해역수질 관리를 위해 마산만으로 유입되는 육상기인오염원이 해역수질에 미치는 영향인 오염기여율을 생태계 모델을 이용하여 정량화하였다. 오염기여율은 마산만 해역으로 들어오는 16개 오염원 각각의 유무에 따라 해역 정점별 수질 농도변화를 통해 계산하였다. 오염기여율 결과로 만 내측의 하천들은 만 북부에서 COD는 20 %, T-P는 62 %로 나타났고, 만 중부에서는 COD는 10 %, T-P는 16 %로 나타냈다. 따라서, 만 내측의 하천들은 마산만 북부와 중부수질에 영향을 주고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 만 북부로 유입되는 하천들의 T-P기여율이 COD기여율 보다 높기 때문에, COD부하보다 T-P부하가 수질에 미치는 영향이 더 큰 것으로 판단된다. 만 남부 오염원인 덕동하수처리장은 남부에서 COD는 26 %, T-P는 11 %, 중부에서 COD는 17 %, T-P는 7 %, 만 외측에서는 COD는 10 %, T-P는 1 % 기여하는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 저층 잔차류 흐름이 만 내측으로 향하고 있기 때문에 마산만 외측보다 남부와 중부에서 수질에 더 큰 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났다.
본 연구에서는 함평만의 육상기인오염 물질의 유입특성을 파악하고, 물질순환을 정량화하기 위해, Simple box model을 적용하였다. 함평만의 하천 유입 오염부하 특성을 보면, BOD, COD, TOC의 평균 유기물질 오염부하가 각각 79.7 kg-BOD/day, 144.06 kg-COD/day, 93.0 kg-TOC/day를 나타내었다. 하천별 유기물 유입 오염부하량은 손불 방조제>주포교>양만단지 순으로 나타났다. 계절별로는 하계 강우시기인 7월에 높은 부하 특성을 보였다. 영양염류의 평균 유입 오염부하는 각각 20.9 kg-DIN/day, 17.1 kg-DIP/day, 148 kg-TN/day, 37.4 kg-TP/day를 나타내었다. 하천별 영양염 유입부하량은 양만단지>백옥교>주포교 순으로 나타났다. 박스모델을 이용한 함평만 물질수지에서 담수체류시간은 52.4일로 해수교환이 낮은 반 폐쇄성 해역의 특성을 나타내었다. 영양염 물질수지에서 용존 무기질소의 경우 △DIN이 (-)의 탈질상태를 나타내어 유입된 질소보다 광합성에 의한 소비 및 외해 유출이 큰 경향을 보였다. 용존 무기인의 경우 △DIP가 (+)를 나타내어 유기물 분해에 의한 공급, 퇴적물의 용출부하, 하천 유입부하가 식물플랑크톤에 의한 소비 및 외해 유출보다 큰 것으로 나타나 축적되는 경향을 보였다.
Total water pollution load management(TWPLM) seeks to harmonize conservation and development by allowing regional developments to be carried out in an eco-friendly manner and within the scope of achieving the desirable water quality. Water pollutant sources are managed so as to keep the total amount of pollutants in public watersheds within a certain level or total allowance in accordance with target water quality goal. With relation to the basic guideline under the Special Act on the Water Resources Management and Community Support for Watersheds, the load from the land should be determined by the classification of rainy and dried season respectively. Objective loads of abatement applied in the 1st planning period(2004∼2010) are set up standards by low flow condition(Q275) without considering the change of flow, while allowable wasteloads are estimated by the criteria of daily mean precipitation 10 mm, as critical standard for the division of surface runoff load. Even though the standard flow conditions to meet the goal of water quality at the end of unit watershed are low flow, but it might be considered to set up drought flow condition(Q355) for the improvement of water quality. Also the objective loads for abatement to meet the target water quality should be calculated without the effect of non-point sources from the land.
The aim of this study is to allocate the amount of discharging pollution loads according to the main pollutants such as population, livestock, soil, industrial facilities of Yugu basin which is a branch of Geumriver. Also, the object area was divided into 22 small subbasin sectors to assess the loading amount and applicate the water quality model. The considering items to forecast the water quality were restricted BOD, TN and TP which had affluent data relatively. And only BOD data was used to calculate unit loading amount of the basin and arrangement of optimum pollution load. As a calculating result for the amount of discharged pollution load based on the pollution sources and data, the loading amount and density of the basin became the highest after joining of Yugu and Magok. And the results of the expected loading amount indicated the increase rate of load occurrence was less than average ±1.5% per year for BOD, TN and TP. So, it was known that factors such as population, livestock and industrial transformation kept up as present. The flow running rate for the small drainage sector by the running load amount was highly analyzed TP, BOD and TN in order. And the running load amount was high in case small basin and short running length. Also, BOD contribution rate was large as near the length for the end point of the stream and high pollution influx. The running load amount was 629.85kg/d and permission load amount was 483.03kg/d at the end of Yugu basin. Therefore, it is considered that the amount is to reduce 146.82kg/d and reduction load amount by the region on establishing the sewage treatment facilities was expected 185.07kg/d for Yugu, 22.21kg/d Shinpoong, 25.91kg/d Sagok, 20.26kg/d Woosung and 255.40kg/d after total same time reduction. So, it is concluded that the arrangement of optimum load amount for reduction is proper to Yugu, Sagok, Shinpoong and Woosung orderly.
