 및 野草地의 利用度 增進을 위한 基鍵資料로 活用코자 放牧期間인 7 月부터 9 月까지 수행되었으며 quadrat method를 利用하여 조사한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 野草의 總草種은 64種으로 未本科 13草種, 두과 8草種, 엉거시科 12草種, 그리고 기타 31草 종으로 대부분 多年生 草類였다. 2.. 식생적性率은 띠 (Imperata cylindrica)
濟州道內 6個部落 共同牧場 野草地를 對象으로 野草의 生産性과 植生比率이 家畜 增體에 미치는 效果를 究明하기 위해 1981년 5월부터 동년 11월까지 調査, 分析한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 乾物收量은 7月收穫보다 10月收穫에서 2培二上 높았으며 모든 牧場이 같은 趨勢였다. 2. 野草의 祖蛋白質 含量은 7월보다 10월에서 낮았으며 粗纖維는 그 반대였다. 3. 牧場別로 볼 때 1일 增體量이 높은 河源과 海安牧場이 野草의 組蛋白質 含量이 가장 높았고 增體率이