
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 14

        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        인공위성 관측 유의파고는 기후변화에 대한 해양의 반응을 이해하는데 널리 활용되므로 장기간의 지속적인 검 증이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 1992년부터 2016년까지 25년 동안 북태평양과 북대서양에서 9종의 인공위성 고도계 관 측 유의파고의 정확도를 평가하고 오차 특성을 분석하였다. 위성 고도계와 부이 관측 유의파고 자료를 비교 분석하기 위하여 137,929개의 위성-실측 유의파고 일치점 자료를 생성하였다. 북태평양과 북대서양에서 위성 고도계 유의파고는 0.03 m의 편차와 0 . 27m의 평균제곱근오차를 보여 비교적 높은 정확도로 관측되고 있음을 확인하였다. 그러나 위성 고 도계 유의파고는 지역적인 해역 특성에 따라 오차의 공간 분포 특성이 상이하였다. 실측 유의파고에 따른 오차, 위도별 오차의 계절분포 및 연안으로부터 거리에 따른 오차를 분석하여 오차 요인을 파악하고자 하였다. 대부분의 위성에서 실측 유의파고가 낮을 때 과대추정되었으며 실측 유의파고가 높을 때 과소추정되는 경향이 나타났다. 고도계 유의파고의 오차는 겨울철에 증가되고 여름철에 감소되는 뚜렷한 계절변화를 보였으며 고위도로 갈수록 변동성이 증폭되었다. 연안 으로부터 거리에 따른 평균제곱근오차는 100 km 이상의 외해에서는 0 . 3m 이하로 높은 정확도를 보인 반면 15 km 이 내의 연안에서는 오차가 0 . 5m 이상으로 현저하게 증가하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 인공위성 고도계 자료를 활용하여 전 구 및 지역적인 해역에서 유의파고의 시공간 변동성 분석 시 각별한 주의가 필요함을 시사한다.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to provide useful information for fishermen in the manner of investigation a sinking speed of current type tuna longline gear at the North Pacific Ocean as a new developed tuna longline fishing ground. The sinking depth of mainline in connection with different basket was investigated. The experiments were also performed with different materials such as Supermansen (i.e., PE) and Hitech (i.e., PA) for the mainline to investigate the sinking depth of mainline and hooks. Furthermore, the relation between the sinking depth of hooks and catches are investigated also. The sinking depth of mainline at the first and the last shooting basket shows deeper than that of middle part of a basket due to reduced shortening ratio. The sinking depth of mainline and hook with Hitech material shows more shallow than that of Supermanse material, even the Hitech case was designed to sink deeper than that of Supermanse case. The highest catches arise at the middle part basket as the hook number 7 with around 248m sinking depth. From the results, longline with Hitech material is needed to increase the sinking force for reaching the relevant sinking depth. Moreover, the current strength at the North Pacific Ocean will be considered for further commercial fishing.
        2004.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        북태평양에서 조업하는 우리나라 꽁치봉수망어업의 어획량과 시기별 어장 중심 및 어획적수온 등을 검토하고 조업시 소나 사용에 따른 어획 효과를 분석하였다. 조업 시기는 5~12월이었고 어획 비율과 CPUE 측면에서 볼 때, 한·일 어업협정 발효 이전인 1985~1998년의 주어기는 9~11월로, 발효 이후인 1999~2002년의 주어기는 8~10월로 추정되었다. 한·일 어업협정 이후 어장 중심은 일본 동쪽 연안 측으로부터 러시아 남쿠릴열도 동쪽인 43˚N 와 151˚E 부근으로 이동하였다. 꽁치의 어획적수온은 5월에는 12.5~14.4℃, 6월은 12.0~14.2℃, 7월은 11.4~13.9℃, 8월은 11.4~15.9℃, 9월은 12.9~16.9℃, 10월은 12.7~l7.3℃, 11월은 13.1~17.6℃ 그리고 12월에는 15.0~19.1℃이었다. 어획종은 총 13종으로서 목표종인 꽁치가 99.9% 어획되어 대부분을 차지하였다. 조업일수는 소나를 보유한 조업선과 소나를 보유 하지 않은 조업선 사이에 뚜렷한 차이를 나타내지 않았으나 투망횟수, 어획량 및 CPUE는 소나를 보유한 조업선이 각각 13%, 26%, 12% 높게 나타났다.
