
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        양송이배지로부터 분리한 인산가용화균 Burkholderia contaminans PSB-A와 Burkholderia ambifaria PSB-B의 단일접종 및 동시접종에 따른 인산가용화 능력의 시너지 효과 및 상추생육효과를 조사하였다. 인산캄슘이 함유된 NBRIP 액체배지에 분리균을 접종하고 해리된 가용인산 (soluble phosphorus)함량을 HPLC에 의해 분석하여 인산 가용화능을 측정한 결과, 배양 3일차에 동시접종구 166.3 μg mL -1 , B. contaminans 143.7 μg mL -1 , B. ambifaria 127.1 μg mL -1의 순으로 나타나 두 종의 인산가용화세균 간의 동시접종에 의한 시너지효과가 다소 관찰되었다. 배지 내 pH 와 잔류 glucose 함량 변화도 모든 접종구에서 배양 1 - 3일 후 pH 7.0에서 pH 4.0 수준으로 감소하였으며, glucose 함량은 초기 10 mg mL -1 에서 4.3 mg mL -1 수준으로 검출되어 인산가용화능과 거의 유사한 경향을 보였다. 배양여액의 유기산 분석결과 gluconic acid 약 12.3 mg mL -1 와 malic acid 약 7.9 mg mL -1 수준으로 가장 높게 검출되었으며, 결과적으로 두 세균이 분비하는 유기산이 배지의 pH를 감소시키고, 인산 가용화를 유도하는 주요 원인임을 확인할 수 있었다. 접종 4주 후 상추 생육차이를 조사한 결과, TCP를 첨가하지 않은 B. contaminans 접종구, B. ambifaria 접종구와 동시 접종구 에 비해 TCA 첨가한 모든 처리구에서 약 7-9% 수준의 생육증진효과가 보였으나, 단일접종과 동시접종구간에 유의수준의 차이를 확인할 수 없었다.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        양송이 수확후 배지에서 분리한 Pantoea rodasill LH-1와 Burkholderia stabilis HS-7간의 단일 접종 및 동시접종에 따른 인산가용화능과 상추생육효과를 조사하였다. NBRIP액체 배지에 분리균을 접종하고 배지에 함유된 인산칼슘으로부터 해리된 가용인산(soluble phosphorus)함량을 측정한 결과, P. rodasill LH-1는 736.59 μg mL-1, B. stabilis HS-7은 743.90 μg mL-1, 그리고 B. stabilis HS-7와 P. rodasill LH-1을 동시 접종한 배지는 783.41 μg mL-1로 가장 높았지만 유의수준의시너지 효과는 나타나지 않았다. 배지 내pH는 초기 pH 7.0에서 배양 3일 후 모든 접종구에서 pH 4.3수준으로 감소하였으며, 또한 배지 내잔류 당 감소율은 P. rodasill LH-1 31.7%, B. stabilis HS-7은 53.7%, 동시 접종한 배지에서는 87.1%로 가장 높은 감소율을 나타냈다. 분리균에 의해 생성한 배지 내유기산을 분석한 결과, gluconic acid, lactic acid, malic acid, acetic acid, citric acid 이 검출되었으며, 이 중 citric acid가 주요 유기산으로 동시 접종한 배지에서 0.96 mg mL-1로 가장 높은 함량을 나타내었다. 상추 재배 실험결과 동시 접종구가 대조구에 비해 잎의 길이는 7.7%, 뿌리길이는 15.5% 생육증진효과를 보였다. 이 결과들을 바탕으로 B. stabilis HS-7 와 Pantoea rodasill LH-1이 동시 접종에 의해 유의수준의 인산가용화 시너지 효과는 관찰되지 않았지만, 무 접종구에 비하여 배지 내 인산가용화능과 작물의 생장이 크게 촉진되는 결과를 보임으로서 인산가용화균을 이용한 미생물 비료의 공급으로 염류집적토양의 인산가용화능과 작물의 생육을 향상시킬 수 있다고 생각된다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the synergistic effect of single inoculation and co-inoculation of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB) Burkholderia metallica JH-7 and Burkholderia contaminans JH-15. Phosphate-solubilizing abilities of these strains were assessed by measuring phosphorus content in culture media that were singly inoculated or co-inoculated with these strains for 7 days. B. metallica JH-7 was found to release the highest content of soluble phosphorus (140.80 μg mL-1) into the medium, followed by single inoculation of B. contaminans JH-15 (135.95 μg mL-1) and co-inoculation of two strains (134.84 μg mL-1). The highest pH reduction, organic acid production, and glucose consumption were observed in the medium inoculated with B. metallica JH-7 alone compared with that in the medium co-inoculated with both the strains. Results of a plant growth promotion bioassay showed 17.4% and 7.48% higher leaf and root growth, respectively, in romaine lettuce inoculated with B. metallica JH-7 alone than in romaine lettuce inoculated with a control strain. However, no significant difference was observed between single inoculation and co-inoculation of these strains with respect to phosphorus release and plant growth. Although the results of the present study did not show the synergistic effect of phosphate solubilization by the PSB strains examined, these results indicate that treatment with PSB exerts a beneficial effect on crop growth.