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        검색결과 10

        2020.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The concept of co-creation with consumers has been extensively studied in the literature documented in innovation management and marketing literatures. In this study, we contribute to the literature threefold. First, we develop a model to investigate how co-creation with fans enhance purchase intent and engagement of other customers. Second, we test the model using the data collected from consumers on four different product categories including beer, car, cosmetics and travel. By doing so, we examine the differences between product vs. service as well as different product categories. Third, we will compare the results with that of ordinary consumers to check if there are any differences in the case of co-creating with fans. Most of the extant studies have found a positive effect of co-creation on the outcome evaluation. However, engaging other consumers by co-creation with fans has not been studied. For bridging this research gap, we developed a conceptual model to investigate the antecedents and consequences of co-creation with fans. The hypotheses are as follows. H1: Product class involvement and domain specific knowledge affect perception on co-creation positively. H2: Perception on co-creation affects purchase intent and word-of-mouth positively. H3: The relationships of H1 and H2 differs depending on product categories. H4: The relationships of H1 and H2 differs if companies work with ordinary customers or fans. We tested the hypotheses with the data collected from consumers an online questionnaire survey. Data collection was conducted through a market research agency in 2016 for beer and cars, and in 2019 for cosmetics and travel. The data was collected from 240 consumers in their 20s, 30s, and 40s in Japan. Each segment has same number of males and females, 40 people each for six segments. The findings shed a new light on the co-creation literature and help companies to design better co-creation with fans in different product and service categories.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was to examine the service and the product evaluation factors of Korean internet fashion shopping malls and to suggest marketing implications for Korean internet fashion shopping malls wanting to expand into the Chinese market. This study conducted a questionnaire survey for college female students in Qingdao, China, who have shopped at Korean internet shopping malls, and 310 surveys were used in the final analysis, frequency analysis, factorial analysis, and regression analysis. The results of the study were as follows. First, Most of the respondents answered that they found the Korean internet fashion shopping malls through the internet, and the most purchased item was outer clothing. Second, the system stability and web site structure excellence factors had a positive influence on the service satisfaction for the shopping mall 'S', while the system satisfaction, service efficiency, interactivity and web site structure excellence factors had positive influences on service satisfaction for the shopping mall 'P', and the system satisfaction, service efficiency, interactivity factors had positive influences on service satisfaction for the shopping mall 'N'. Third, examining the correlation between product satisfaction for the shopping mall 'S', 'P', and 'N' with fashion product evaluation factors showed that, design factors and quality excellence factors of the three shopping malls had positive influences on product satisfaction. The results of this research provide useful information in forming an efficient operating system and improving marketing strategies for internet fashion shopping malls planning to enter or having already entered the Chinese market.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Due to fierce competition, many domestic fashion businesses are suffering difficulty in securing and maintaining customers. Accordingly, fashion companies are devoting all their energy to secure customers by using high quality and diverse strategies for distribution and promotion, and to secure loyalty by satisfying customers with the offer of excellent service. Thus, it is very important to provide systematic service recovery strategy available for handling service failure effectively. Therefore, the purpose of this study is comprehensively analyzing influences of expectation dis-confirmation and perceived justice for service recovery upon consumers' satisfaction and loyalty. The findings are as follows. First, as for the service failure that customers experienced, the more consumers who expect it to be recovered led to the higher formation of expectation-compensation dis-confirmation. Second, it was indicated that the higher seriousness in service failure that customers experienced led to the lower satisfaction and loyalty to service recovery. Third, as a result of examining influence of expectation-compensation dis-confirmation for servicefailure recovery upon consumer satisfaction and loyalty, the customers who showed more positive dis-confirmation to expectation-compensation were indicated to form the more satisfaction and loyalty. Fourth, as a result of examining the influence of the perceived justice in the process of service-failure recovery upon customer satisfaction, all in 3 dimensions of justice had effect on customer satisfaction.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the service quality measurement has been developed, various fields of service quality measurement have evolved. Especially the development of the mobile communication service and its status has been watched with keen interest. The growth of mobile communications has not developed alone. It evolved with the growth of the mobile communications company and the device manufacturer. This research investigates the mutual relation sand influence between the service quality and the device quality. This is a distinguished phenomenon within the existing research. Currently in Korea mobile devices can be purchased independently of network provider; however, there are also arrangements whereby the manufacturer supplies devices through only selected service providers. The model of service quality measurement is not a simple fragment model for the service quality anymore. It is required to establish the ultimate model for the service quality to determine if the customer differentiates between the device and service quality. Knowing if a customer differentiates between device and service can aid strong brands when deciding which partners to select for collaborative strategies. The aim of this research is to determine the significant difference between the models of service quality measurement based on differing levels of brand awareness.
