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        검색결과 9

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As digital transformation accelerates, platform business has become a core business model in modern society. Platform business has a network effect where the winner takes all. For this reason, it is crucial for a company's pricing policy to attract as many customers as possible in the early stages of business. Telecommunication service companies are experiencing stagnant growth due to the saturation of the smartphone market and intensifying competition in rates, but the burden of maintaining communication networks is increasing due to the rapid increase in traffic caused by domestic and foreign CSPs. This study aims to understand the dynamic characteristics of the telecommunications market by focusing on pricing policy. To this end, we analyzed how ISPs, CSPs, and consumers react to changes in pricing policy based on the prisoner's dilemma theory. The analysis of the dynamic characteristics of the market was conducted through simulation using the Agent-Based Model.
        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the use of shared kickboards rapidly increases, personal mobility (PM)-related accidents are frequently occurring. These accidents are mainly caused by careless behavior, which is typically indicated by neglecting to wear a helmet, speeding, signal violation, or illegal driving owing to incorrect driving methods. This type of user behavior increases the risk of accidents; for this reason, there is an urgent need to prepare effective measures for the safe use of shared kickboards. To reduce PM accidents, this study proposes a charging model that promotes the safe behavior of shared kickboard users. The core aim of this model is to persuade users to comply voluntarily with safety rules through incentives and penalties. Specifically, by providing a discount rate when wearing a helmet, the user is encouraged to wear a helmet, whereas in the event of an accident, a penalty is imposed to emphasize the disadvantages that occur when the safety rules are violated. This incentive structure is expected to contribute to the development of safer driving habits among shared-kickboard users. To verify the effectiveness of this charging model, simulations and user surveys were conducted in parallel. It was found that the user’s safety behavior improved, and the incidence of accidents decreased considerably. This confirmed that the proposed charging model not only reduced accidents but also naturally formed a safe driving culture for users. The shared key proposed in this study can benefit the operating company, and policymakers can contribute in the future by sharing key issues that are expected to play an important role in presentation and punishment, and provide a new paradigm for sharing key paradigms.
        2021.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Barrier options are path-dependent options, and their return depends not only on the price of the underlying asset on the expiry date but also on whether the underlying asset reaches the prescribed barrier level during the contract's validity period. This paper mainly studies the barrier option pricing problem under the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck equa-tion model under an uncertain environment. Assuming that the stock price obeys the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck equation model, the pricing formulas of four European barrier options are derived. Finally, several numerical examples are used to verify the effectiveness of the model.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The binomial option pricing model is widely used to understand pricing an option which is a financial derivative. The Model presents very important characteristics in deciding a price of an option. First, a value of option is decided independently with probabilities that stock prices are ascending or fall. Second, an option pricing is not depend on investors' risk preferences. When an option is evaluated, this paper may clear that investors had to consider the probabilities of a stock price's movements and their own preferences for a risk.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In unfrictionless markets, one measure of asset pricing is its height of friction. This study develops a three-factor model by loosening the assumptions about stocks without friction, without risk, and perfectly liquid. Friction is used as an indicator of transaction costs to be included in the model as a variable that will reduce individual profits. This approach is used to estimate return, beta and other variable for firms listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX). To test the efficacy of friction-adjusted three-factor model, we use intraday data from July 2016 to October 2018. The sample includes all listed firms; intraday data chosen purposively from regular market are sorted by capitalization, which represents each tick size from the biggest to smallest. We run 3,065,835 intraday data of asking price, bid price, and trading price to get proportional quoted half-spread and proportional effective half-spread. We find evidence of adjusted friction on the three-factor model. High/low trading friction will cause a significant/insignificant return difference before and after adjustment. The difference in average beta that reflects market risk is able to explain the existence of trading friction, while the difference between SMB and HML in all observation periods cannot explain returns and the existence of trading friction.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research explores the appropriate rubber pricing model and the consistent empirical evidence. This model has been derived from the utility function and firm profit-maximization model of commodity goods. The finding shows that the period t – 1 affects expected commodity price and expected profit of commodity production. In fact, a change in the world price of rubber in the past period led to a change in the expected price of rubber in the short run which influenced the expected rubber profit. As a result, the past-period free on board price has an entirety effect on expected farm price of rubber given an exchange rate. In addition, the rubber pricing model indicates that the profit of local farmer on rubber plant depends solely on the world price of rubber in the short run in case of Thailand. In an empirical study, it was found that a change in the price of ribbed smoke sheet 3 in Singapore Commodity Exchange significantly and positively determined the fluctuation of rubber price at the farm gate in Thailand which was consistent with the behavior of the Thai farmers. Both prices are also cointegrated in the long run. That is, the result states that the VECM is an appropriated pricing model for forecasting the farm price in Thailand.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this study is to examine whether the four-factor model explains variation in the expected return of stocks on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The study used individual monthly data for all stock with continuous trading on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The study used sample data of 429 listed stocks to construct 8 portfolios bases on the industries. In this study, subject to market factors such as size, the book-to-market ratio, the market beta, and stock liquidity are taken into account. The Empirical analysis reveals that not all of the variables included in the four-factor asset pricing model are statistically significant to do affect the formation of the rate of return on stocks calculated on a monthly basis. The result shows that market beta, stock liquidity, and the book-to-market ratio has a significant increase in the rate of return on shares listed on the Consumer Products. It is therefore apparent that at least in respect of monthly analysis, the predictions of bass models in the field of modern finance theory systematic risk measured by the beta coefficient did play a significantly important role in the formation of the rate of return on the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The main aim of the study is to test a house pricing model by combining hedonic and asset-based pricing models. An understanding of the relationship between house pricing and its return (the rental income) helps to establish houses as a significant asset class. The model tested the relationship between house pricing (dependent variable) and the house attributes (independent variables) derived from Freeman’s framework of housing attributes. This study uses a large data-set of 1,899 sample of new, high-end houses purchased between 2016 and 2019 collected from the national capital region of India (Delhi-NCR). The algorithm was built in R-Script, and stepwise multiple linear regression was used to analyze the model. The analysis of the model proves that the three significant variables, namely, carpet area, pay-off, and annual maintenance charges explain the price function. Further, the model is statistically fit. The major contribution of the study is to understand the key factors and their influence on the house pricing. The model will be helpful in risk assessment in the housing investment and enhance the chances of investment. Policy-makers can use information about the underlying valuation drivers of the house prices to stabilize the market and also in framing the tax policies.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research examined the alternatives of Jensen’s alpha (α) estimation models in the Capital Asset Pricing Model, discussed by Treynor (1961), Sharpe (1964), and Lintner (1965), using the robust maximum likelihood type m-estimator (MM estimator) and Bayes estimator with conjugate prior. According to finance literature and practices, alpha has often been estimated using ordinary least square (OLS) regression method and monthly return data set. A sample of 50 securities is randomly selected from the list of the S&P 500 index. Their daily and monthly returns were collected over a period of the last five years. This research showed that the robust MM estimator performed well better than the OLS and Bayes estimators in terms of efficiency. The Bayes estimator did not perform better than the OLS estimator as expected. Interestingly, we also found that daily return data set would give more accurate alpha estimation than monthly return data set in all three MM, OLS, and Bayes estimators. We also proposed an alternative market efficiency test with the hypothesis testing Ho: α = 0 and was able to prove the S&P 500 index is efficient, but not perfect. More important, those findings above are checked with and validated by Jackknife resampling results.