The National R&D Innovation Act emphasizes the improvement of the quality of R&D activities. The research institute is making efforts to improve the quality of research and effectively manage research implementation. KINAC has conducted various R&D projects regarding nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear security, and their scope and scale have been gradually more widened and increased. It consequently becomes important how to successfully manage research projects and ensure their qualification with the growth and complexity of research in KINAC. Unfortunately, no attempt was made to introduce and apply project management methodologies. Therefore, the objective of this study is to introduce project management standards and guidelines as an initial step towards improving the overall research quality of the institute. Project management is the well-organized application of knowledge and techniques to efficiently and effectively initiate, plan, control, and close projects, in order to achieve specific goals and meet success criteria. There are some guidelines regarding project management, including PMBOK (the Project Management Body of Knowledge), PRINCE2 (Projects in Controlled Environments), ISO 21500 (Guidance on Project Management), and PMP (Project Management Professionals), etc. They are international standards that consist of processes, guidelines, and best practices for project management. They provide structured processes and approaches to plan, execute, monitor, control, and complete projects. By reviewing the guidelines, the commonly important factors, including schedule, cost, quality, resources, communication, and risk management were introduced to apply to KINAC R&D project implementation. In addition to the management standards, systematic efforts are also continued to enhance the R&D qualities of the institute. These efforts include the implementation of a quality management system (ISO 9001:2015), development of an integrated research achievements management system, regulation development, and distribution of guidebooks for project managers and researchers. These efforts have been evaluated as improving the quality of the research.
PCR법은 특정 유전자를 증폭하는 기술로 작물 및 식품에서 유전자 변형체 함유 여부를 가리는 효과적인 방법이다. 그러나 핵산의 추출법에 따라 PCR의 감도가 크게 달라지므로 정확한 추출법의 선정이 매우 중요하다. 본 연구는 현재 컬럼형 상용화 키트와 기존의 용매 추출방법을 이용하여 콩과 옥수수가공식품에 대한 각 유전자 부위의 검출감도를 비교 분석하였다. 핵산의 추출효율과 도입유전자의 증폭효율면 모두 상용화 키트인 Wizard™, DNeasy™ 추출법이 우수하였다. DNeasy법은 대부분의 식품에서 우수한 추출효율을 보였으나, 옥수수가공식품에서 수율이 감소하는 단점을 나타내었다. Wizard법은 모든 가공식품에서 고른 추출효율을 보였으며, PCR반응에 의한 증폭산물도 잘 보존되어 가공식품의 GMO검출에 적합한 것으로 나타났다. 한편 CTAB법은 콩가공식품에서 약간 효율이 좋은 것으로 나타났으나 대부분의 경우 효율이 낮았으며, 식품의 종류에 따라 편차가 심하게 나타났다. pheno/chloroform법은 대부분의 식품에서 핵산의 분리가 어려운 방법으로 나타나 GMO분석에는 적합하지 않은 방법으로 확인되었다.
Background : The 1,2-unsaturated PAs, reported to be widely present in medicinal plants belonging to Asteraceae, Boraginaceae, and Fabaceae, cause hepatotoxicity and genotoxicity in humans and animals. Hence, there is a need for an analytical method that allows these dangerous plant toxins to be determined. In this study, we developed a method that can be used for the rapid and accurate determination of nine toxic PAs in medicinal plants using ultra-pressure liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization–quadrupole–time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-Q-TOF).
Methods and Results : The compounds were eluted onto a C18 column with 0.1% formic acid and acetonitrile, and separated with good resolution within 11 min. all analytes was characterized by its precursor ions generated by ESI-Q-TOF and fragment ions produced by collision-induced dissociation (CID), which were used as a reliable database. The proposed analytical method was verified with reference to the ICH guidelines. The proposed UPLC-ESI-Q-TOF method was applied to four medicinal plants, and lycopsamin, echimidine, senkirkine and senecionine were detected by matching with reference standard, and additional six PAs were tentatively identified though chemical profiling. In addition, the QuEchERS method was the most efficient in comparison with methods like hot water and methanol in extraction efficiency of pyrrolizidine alkaloids.
Conclusion : The our proposed method can determine PAs rapidly and accurately in medicinal plants and will be utilize as an important data for other researchers who need analytical information of PAs.