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A total of 35 phosphate solubilizing bacterial strains were isolated from waste mushroom bed of Agar-icus bisporus in Buyeo-Gun, Chungnam and screened for the production of indole acetic acid (IAA). The best IAAproducing strain was identified as Pantoea rodasii using 16S rRNA analysis. In addition to the IAA production, thisstrain could act as an efficient phosphate solubilizer (1100µg ml-1 after 5days of incubation) also. The selected strainwas cultured under different conditions in order to assess the optimum conditions for maximum IAA production. Thenutrient broth (NB) medium was recorded as the best medium, where the maximum IAA production (229µg ml-1)was recorded at the start of stationary phase (12hours after inoculation) of the bacteria growth. The performanceof the strain was found to be maximum at the temperature of 30℃ followed by 25℃. IAA production was foundto be increased with increasing tryptophan concentration (from 0.1 to 0.6%), however beyond this limit, a slight reduc-tion in IAA production was observed. The strains’ ability to produce IAA was further confirmed by extraction ofcrude IAA and subsequent TLC analysis. A specific spot from the extracted IAA preparation was found correspondingwith the standard spot of IAA with same Rf value. The results of HPLC analysis conducted in identifying and quan-tifying the IAA production more precisely, are in agreement with the results of the assessment done with colorimetricmethod. As revealed by the results of the pot experiment, the isolated strain could significantly enhance the growth(as measured by shoot and root growth) of mung bean plants compared to that of non-inoculated plants. Thereforeit can be concluded that the present strain, Pantoea rodasii has great potential to be used as bio-inoculants.
        2013.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A total of 35 phosphate solubilizing bacterial strains were isolated from waste bed of Agaricus bisporus in Buyeo-Gun, Chungchugnam-do province and screened for the production of indole acetic acid(IAA). The best IAA producing strain was identified as Pantoea rodasii using 16S rRNA analysis. In addition to the IAA production, this strain could act as an efficient phosphate solubilizer (1100 μg ml-1 after 5 days of incubation) also. The selected strain was cultured under different conditions in order to assess the optimum conditions for maximum IAA production. The nutrient broth (NB) medium was recorded as the best medium, where the maximum IAA production (229 μg ml-1) was recorded at the start of stationary phase (12 hours after inoculation) of the bacteria growth. The performance of the strain was found to be maximum at the temperature of 30°C followed by 25°C. IAA production was found to be increased with increasing tryptophan concentration (from 0.1 to 0.6%), however beyond this limit, a slight reduction in IAA production was observed. The strains’ ability to produce IAA was further confirmed by extraction of crude IAA and subsequent TLC analysis. A specific spot from the extracted IAA preparation was found corresponding with the standard spot of IAA with same Rf value. The results of HPLC analysis conducted in identifying and quantifying the IAA production more precisely, are in agreement with the results of the assessment done with colorimetric method. As revealed by the results of the pot experiment, the isolated strain could significantly enhance the growth (as measured by shoot and root growth) of mung bean plants compared to that of non-inoculated plants. Therefore it can be concluded that the present strain, Pantoea rodasii has great potential to be used as bio-inoculants.