        1999.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 국립수산진흥원 소속 부산 851호에 의해 1987~1990년 (4개년)과 1992~1993년 (2개년)의 하계 (7~9월)에 북태평양 (34˚~47˚N, 150˚ E~170˚W)에서 오징어채낚기 (오징어손줄낚시)에 의해 시험조업하여 어획된 6종의 오징어를 대상으로 하여 분석한 오징어종류별 어획수충, 해양환경(수온, 염분) 및 어획률을 분석하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 문어오징어는 아한대영역의 위도 41˚~43˚N 인 71~80m 수층의 수온 6~11℃, 염분 33.2~33.6‰인 해역에서 높은 어획률을 보였다. 2. 갈구리오징어는 아한대영역의 위도 41˚~42˚N인11~20m 수층의 수온 10~12℃, 염분 32.9~33.6‰인 해역에서 높은 어획률을 보였다. 3. 살오징어는 아한대영역 및 이행영역의 위도 40˚ 및 42˚N인 11~20m 수층의 수온 15~18℃,염분 33.6~34.0‰인 해역에서 높은 어획률을 보였다. 4. 빨강오징어는 아한대수렴선 및 이행영역의 위도 39˚~41˚N인 표층~10m 수층의 수온 16~17℃, 염분 33.7~34.4‰인 해역에서 높은 어획률을 보였다. 5. 두줄무늬빨강오징어는 아열대영역의 위도 37˚~39˚N인 11~20m 수층의 수온 18~20℃, 염분 33.8~34.6‰인 해역에서 높은 어획률을 보였다. 6. 노랑점빨강오징어는 아열대영역의 위도 36˚~37˚N인 표층~10m 수층의 수온 24~25℃, 염분 34.2~34.4‰‰ 인 해역에서 높은 어획률을 보였다.
        1990.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        북태평양 오징어 유자망어장의 표면수온과 어획량의 변화에 의한 어장의 수평분포를 최근 4개년간(1986~1989)의 주어기(5~10월)에 한국 어업기술훈련소, 국립수산진흥원, 일본 북해도대학, 대림수산(주), 오양수산(주) 등이 작성한 해양관측자료에서 발췌한 표면수온자료와 한국 어업기술훈련소 실습선과 이 어업에 종사한 어선 5척에서 조사한 어획량의 자료를 위도 1˚, 경도 2˚ 간격으로 구획한 해구에 대하여 전질처리한 평균표면수온과 단위노력당어획량을 월별로 분석하면 다음과 같다. 1. 어장형성범위는 5월에는 35˚~40˚N, 178˚~166˚W , 6월에는 36˚~41˚N, 178˚E~166˚W, 7월에는 38˚~44˚N, 170˚E~170˚W, 8월에는 39˚~44˚N, 144˚~180˚E, 9월에는 39˚~44˚N, 144˚~170˚E, 10월에는 40˚~44˚N, 144˚~154˚E였다. 2. 어장의 분산은 5, 6, 10월에는 경도방향과 위도방향의 해구수가 거의 같았고, 7, 8, 9월에는 경도방향의 해구수가 많았으며, 특히 8월은 1년중 경도방향의 분산이 가장 컸고, 어장중심은 5월에는 3888해구, 6월에는 3884해구, 7월에는 4078해구, 8월에는 4154해구, 9월에는 4146해구, 10월에는 4044해구였다. 3. 어획수온과 어획적수온은 5월에는 14.0~18.5℃, 15.0~16.0℃, 6월에는 13.5~18.5℃, 14.5~16.0℃, 7월에는 14.0~20.0℃, 14.5℃, 19.0℃, 8월에는 16.0~21.5℃, 18.0~20.0℃, 9월에는 14.5~22.0℃, 17.0~18.5℃, 10월 14.0~18.0℃, 16.0~17.0℃였다. 4. 평균CPUE는 5월에는 3.2kg/sheet, 6월에는 4.5kg/sheet, 7월에는 4.3kg/sheet, 8월에는 5.1kg/sheet, 9월에는 6.4kg/sheet, 10월에는 5.8kg/sheet였다. 5. 한국정부의 1990년 북태평양 오징어 어업감시계획과 실제의 어장형성범위를 비교하면 5월에는 어장이 형성된 21개 해구 가운데 12개, 6월에는 24개 가운데 7개, 7월에는 25개 가운데 4개 해구에서 조업이 규제되고, 8월 이후의 어장에서는 어업규제수역에 해당되는 해구가 없는 것으로 나타났다.
