Background: Low back pain is a very common musculoskeletal disorder. Since low back pain can indicate physical and psychological problems, reducing the pain level of low back pain can be the primary goal of rehabilitation.
Objectives: This study was performed to explain the personalized treatment protocol of Maitland orthopedic physiotherapy based on the brick wall concept for low back pain patients with hypomobility.
Design: Randomized controlled study.
Methods: A total of 14 chronic low back pain patients were divided into two groups. The experimental group received orthopedic manual physical therapy intervention. The control group received traditional physical therapy intervention. After the 3 days intervention, the joint range of motion and pain of the low back were measured.
Results: The low back flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation joint range of motion was significantly increased in the experimental group than in the control group (P<.05). Low back pain was significantly reduced in the experimental group than in the control group (P<.05). Conclusion: It was confirmed that Maitland orthopedic physical therapy was an effective method as an intervention method to improve the joint range of motion and pain of chronic low back pain patients.
Background: Pregnancy-related low back pain (PLBP) has fewer systematic guidelines than pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain, previous studies have not evaluated physical therapy for this ailment in Korea.
Objects: We aimed to provide a detailed account of clinical decision making by Korean physiotherapists while treating PLBP.
Methods: In total, 955 questionnaires were distributed mainly in places of continuing education held by the Korean Physical Therapy Association from April to July 2019. The same questionnaire was posted on a website used by physiotherapists. We collected subject information, a specific Vignette typically represent symptoms of PLBP, and responses to multiple questions about decision making, subjective recognition and interest level in the field of women’s health physiotherapy (WHPT).
Results: The overall response rate was 56% (n = 537); of these, responses to 520 questionnaires were analyzed. Most respondents chose various combinations of physical therapy methods. There were significant differences in subjective recognition levels of WHPT according to gender (p < 0.05), age (p < 0.01), education level (p < 0.01), and clinical experience (p < 0.05). There were significant differences in interest according to gender (p < 0.01) and education level (p < 0.01). With respect to the types of treatment, significant differences were noted in selective rates for “manual therapy”, “pain control”, and “supportive devices” based on gender. Manual therapy tended to be chosen more with increasing age and clinical experience. With increased education level, there were fewer choices for the use of pain control.
Conclusion: This is the first data on how Korean physiotherapists manage PLBP patients using the vignette method. We were able to recognize the Korean physical therapist's decision on PLBP patients, and observed statistically significant correlations. This may aid in developing future research and education plans in the WHPT field.
Background: Both the rapid concentric and eccentric contractions during exercise repeatedly impose excessive stress on muscle tissue. The hamstring muscles are very susceptible to injury due to the tensile stress. Various interventions are currently being undertaken to prevent strain injury before exercise. Stretching is the most common method and is known to have a positive effect on flexibility and muscle performance. However, relatively few studies have investigated the potential negative factors of stretching.
Objects: The purpose of this study was to examine changes in pain following the different intensity of the stretching and types of physical stress.
Methods: The subjects were divided into three groups based on the intensity of stretching: 100% (S100), 75% (S75), and 50% (S50) of the measured force at the point of discomfort in static stretching and 100% (P100), 75% (P75), and 50% (P50) of the maximum voluntary isometric contraction in Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) stretching. The pain individual subjects perceived after stretching was measured via a Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and compared between the groups
Results: Despite the decrease in the intensity of static stretching, no decrease in VAS value was observed. In PNF stretching, a significant decrease was observed at P50 compared to P100. S100 was significantly higher than P75 and P50.
Conclusion: Previous studies have shown that PNF has a superior or the same effect on flexibility in comparison with static stretching. This effect was maintained even in moderate intensity. PNF stretching performed under moderate rather than high intensive static stretching, which causes pain and discomfort, might be recommended in clinical settings.
Background: In some clinical guidelines followed in clinical practice, nonsurgical treatments are recommended as the primary intervention for patients with lumbar disc herniation (LDH). However, the effect of a therapeutic exercise program based on stabilization of the lumbar spine for treatment of multilevel LDH has not been evaluated thoroughly.
Objective: To investigate the effects of therapeutic exercise on pain, physical function, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in a patient with multilevel LDH.
Design: Case Report
Methods: A 43-year-old female presented with low back pain, radicular pain and multilevel LDH (L3–L4, L4–L5, L5–S1). The therapeutic exercise program was conducted. in 40-min sessions, three times a week, for 12 weeks. Low back and radicular pain, lumbar disability, and physical function were measured before and after 6 and 12 weeks of the exercise program. MRI was performed before and after 12 weeks of the program.
Results: After 6 and 12 weeks of the therapeutic exercise, low back and radicular pain and lumbar disability had decreased, and lumbar range of motion (ROM) was improvedbilaterally, compared with the initial values. Also improved at 6 and 12 weeks were isometric lumbar strength and endurance, and the functional movement screen score. The size of disc herniations was decreased on MRI obtained after 12 weeks of therapeutic exercise than on the pre-exercise images.