        2008.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Upon the basis at the end of March 2005, we have the 38.91 million cellular phone subscribers over the country and the total diffusion rate of the cellular phone is reached up to 76.1%. At this moment, it can be said the most people use it since the demand is still going on. Turning to the operation company, this is serviced by the SK Telecom, LG Telecom, and KTF, and there are at least 6 manufactures producing it including Samsung, LG, KTF ever, Motorola an d SKY. Most users periodically change the service vendor to the others for buying new model or changing the service vendor. It is understood the customer's action occurred by the differences of the brand cognition. In this study, along with some parameters including the difference of the vendor's difference of satisfaction (mobile telecommunication, product), and the possibility to buy the product again, I am going to find out the relationship between the satisfaction of the provider's service.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Tourist loyalty is created through good tourism service quality and the availability of tourism products. This study discussed the various attributes of tourism service quality, namely, tour agents, efficient personnel, accessible transportation, and information service quality. Whereas for tourism product availability attributes were varieties of product availability, wide selection of tour agents and tourist products, and wide variety of amenity services. As a general rule, the minimum is to have at least five times as many observations as the number of variables to be analyzed, and the more acceptable sample size would have a 10:1 ratio. A total of 424 questionnaires were returned, with 35 removed due to errors. Finally, 389 questionnaires respondents were used via accidental sampling method through the distribution of questionnaires to foreign tourists at Soekarno Hatta International Airport. In addition, AMOS 7.0 software is used to test models in confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) as well as hypothetical testing using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed that all hypotheses were accepted, except for the effect of tourism service quality on tourist loyalty in Indonesia. This research aims to contribute significantly to the existing knowledge of tourism, specifically from a foreign tourist perspective in Indonesia.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Batik industry is a business activity oriented towards customer loyalty and is demanded to show an increasing diversity of products with various motives designed to prevent customers from moving to other companies. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop a theoretical approach in solving problems in the relationship between service quality and product diversity on satisfaction and word of mouth (WoM) and its impact on customer loyalty. Furthermore, this study also examined the mediating effects of satisfaction and WoM in the relationship between service quality and product diversity on customer loyalty. This research’s object took the customers of Batik Semarangan Craftwork, Indonesia, with the phenomenon of always developing creative and innovative Batik motif designs that can be accepted by the market without leaving Semarang’s uniqueness. The total sample was 98 customers. The results of the study showed that service quality and product diversity positively affected satisfaction and WoM and had a positive effect on customer loyalty. Besides, satisfaction and WoM had a mediating effect on the effect of service quality and product diversity on loyalty. Thus, it is essential for management to create and increase customer loyalty by paying attention to service quality, product diversity, satisfaction, and WoM.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose - The purpose of this thesis is to assess the product design digital learning status of universities that are currently involved in learning environment projects in manufacture and commerce integration (MCI). Thus, enterprises must keep learning and creating new inventions with revolutionary progress. Research design, data, and methodology - This study not only emphasizes the analysis of technical ability, course concepts, conducting models, and learning environments of every aspect, but also systematically probes the planning of learning, system framework, web learning, environmental activities, data statistics, and digitalized learning, among other aspects. Results - The results of this study help in finally understanding each school’s manufacture and commerce integration situation, in order to evaluate product design learning. Consequently, it is essential to evaluate computer learning at schools, thereby affecting communication and the requirements of business education training. Conclusions - It is essential to focus on MCI to promote web teaching to preserve and enhance knowledge disseminating technologies, and immediately share knowledge with learners, while improving work efficiency and cultivating the talent needed by industry.