        1986.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The fishing conditions of flying squid, ommastrePhes barsram(Lesueur), in the North Pacific Ocean was studied based on the horizontal water temperature data, satellite data from NOAA and statistical data of flying squid fisheries which were collected from 1980 to 1984. The obtained results were as follows; 1. Since 1979, the Korean drift giIlnet fishery for flying squid was launched in North Pacific. Number of operating vessel and catch of flying squid increased gradually every year. The number of vessels were 111 and their annual catches were 42, 977 M/T in 1984. Therefore, Korean drift giIlnet fishery for this species has played an important role in the products of Korean high-sea fisheries. 2. In the beginning of the fisheries, fishing grounds was formed in the west of long. 1800E. In 1982, in consequence of the center which extended eastward, the fishing ground was formed long. 166˚W in the central North Pacific Ocean. Since 1983, the fishing grounds were formed as far as long. 161˚W. The range of general fishing season in the central North Pacific was from June to August. After september, fishing ground was shifted to the west, in the Northwestern Pacific. 3. The Predominant fishing season for the flying squid was August through January of the coming year. Optimum water temperature for flying sguid at surface layer in the Pacific Ocean ranged from 11 ˚e to 17˚e in winter, 13˚e to 17˚e in spring, 12. 8˚C to 19.7˚e in summer and 1O.6˚e -18.7˚e in fall. 4. In summer, the Oceanographic condition in the North Pacific Ocean showed that the water temperature at surface layer was lower in 1980, 1983 and higher in 1981, 1982 and 1984 as compared with mean annual water temperature. 5. The characteristics df oceanographic conditions in the fluation, disformation, mixing and other factors of the Kuroshio and Oyashio currents, which have considerably influenced upon the water masses of the areas. 6. The data and information on surface thermal Structure interpreted from Infrared Satellite Imaginary from NOAA-7 and NOAA-8 are very available in estimating water temperature on the areas and investigating the major fishing grounds. 7. According to the fisheries statics of Japanese drift gilInet, the annual catches of flying squid considerably decreased from 225, 942 M/T in 1983 to 133, 217 M/T in 1984. 8. The fishing grounds in the central North Pacific in several fishing seasons were formed as follows: In June, the initial fishing season, the fishing grounds were formed in the vicinity of lat. 35 - 40oN, the central North Pacific east of 179˚E. In July, the fishing ground were formed in the wide arEa of the central North Pacific north of 400N and long. 174˚E-145˚W In Auguest, concentrative fishing operation carried out in :he central North Pacific north of 43˚N and East of 165˚W. On the other hand, in September, main fishing grounds were disappeared and moved to the west.
        1971.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There has been established bilateral and multilateral agreements of fisheries in the North Pacific, such as, the Agreements of International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, of Japan-Soviet Fisheries Commission for the Northwest Pacific and of the Furseal and King Crab. The auther reviewed these agreements and discussed about the growth of the International Fisheries Agreements in the future. This paper concerns with the present status of demersal resources which are important in commercial fisheries and caught in the North Pacific.
