The paper aims to explore existence and degree of remaining fisheries damages after the completion of undertaking the Four Major Rivers Project focusing on the case of Yeongsan river. The paper seeks to show the necessity of consideration of periods of fishery resources recovery in the estimation of ex-post fisheries damages of the project by inferring the analysis of the annual variation of environmental indicators in the river. Therefore, the paper suggests three years of remaining periods of fisheries damages of the project utilizing the variation trend of ex-ante and ex-post annual output data of inland fisheries in Jeonnam province and individual catch of fisheries. In the measurement of the annual degree of fisheries damages during periods of fishery resources recovery, the paper attempts to suggest the method of comparision of day catch data per vessel between ex-ante and ex-post periods of the project, which were investigated by the same institute. Here the paper tries to make correction of ex-post catch data for holding the same catching condition as ex-ante situation by adopting the concept of competitive intensity of catching which was derived from the decreasing rate of number of fishing households in the area of Yeongsan river.
In the international businesses human resource elements acquired in different countries might have different values in varied industries due to the different quality of education and experiences in the original countries. Using selection models to evaluate expected values in earnings equation of human resource elements such as education and experiences etc. acquired in sending countries, system equations are expanded to examine also the values of science and engineering degrees in technology jobs with selectivity bias correction. This paper used the US census survey data of 2015 on earnings, academic degrees, occupations etc. The US has long maintained the policy of accepting more STEM workers than any other countries and helped maintaining own technological leadership. Assuming per capita GDP gap between the sending country and the US downgrades immigrant human resource quality, it rarely affects occupational selection but depresses earnings on average by two or more years’ worth of education. Immigrant quality index in the sense of GDP gap appears to be a valid tool to assess the expected earnings of the worker with. Engineering degrees increase significantly the probability of selecting not only engineering jobs but also general management jobs, as well as increasing the expected earning additionally over nine years’worth of education. Getting a technology job is additionally worth about four years of education. Economics and business degrees are worth additionally almost six years of education but humanities degrees depress expected earnings. Since years after immigration does not very fast enhance earnings capacity, education level and English language ability might be more useful criteria to expect better future earnings by.
In international businesses human resource elements acquired in different countries might have different values in varied industries due to different quality of education and experiences in original countries. Using existing models to evaluate expected values of human resource elements such as education and experience setc. acquired in sending countries they are expanded to examine also the values of science and engineering degrees in technology jobs with selectivity bias correction. This paper used the US census survey data of 2015 on earnings, academic degrees etc. to contrast qualitative effects with quantitative effects of human resource elements compared to those in the native and/or white group.
The purpose of this study is to estimate conservation value of fisheries resource protected area by the doublebounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation method. The data in this analysis come from a survey of respondents of resident in fisheries resource protected area using a proportional stratified sampling from the population. The questionnaires covered all the 5 fisheries resource protected area and the sample size of every protected area was 120 questionnaires. The survey period was from August to October in 2016.
Above all, the average willingness to pay amount(WTP) per person of Namhae-Tongyoung Ⅰ, Namhae- Tongyoung Ⅱ, Jindong bay, Hansan bay, Cheonsu bay is estimated ₩6,215, ₩13,215, ₩6,405, ₩9,785, and ₩10,390 respectively. And, the total value of Namhae-Tongyoung Ⅰ, Namhae-Tongyoung Ⅱ, Jindong bay, Hansan bay, and Cheonsu bay is evaluated ₩108.8 billion, ₩357 billion, ₩118 billion, 210.2 billion, ₩ 245.8 billion respectively. Moreover, the yearly value of Namhae-Tongyoung Ⅰ, Namhae-Tongyoung Ⅱ, Jindong bay, Hansan bay, and Cheonsu bay is evaluated ₩6 billion, ₩19.6 billion, ₩6.5 billion, 11.6 billion, ₩ 13.5 billion. In conclusion, fisheries resource protected area has the higher conservational value. Consequently, it is essential for now or future generation's use of fisheries resources.
In light of the fisheries resource protected area's value and importance, this should be promoted to the public including the local community who utilizes fisheries resource protected area wisely. Also, this suggests that the policy for fishery resource's creation and management is needed in fisheries resource protected area.
This study examined the potentials for greenhouse gas reduction by material recovery and energy recovery from municipal solid waste between 2017 and 2026 in Daejeon Metropolitan City (DMC), which is trying to establish a material-cycle society by constructing a waste-to-energy town by 2018. The town consists of energy recovery facilities such as a mechanical treatment facility for fluff-type solid refuse fuel (SRF) with a power generation plant and anaerobic digestion of food waste for biogas recovery. Such recycling and waste-to-energy facilities will not only reduce GHGs, but will also substitute raw materials for energy consumption. The emissions and reduction rate of GHGs from MSW management options were calculated by the IPCC guideline and EU Prognos method. This study found that in DMC, the decrease of the amount of MSW landfilled and the increase of recycling and waste-to-energy flow reduced GHGs emissions from 167,332 tonCO2 eq/yr in 2017 to 123,123 tonCO2 eq/yr in 2026. Material recycling had the highest rate of GHG reduction (-228,561 tonCO2 eq/yr in 2026), followed by the solid refuse fuels (-29,146 tonCO2 eq/yr in 2026) and biogas treatment of food waste (-3,421 tonCO2 eq/yr in 2026). This study also shows that net GHG emission was found to be -30,505 tonCO2 eq in 2017 and -105,428 tonCO2 eq, indicating a great and positive impact on future CO2 emission. Improved MSW management with increased recycling and energy recovery of material waste streams can positively contribute to GHGs reduction and energy savings. The results of this study would help waste management decision-makers clarify the effectiveness of recycling MSW, and their corresponding energy recovery potentials, as well as to understand GHG reduction by the conversion.
한국지질자원연구원과 몽골광물자원청은 몽골 우기누르 철-망간 산출지의 제2광상 우측부에서 시험시추를 수행하였다. 기술적 한계의 최저 시추 각도인 65°의 각도로 시추하고 50-70 m 시추 구간에 서 착맥되도록 시추 위치를 설계하였다. 몽골 우기누르 철-망간 산출지에 대한 시험시추 결과 3번 시추 위치를 제외한 나머지 세 공은 지하에서의 습곡에 의해 예상보다 낮은 깊이에서 광체를 착맥하였다. 3 번 시추 위치는 비교적 예상에 맞게 착맥되었다. 1번 시추 위치에는 47.45-50 m 구간과 56.35-57.1 m 구간에서 Fe 40% 이상의 고품위 철 광체가 배태되어 있다. 1번 시추 위치의 나머지 광체 구간 및 다른 세 공의 광체에서 Fe는 약 10%로 저품위 철 광체이다. 1번 시추 위치에서 망간은 최대 10%, 평균 1% 의 품위를 갖고 나머지 세 공의 광체에서 망간은 평균 0.2%로 품위가 낮지만 철과 망간의 품위가 매우 유사한 변동 양상을 보이고 있어 철과 망간이 함께 이동하고 농집되었음을 유추할 수 있다. 시추 지역 의 확정 자원량은 Fe 231,661 톤이고 평균 품위는 Fe 11.82%이다. 시추위치 1과 2의 광체와 3과 4의 광체가 지하에서 연결되어 있다는 가정 하에 계산한 시추 지역의 예상 자원량은 Fe 4,415,296 톤이고 평균 품위는 Fe 11.82%이다. 평가된 자원량은 현재로서는 품위가 낮아 개발 가능성이 낮다.