Non-point source pollutants have characteristics the render them difficult to manage owing to the uncertainty of flow paths. As agricultural non-point sources account for more than 57% of non-point source pollutants, the necessity for management is increasing. This study examines the possibility of utilizing land cover maps to suggest a more appropriate method of setting management priority for agricultural non-point sources in the Daecheong Lake area and draws implications by comparing the results derived using the cadastral map, as mentioned in the TMDL Basic Policy. To define the prioritized areas for management, the pollution load was calculated for each subbasin using the formula from the TMDL technical guidelines. As a result, the difference in the average pollution load between the land cover map and cadastral map ranged from 11.6% to 21% among the subbasins. In almost all subbasins, there were differences in the ranking of management priorities depending on the land information that was used. In addition, it was found that it was reasonable to use the level 3 land cover map to calculate the load generated by the land system for examining the implementation goals and methods of each data and comparing them with satellite images.
In this study, a load duration curve was applied to the Jangseongcheon, one of the tributaries of the Yeongsan River, to assess whether the target water quality was achieved. In addition, pollution of the water body was investigated to develop and suggest the optimal management time with respect to polluted flow sections and monthly conditions. The average flow rates of sections JS1 and JS2 were 0.25 m3/s and 1.08 m3/s , respectively. The BOD and T-P for water-quality standards at JS1 were rated at II, whereas the COD and TOC were rated at III, thus indicating a fair level of water quality. By contrast, the BOD at JS2 was rated at III, the T-P at IV, and the TOC at V, indicating poor water quality in this section. The load duration curve was plotted using the actual flow data measured in eight-day intervals for eight years from 2011 to 2018 at locations JS1 and JS2 in the Jangsungcheon Basin. In an assessment using the load duration curve on whether the target water quality was met at location JS1, all of the water quality parameters (BOD, COD, TOC, T-N, T-P, and SS) satisfied the target water quality. By contrast, at location JS2, parameters COD, TOC, T-N, and T-P exceeded target values by more than 50%, indicating the target water quality was not met. The discharge loads of locations JS1 and JS2 were analyzed to identify the reasons the target water quality was exceeded. Results revealed that the land system contributed considerably. Furthermore, the discharge load of JS2 accounted for more than 80% of the load on the entire basin, excluding that of JS1. Therefore, the best method for restraining the inflow of pollutants into the stream near location JS2 must be applied to manage the water quality of the Jangsungcheon.
Biomass-fired power plants produce electricity and heat by burning biomass in a boiler. However, one of the most serious problems faced by these plants is severe corrosion. In biomass boilers, corrosion comes from burnt fuels containing alkali, chlorine, and other corrosive substances, causing boiler tube failures, leakages, and shorter lifetimes. To mitigate the problem, various approaches implying the use of additives have been proposed; for example, ammonium sulfate is added to convert the alkali chlorides (mainly KCl) into the less corrosive alkali sulfates. Among these approaches, the high temperature corrosion prevention technology based on ammonium sulfate has few power plants being applied to domestic power plants. This study presents the results obtained during the co-combustion of wood chips and waste in a circulating fluidized bed boiler. The aim was to investigate the characteristics of pollution load in domestic biomass power plants with ammonium sulfate injection. By injecting the ammonium sulfate, the KCl content decreased from 68.9 to 5 ppm and the NOx were reduced by 18.5 ppm, but SO2 and HCl were increased by 93.3 and 68 ppm, respectively.
수질모델을 사용하여 수계내 오염물질의 총량관리를 위한 오염물질관리 목표량 및 허용총량 파악, 그리고 삭감계획의 효과 분석을 수행할 수 있다. 그러나 QUAL2E, WASP5 및 HSPF와 같은 수질모델은 다양한 자료를 요구하고 실제수계 적용이 쉽지 않음으로 수계의 수리학적 특성이 반영된 용이성을 갖춘 분석적인 수질모델 개발의 필요성이 제기되었다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 유달경로를 고려한 배수구역내 오염총량관리를 위한 분석적인 BOD모델(AMB)을 개발하
본 연구는 금강의 주요지류인 미호천 유역에 소재하고 있고 주요 텔레미터 수위표가 위치한 4개의 지점을 선정하여 유출량과 오염부하량의 상관성 분석을 통해 각 소유역의 전체 오염부하량을 추정하였다. 본 연구에서는 대상유역의 유량측정 지점을 중심으로 평·갈수시 및 홍수시의 유출량 및 수질을 분석하였다. 분석된 유출량 및 수질자료를 통해 유역의 수위-유량관계곡선과 농도변화를 분석하였다. 그리고, 유출량과 수질항목간의 상관관계를 분석하였고, 단위면적당 유출량 변