        1971.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Oceanography of the Subarctic North Pacific Ocean is reviewed. The submarine topography and the current systems in the region are explained. Recent serial observation data reveals that. though the upper mixed layer of low salinity is relatively thick. the pattern of the property distribution in winter is essencially similar to that in summer. Alaskan Stream Extension Water. which influences the abundance and the location of demersal fishes. extends northward to 58˚ N Lat in the Bering Sea. A southeastward intrusion of the Bering Borcal Cold Water causes the formation of a sharp oceanic front. where the demersal fishes such as Alaska pollacks and cods arc concentrated. The Alaska pollacks seem to avoid the low salinity water of the Alaskan Coastal Water.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Understanding solar influences on extreme weather is important. Insight into the causes of extreme weather events, including the solar-terrestrial connection, would allow better preparation for these events and help minimize the damage caused by disasters that threaten the human population. In this study, we examined category three, four, and five tropical cyclones that occurred in the western North Pacific Ocean from 1977 to 2016. We compared long-term trends in the positions of tropical cyclone occurrence and development with variations of the observed sunspot area, the solar North-South asymmetry, and the southern oscillation index (SOI). We found that tropical cyclones formed, had their maximum intensity, and terminated more northward in latitude and more westward in longitude over the period analyzed; they also became stronger during that period. It was found that tropical cyclones cannot be correlated or anti-correlated with the solar cycle. No evidence showing that properties (including positions of occurrence/development and other characteristics) of tropical cyclones are modulated by solar activity was found, at least not in terms of a spectral analysis using the wavelet transform method.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Solar activity is known to be linked to changes in the Earth’s weather and climate. Nonetheless, for other types of extreme weather, such as tropical cyclones (TCs), the available evidence is less conclusive. In this study the modulation of TC genesis over the western North Pacific by the solar activity is investigated, in comparison with a large-scale environmental parameter, i.e., El-Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). For this purpose, we have obtained the best track data for TCs in the western North Pacific from 1977 to 2016, spanning from the solar cycle 21 to the solar cycle 24. We have confirmed that in the El-Niño periods TCs tend to form in the southeast, reach its maximum strength in the southeast, and end its life as TSs in the northeast, compared with the La-Niña periods. TCs occurring in the El-Niño periods are found to last longer compared with the La-Niña periods. Furthermore, TCs occurring in the El-Niño periods have a lower central pressure at their maximum strength than those occurring in the La-Niña periods. We have found that TCs occurring in the solar maximum periods resemble those in the El-Niño periods in their properties. We have also found that TCs occurring in the solar descending periods somehow resemble those in the El-Niño periods in their properties. To make sure that it is not due to the ENSO effect, we have excluded TCs both in the El-Niño periods and in the La-Niña periods from the data set and repeated the analysis. In addition to this test, we have also reiterated our analysis twice with TCs whose maximum sustained winds speed exceeds 17 m/s, instead of 33 m/s, as well as TCs designated as a typhoon, which ends up with the same conclusions.
        1987.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Nowadays, the transportation of almost all cargoes depends on sea routes in international trade. In the transaction of trade, cargo transportation must be completed on the base of two contrary objectives, one of which is to protect the vessel, cargoes and crew aborad her safely through every step of the transportation and the other is to pursue profits from the transaction of the trade. In spite of the great development of the modern techniques in shipbuilding today, many sea disaters of big merchant vessels have been occurring successively in winter seasons every year on the sea routes of the North Pacific Ocean. Whenever the accident of losing a vessel in rough sea occurred , many experts of the country to which the vessel belonged had tried to take out the reason of the missing without manifesting the exact cause of the unhappy occurrence. In this paper, we calculated ocean wave status along the route of the North Pacific Ocean theoretically concluded by us as optimum on the basis of weather and sea conditions. In the calculation, we used ITTC wave spectrum formula and meteorological data of "Winds '||'&'||' Waves of the north Pacific Ocean" edited by Ship Research Institute of Japan on the basic data assembled by World Meterological Organization through past 10 years. We selected three sample vessels of most common size in the North Pacific Ocean Routes, a container, a log carrier and a bulk carrier and applied tree sample vessels to the calculated sea conditions for getting the rolling angles of the vessels and stress exerting on the hulls. Examining the calculated results, we concluded as follows; 1. Under the condition of these status7 by beaufort scale, "heave to" maneuvering is the best and safest way to steer every vessel. 2. The most dangerous part of sea area along the west bound optimum route of the North Pacific Ocean in winter season, is the southern sea area of the Kamchatka peninsula.a peninsula.