Conclusions: We observed that therapeutic exercise program improved spinal ROM, muscle strength, functional capacity, and size of disc herniation in LDH patient.
This study aimed to determine the effect of depression between the healthrelated quality of life and pain in elderly persons with physical disabilities. A total of 111 patients who were treated at hospital B (Seoul, Daejeon, Daegu, Gwangju, and Busan) participated in the Survey. The SF-36 Health Assessment was used to determine the quality of life of subjects, the Korean version of the Geriatric Depression Scale-Short form to assess the level of depression, and Numeric Rating Scale to determine the level of pain. To determine the moderating effect of depression on the relationship between quality of life and pain, simple regression analysis, and the Sobel test were performed. There was a significant negative correlation between health-related quality of life and pain (r<-.3, p<.05), and a significant positive correlation between depression and pain (r=.251, p<.05). Thus, health-related quality of life had a simple regression relationship with depression and pain. Depression also showed a mediating effect between health-related quality of life and pain. The results of this study suggest that depression mediates between pain and quality of life.
The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of mechanical traction applied to the knee joint on pain, knee range of motion (ROM), timed up and go (TUG) and Western Ontario and MacMaster Universities Osteoarthritis (WOMAC) in patients with knee osteoarthritis (KOA) of Kellgren-Lawrence radiological rating scale Ⅱ or Ⅲ. Twenty three patients participated in the experiment for a period of four weeks. After baseline assessment, the patients with KOA were randomized into two groups: the traction group (n1=12), which received traction with general physical therapy; and the control group (n2=11), which received general physical therapy only on unilateral knee joints. Patients received interventions once a day, three times a week, for four weeks. Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to analyze the change of dependent variances within the group during pre and post intervention. Mann-Whitney U test was used to analyze the change of dependent variances as TUG and passive ROM between the two groups. Analysis of covariance was used to analyze the change of dependent variances as numeric pain rating scale (NPRS) and WOMAC score between the two groups. In Wilcoxon signed-rank test, the traction group improved significantly with regard to NPRS (p<.01), passive knee flexion ROM (p<.01), passive knee extension (p<.05), TUG (p<.01) and WOMAC scores (p<.01) after intervention for four weeks, but not for the control group. In the Mann-Whitney U test and analysis of covariance, no significant difference was seen among all the dependent variances after intervention for four weeks between the two groups. These outcomes suggest that further studies should be carried out to determine the effects of mechanical traction prior to using it for the treatment of patients with knee osteoarthritis.
Importance of the work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) has been increasing in the hospital industry such as health care industry and financial industry. This study investigated in order to identify the factors like general, occupational and ergonomically characteristics of the subjects related to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) of physical therapists (PTs). Ergonomic tools of rapid upper limb assessment (RULA) were used for evaluation workload of the tasks. Prevalence of MSDs were 13 PTs (26.0%) for neck, 31 PTs (62.0%) for shoulder, 9 PTs (18.0%) for arm/elbow, 27 PTs (54.0%) for hand/wrist, 28 PTs (56.0%) for back, 14 PTs (28.0%) for leg/foot. The analysis of the rate of the pain intensity showed that 53.5% subjects experience moderate pain and 14.0% subjects experience severe pain. Factors which were general characteristics, for example, height, ergonomically characteristics such as 'Posture Score A' were related musculoskeletal subjective symptoms in logistic analysis (p<.05). Among physical therapists, action level of RULA were action level 2 (6.0%), action level 3 (52.0%), action level 4 (42.0%). Physical therapists were estimated one of the highest risk factor in this study. This study suggested that the need of preventive education and program for PTs (physical therapists). Comprehensive and systematic management plans should be established to include both ergonomic and sociopsychological aspects.
목적 : 본 연구는 작업·물리치료사들의 근골격계질환 유해인자를 확인하고 이에 따른 근골격계질환 예방프로그램의 적용이 통증 및 직무스트레스에 미치는 효과에 대해 알아보고자 하였다.연구방법 : 2010년 5월부터 동년 7월까지 경남 창원에 위치하는 C병원에 근무하는 21명의 작업·물리치료사들을 대상으로 근골격계질환 유해인자를 Quick Exposure Checklist(QEC)를 통해 확인한 후, 이에 따른 근골격계질환 예방프로그램을 8주간 적용하였다. 대상자들의 중재 전·후의 통증과 스트레스 변화를 측정하기 위해 시각적 상사척도(Visual Analogue Scale; VAS)와 한국인 직무스트레스 측정도구를 각각 사용하였다.결과 : QEC를 통해 작업·물리치료사들의 업무환경은 개선이 필요한 수준임을 알 수 있었고, 중재를 적용 후 중재 전에 비해 VAS와 한국인 직무스트레스 측정도구의 결과가 유의하게 감소함을 알 수 있었다(p<.05). 또한 VAS와 한국인 직무스트레스 측정도구의 상관관계 분석을 통해 통증변화와 직무스트레스변화 간에 양의 상관관계가 있음을 확인하였다(p<.05). 결론 : 본 연구는 작업·물리치료사의 업무환경 분석을 통한 근골격계질환 예방프로그램을 적용함으로써 근골격계질환 예방활동이 작업·물리치료사의 통증 및 직무스트레스 감소에 긍정적인 효과가 있음을 제시하였다.
