The purpose of this study is to highlight the idea that the approach and methodology in Landscape Architecture and Urban Studies are rooted in regional planning, and to trace the legacy that can be borrowed from modern city and landscape planning. This study examines the academic relationship between Geddes’ Urban Evolution and McHarg’s Ecological Landscape Planning theory, and explores the significance of regional planning that can be accommodated in both Landscape Architecture and Urban Studies areas at present. As a result, the Geddes’ theory and the McHarg’s ecological landscape planning emphasized a scientific understanding of plans based on evolutionary theories and local research in regional planning. However, the McHarg’s theory was definitely different from the Geddes’ theory and offered its own unique identity and possibilities. First, it was completely focused on the environment. Second, it suggested a concrete methodology consisting of a technique of land suitability analysis to visualize an environmental or regional investigation. Third, McHarg advocated drawings as a visualization tool. McHarg’s theory of ecological landscape planning can be thought of as an evolutionary version of the theory of urban evolution. The study was limited to an applicable range to solidify the possibility of applying the theory in real situation, and more concrete and substantial approaches were suggested accordingly.
박물관은 과거의 단순한 유물의 수장과 전시라고 하는 전통적 개념에 더하여 일반 대중에게 휴식과 교양을 제공하는 문화시설로서 현대인의 심리를 충족시키는 사회교육기관으로까지 그 기능이 확대 되고 있다. 이러한 요구에 비하여 현존하는 지역 박물관은 기능을 충족하기 어려운 현실이고 이를 해결할 방안이 모색되어야 할 시점이다. 이에 본 연구는 이러한 기존 박물관의 문제점을 지역 사회의 특징을 고려하지 않은 사업 시행의 결과로 파악하고, 이를 바탕으로 새로운 박물관의 계획 및 기존 박물관의 리모델링에 있어서 기초적으로 고려하여 야 할 사항을 문화 정책과 장소 마케팅 차원에서 접근하였다. 이러한 이론적 조사를 토대로 지역 박물관의 계획의 중요 요소를 도출하여 기초 자료로서 제안하고자 한다.
In this study, the environmental consciousness of Daegu citizen on conservation planning considering the regional characteristics was investigated. Data were collected throughout a survey and 1400 people were selected using a stratified sampling method based on populations of Daegu administration district. Results wee followings; First, the levels of environmental consciousness were different dependent on districts’ characteristics. Second, poor awareness on Daegu Agenda 21 (Clear and Green Daegu 21) were shown. Daegu Agenda 21 is the action plan for the sustainable environmental conservation activities of the City of Daegu. Third, waste was the most serious environmental problems of Daegu , air quality was second worst, and third was river water quality from the survey, but differentiated awareness was shown dependent on regional spatial factors and pollution emission factors. Last, a public environmental education was the most important issue to make invigorations and progress for future environmental policy.
본 연구에서는 특성화를 전제로 식물원마다 지역경관자원이 잘 반영되기 위한 방향제공과 식물원 조성 시 비교적 적은 예산과 인력으로 최대한의 효과를 기대하기 위해서 지역경관자원을 활용한 식물원 계획지표를 개발하고 중요도를 분석하고자 하였다. 그 결과 상위계층(1계층)에서는 ‘자연자원(0.624)’이 가장 높게 나타났으며, ‘역사문화자원(0.203)’, ‘사회자원(0.172)’의 순으로 나타났다. 중간계층(2계층)에서는 ‘문화자원(0.592)’, ‘생태자원(0.454)’, ‘역사자원(0.408)’, ‘공동체자원(0.408)’, ‘산림자원(0.400)’의 순으로 비슷하게 나타났다. 하위계층(3계층)에 있어서는 ‘식생(0.688)’, ‘마을전통(0.641)’, ‘축제(0.581)’, ‘숲(0.557)’의 순으로 나타났다. 전체적으로 볼 때 중요도가 높은 것은 ‘식생(0.195)’, ‘숲(0.139)’이 높게 나타났으며, ‘초지(0.058)’, ‘습지(0.056)’가 다음 순이었다. ‘마을전통(0.053)’, ‘산(0.052)’, ‘지형지세(0.050)’도 계획 시에 중요한 지표가 될 수 있다. 그 외 ‘마을 상징물(0.050)’, ‘전설(0.044)’, ‘축제(0.041)’ 등의 항목도 중요한 지표로 판단되었다. 따라서 지역 경관자원을 활용한 식물원 조성방향을 설정하기 위해서는 ‘자연자원’의 ‘생태자원’, ‘산림자원’과 ‘역사자원’의 ‘마을전통’과 ‘문화자원’의 ‘전설’, ‘마을 상징물’과 ‘사회자원’으로서의 ‘축제’ 등이 중요한 계획지표라 할 수 있다. 따라서 지역경관자원을 활용한 식물원의 계획 시 기존의 자연자원 뿐만 아니라 지역의 정체성을 담을 수 있는 역사문화자원과 함께 사회자원을 수용할 수 있는 노력이 수반되어 할 것으로 사료된다.
