본 연구는 닭 진드기 구제를 목적으로 개발된 살비제인 와구잡이 II® (WGJB, 편백정유 : 계피정유 = 20 : 56)에 대하여 토끼와 기니픽을 이용하여 피부 자극성 및 감작성 평가를 각각 수행하였다. 일차피부자극시험에서 토끼의 피부에 WGJB를 24시간 동안 처리한 후 피부 자극성을 확인한 결과, WGJB는 비찰과 부위에서 홍반과 부종과 같은 어떠한 부작용도 일으키지 않았으나, 몇몇 토끼의 찰과 부위에서 매우 약한 홍반과 부종을 나타내어 WGJB의 1차 피부자극 지수는 0.625이었다. 따라서 WGJB는 약한 자극성이 있는 물질로 분류되었다. 피부감작성 시험에서 기니픽에 0.1 mL의 WGJB을 피내주사한 후 24시간 동안 감작시켰다. 감작 1주일 후 WGJB를 함유한 패취를 주사 부위에 부착하여 48시간 동안 처리한 다음, 2주 후에 WGJB 를 함유한 패취를 부착하여 감작을 야기시켰다. WGJB는 어떠한 알러지 반응도 나타내지 않았다. 따라서, 본 연구를 통하여 WGJB는 약한 피부 자극성을 가지며 감작성을 야기하지 않는 물질로 평가되었다.
The poultry red mite (PRM), Dermanyssus gallinae, is one of the most important external parasites in the poultry industry. PRM adheres to birds’ bodies, and its hematophagy causes anemia and itching, and reducing egg production (~20%). Fipronil is a toxic pesticide used to control PRM. Thus, an environmentally friendly alternative control agent is needed. In this study, the effectiveness of various environmentally friendly PRM control measures including an acaricide consisting of synthetic silica, clove extracts, garlic extracts, and a probiotic solution were evaluated, comparing them to a combined treatment using the chemical acaricides. Each agent was tested in vitro using two approaches, in which PRMs were either added to environments containing acaricide, or sprayed in situ. Within 10 hours of inoculation, all the environmentally friendly acaricides except for the probiotic solution killed or rendered immotile significantly more mites than the control, normal saline (p < 0.05). The performance of the environmentally friendly acaricides, except for synthetic silica, was significantly weaker than that of commercial chemical acaricides. (p < 0.05). Further tests to determine the optimal concentration of amorphous synthetic silica agent for complete PRM control found this to be 400 g/L. PRM motility following treatment showed the same pattern: the synthetic silica agent and chemical acaricide killed mites, while application of other environmentally friendly agents resulted in living, but immotile, insects, or those with reduced motility. As a result, these environmentally friendly acaricides, especially the synthetic silica agent, could be used as alternatives to chemical acaricides for PRM control.
The present study evaluated the repellent activity and the improvements in egg production and mortality rate on laying hens infested with poultry red mites (PRM) administered with a mixture of Korean traditional herbal methanolic extracts (CHE, Foeniculum vulgare : Sophora flavescens : Cinnamomum cassia : Glycyrrhiza glabra = 1:1:1:1, w/w/w/w). PRM numbers per laying hens in CHE-0.5 administered with CHE 0.5 kg/ton feed were significantly decreased compared to those in Non-CHE (control) during overall experimental periods (1st week post-treatment, p<0.05; 2nd week post-treatment, p<0.01; 3rd-4th week post-treatment, p<0.001). In CHE-1.0 administered with CHE 1.0 kg/ton feed, PRM numbers were significantly decreased compared to those in Non-CHE during the whole experimental periods (1st week post-treatment, p<0.01; 2nd-4th week post-treatment, p<0.001). After administration of CHE for 4 weeks, egg production and mortality rate in CHE-0.5 and CHE-1.0 were significantly improved compared to those in Non-CHE (p<0.05). In addition, hematological and blood biochemical parameters in all CHE-treated groups were insignificantly different compared to those in Non-CHE. This study showed that CHE (0.5 and 1.0 kg/ton feed) had a repellent activity on PRM in laying hens and effects on the improvement in egg production and mortality rate of laying hen. CHE could be an effective and safe candidate for the control of PRM and the improvement in egg production and mortality rate of laying hens.
The susceptibility of Dermanyssus gallinae adults, collected from poultry farms in 5 regions, to 11 acaricides was investigated. When bifenthrin and formic acid with pyridaben were diluted 100 times, bifenthrin showed 100% acaricidal activity; however, formic acid with pyridaben showed less than 20% acaricidal activity for poultry farms in 3 regions (Gyeongju, Chilgok, and Geumsan) except Yeoncheon and Anseong. Clothianidin, thiamethoxam, fenitrothion, and formic acid with pyridaben showed differences in acaricidal activity among regions. Therefore, farmers should concentrate during the selection of these acaricides. However, carbaryl, cartap hydrochloride, dichlorvos, and bifenthrin showed high activity against D. gallinae collected from poultry farms in five regions. To control D. gallinae effectively, the alternation of acaricides is necessary, and indiscriminate pesticide use should be avoided. Therefore, this study can serve as a basis for controlling D. gallinae.
5개 지역 양계장에서 채집한 닭진드기(Dermanyssus gallinae) 성충에 대한 11종 살비제의 감수성을 조사하였다. Bifenthrin과 formic acid + pyridaben은 100배의 희석배수로 처리한 결과, bifenthrin은 5가지 지역에서 모두 100%의 살비율을 보였으나 formic acid + pyridaben 합제 는 연천과 안성을 제외한 나머지 3지역(경주, 칠곡, 금산)에서 20% 이하의 낮은 살비율을 보였다. 카바메이트계 약제인 carbaryl은 경주(45.0%) 를 제외한 4지역에서 100%의 살비효과를 보였다. 유기인계 약제인 dichlorvos는 연천을 제외한 4지역 모두 100%의 살비효과를 보였지만 연천 은 66.7%의 살비율을 보였다. 연천과 안성지역의 양계장이 살비제에 대한 감수성이 높게 나타났으나 다른 3지역(경주, 칠곡, 금산)의 경우에는 약제에 따라 활성의 차이를 보였다. Clothianidin, thiamethoxam, fenitrothion, formic acid + pyridaben은 지역에 따라 살비활성의 효과에 차이를 보여 사용 시 주의를 기울여야 할 것이나, carbaryl과 cartap hydrochloride, dichlorvos, bifenthrin은 실험에 사용된 모든 지역에서 활 성이 높아 모든 지역에서 사용가능할 것으로 생각된다. 양계장별 살비제 활성이 차이를 보이는바 효과적인 닭진드기의 방제를 위해서는 살비제의 활성평가와 더불어 약제의 교호살포와 무분별한 사용을 지양해야할 것으로 보이며 본 연구가 닭진드기 방제를 위한 기초 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.