목적 : 본 연구는 만성 요통 클라이언트의 건강관리 방법으로서 가상현실공간훈련이 신체적 측면에서 균형 능력, 심리적 측면에서 신체적 자기효능감과 생활만족도, 그리고 통증에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다. 연구방법 : 연구자는 균형 능력에 미치는 영향을 회기별로 알아보기 위하여 개별실험 연구방법을 사용하였고, 균형능력, 신체적 자기효능감, 생활만족도, 통증의 훈련 전과 후에 변화를 비교하기 위하여 사전 사후 집단실험 연구방법을 사용하였다. 연구에 참여한 대상자는 총 8명이었고, 연구대상자는 매회기 Nintendo Wii Sports 프로그램에서 세 개의 활동을 스스로 선택하여 운동하였으며, 1회기 총 운동 시간은 45분이었고, 1주일에 3회 수행하였다. 평가자는 기초선에서 클라이언트의 균형 능력과 통증을 측정하였고, 치료선에서 매회기 통증을 훈련 전에, 균형 능력을 훈련 종료 후에 측정하였다. 또한 평가자는 신체적 자기효능감과 생활만족도를 기초선 시작 전과 치료선 종료 후에 측정하였다. 결과 : 만성 요통 클라이언트의 균형 능력은 연구 대상자 두 명의 오른발 서기를 제외하고 치료선에서 기초선에 비하여 유지되거나 향상되었다. 훈련 전후 비교 시 신체적 자기효능감과 생활만족도는 통계학적으로 유의하게 증가하였으나, 통증지수의 유의한 감소는 없었다. 결론 : 본 연구는 Nintendo Wii Sports가 만성 요통 클라이언트의 균형 능력, 신체적 자기효능감, 생활만족도를 유지 혹은 개선시키기 위한 새로운 건강관리 방법으로서 사용될 수 있는 가능성을 제시하였다.
This study investigated the relationships between Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs), contributing factors, and the occupational stress of physical therapists. Self-reported questionnaires were given to 180 physical therapists in Gangwon Province. Variables examined included the prevalence of pain sites related to WMSDs; pain intensity; pain pattern; and job stress, which is thought to involve the physical environment; job demand; insufficient job control; interpersonal conflict; job insecurity; organizational system; reward system; and occupational culture. Among physical therapists, work-related musculoskeletal pain commonly affected the low back (30.1%), shoulder (29.3%), and wrist (12.2%). The sites of work-related musculoskeletal pain treated medically were the low back (22.8%), shoulder (19.8%), neck (12.7%), and wrist (12.1%). "Repeating the same work constantly" was suggested to be the major cause of the pain. The younger therapists were significantly more likely to feel high job stress due to the physical environment (p<.05), job demand (p<.05), and organizational system (p<.01). Women were more likely to feel greater job stress related to job demand, insufficient job control, the organization system, and job rewards. Men were more likely to feel greater job stress related to job insecurity. Weak positive relationships were observed between work-related musculoskeletal pain and job stress, which is thought to involve the physical environment; job demand; insufficient job control; interpersonal conflict; job insecurity; organizational system; reward system; and occupational culture. Physical therapists appear to be at higher risk of WMSDs because 80.1% of the physical therapists studied experienced work-related musculoskeletal pain. To reduce the risk, we need intervention strategies such as preventive education, ergonomically designed medical equipment, a psychosocial approach to work conditions, improved mechanical conditions related to therapeutic patterns, and an institutional infrastructure with sufficient personnel and scheduling.
The pain is common among individuals with physical disabilities. It can interfere with therapy since patients with pain can become uncooperative and reluctant to move. This paper reviews the natural physiological mechanisms that can reduce pain perception, and considers physiological mechanisms which contribute to clinical pain by describing how the pain system changes its sensitivity depending upon the body's needs. The peripheral and central mechanisms contributing to sensitised nociceptive system are described with reference to the symptoms of clinical pain such as hyperalgesia, allodynia sopntaneous 'on-going'-projected and referred pain. It is suggested that in some chronic pain the nociceptive system maintains a state of sensitivity despite the absence of on-going tissue damage and under such circumstances the nociceptive system itself may have become dysfunctional. Such situations are often initiated by damage to nervous tissue which results in changes in the activity and organization of neuronal circuits within the central nervous system. The ability of the nociceptive system to operate in a suppressed state is also discussed with reference to pain modulation. The physical therapist can help facilitate the activation of these mechanisms through a combination of noninvasive modalities, functional activities, and the therapeutic use of self.