이 연구의 목적은 지자체의 계획수립 정책과 마을주민의 요구를 분석하여 농촌마을 재개발을 위한 지역계획 방향을 제시하는 데 있다. 마을재개발 주요 내용으로는 생활편의성 향상 뿐만 아니라 자연환경, 역사문화와 같은 어메니티 자원과 경관자원 등의 보전과 활용이 포함되어야 한다는 관점을 취하였다. 마을주민에 대한 설문조사와 마을재개발 계획수립 과정 및 결과에 분석을 토대로, 농촌마을재개발 계획의 특징을 파악한 후, 향후 발전을 위한 과제를 다음과 같이 제시하였다. 첫째, 마을재개발시 국토이용계획과 농촌특성을 반영할 수 있도록 토지이용 및 농촌개발 관련법을 보완해야 한다. 둘째, 농촌지역에 주거 및 취락지구를 도입하여 체계적인 마을정비가 이루어질 수 있도록 유도해 나갈 필요가 있다. 셋째, 지역계 획수립 체계를 토지이용계획과 마을재개발 추진에 적합한 형태로 확립, 운영토록 한다. 넷째, 마을개발 부지 확보를 원활하게 할 수 있는 방향으로 농지교환분합 제도를 활성화해 나가도록 한다. 다섯째, 지역계획과 마을재개발이 유기적으로 연계되어 추진될 수 있도록 우선 개발 마을을 선정하고, 마을주민의 요구를 반영한 마을발전계획을 수립하며, 농촌취락지구와 같은 농촌토지 용도지구를 도입, 운영할 필요가 있다. 여섯째, 마을재개발 시범사업의 추진 및 평가를 토대로 체계적인 본 사업을 확대, 시행해 나가는 방안 마련이 필요하다. 일곱째, 농촌지역의 낙후도를 고려한 사업지원 및 추진에 차등화 방안을 마련할 필요가 있다.
It is necessary that the basic concept of rural planning update from economics based on the production and sale into experience of natural resources and traditional culture. For the purpose of set up development direction for rural district, it is requisite to the multivariate analysis. In this study, the methods of the classification of rural village with existing data are studied, the results looking for applying to the making of principal viewpoint of the development. The analysis methods of classification are used the PCA, CA and combination of these, and making the revised method for localization of the rural district. In this study, we implement classification of regional pattern analysis for the planning of rural district in Chungbuk province.
This study tried to construct a direction in regional planning concerning the structural relationship between the ratio of aged population and the industrial characteristics. We investigated this structural relationship incorporating the aged population index and the number of classified companies. We applied diverse statistical analyses to understand the relationship. We classified the number of companies to reflect regional industrial characteristics using the principal component analysis. We applied a multiple regression model to understand the relationship between these two indices. The aged population index represents the degree of being old divided by the ratio of juvenile population and aged population. We found that such industries as manufacturing, service, and conveyance increase the ratio of juvenile population. However, industries such as tourism, waterworks, forestry, agriculture and etc. have a positive effect on the aged population index. In addition to these findings, we believe that the efficacy of this study is the possibility that can be used as the basic data when central or local autonomous entities need to adopt rural development planning.
In the study it is assumed that regional characteristics of each Ri within a Myeon are different in certain degrees. This assumption implies that in some case of rural planning, Goon(county) or Myeon may be inadequate as a planning unit. because regional characteristics within Myeon will vary in a considerable degree. The objective of this study is to obtain knowledge relevant to ascertaining planning units by classifying entire number of Ri in Ansung Goon according to the components of regionality, namely the degree of sustaining agriculture and the degree of urbanizing. There was a significant variation among Ri within a Myeon the degree of sustaining agriculture as well as in the degree of urbanizing. In this study it is implied that rural program planning of Goon as a whole seems to be irrelevant. And planning Myeon level programs needs eventually adjustments in such a way of eliminating areas(Ri) which are of inconsistent character. Some planning such as farming cooperation may be efficient if they are to be undertaken at Ri basis. If the program planning include such activities of marketing and cooperative use of facilities, a group of Ri in consistent nature of regionality can be a unit of planning.
For formulation of the rational land us2 plan in regional base, it is a basic and prior condition to categorize total planning area into some functional subregions by purposely-selected indicators. As one of quantitive approaches to the areal categorization in rural area, Principal Component Analysis(PCA) was introduced and testified its applicability through a case study on Sunheungdistrict(called as myun in Korea) area, Youngpoong-county, Kyungbuk-province, Korea. Areal analysis by PCA was carried out on rurality and urbanity of parish-level area(ri in Korea) respectively. By use of PCA analysis results, classifying matrix was made through categorization of both index scores. Among 18 ri's of the case study area, 12 was classified as rural-dominated areas, 2 as urban- dominated areas, and reamaining 3 as intermediate areas.