People differ greatly in their capacity to persist in the face of challenges. Despite significant research, relatively little is known about cognitive factors that might be involved in perseverance. Building upon human threat-management mechanism, we predicted that perseverant people would be characterized by reduced sensitivity (i.e., longer detection latency) to threat cues. Our data from 5,898 job applicants showed that highly perseverant individuals required more time to correctly identify anger in faces, regardless of stimulus type (dynamic or static computer-morphed faces). Such individual differences were not observed in response to other facial expressions (happiness, sadness), and the effect was independent of gender, dispositional anxiety, or conscientiousness. Discussions were centered on the potential role of threat sensitivity in effortful pursuit of goals.
Similar to traditional advertising, product placement plays important roles in consumer purchasing behaviors through the AIDA model (e.g., Ghirvu,2013) of which attention is the very first stage. While there is an established literature on brand recall and recognition as methods of product placement evaluation, the role of attention, which is an important topic in traditional advertising research, has been sparsely studied in the context of product placement. This paper proposes that attention is a psychological state which affects information selection and processing. Captured attention reflects audience’s selective attention to editorial content including placements, while sustained attention (or processing) requires allocated attentional capacity to process information captured from the placement. When available attentional capacity is insufficient, product placements cannot be adequately processed to form accurate memory (Lee & Faber, 2007). Accordingly, this paper aims to investigate the pathway of ‘placement characteristics –audience attention – audience memory’ in order to reinterpret the relationship between placement characteristics and audience memory through the lens of attention. We do this by answering two pertinent questions: 1) how placement characteristics (e.g., exposure duration, frequency, location and size) influence captured attention; and, 2) how captured attention and sustained attention affect audience memory. To do so, we draw on psychology literature, especially the feature integration theory (Treisman & Gelade, 1980), in establishing the theoretical connections between placement features, captured attention, sustained attention and memory. By a theatre methodology, we found sustained attention mediated between captured attention and audience memory, while more prominent placement characteristics had stronger relationships with captured attention. Furthermore, audience’s levels of involvement in the media content and familiarity with the placed brand moderated the relationship between sustained attention and audience memory.
Light is a necessary environmental factor for stroma formation and development of Cordyceps militaris, a well-known edible and medicinal fungus. In this study, photo morphogenesis and the blue-light receptor gene were studied using five representative strains of C. militaris. The results suggest that light was essential for colony pigmentation and could promote conidia production. Cmwc-1 gene inactivation results in thicker aerial hyphae, disordered fruit body development, a significant reduction in conidial formation, and carotenoid and cordycepin production. These characteristics were restored when the ΔCmwc-1 strains were hybridized with wild-type strains of the opposite mating type. A genomewide expression analysis revealed that there were 1042 light responsive genes in the wild-type strain and only 458 in the ΔCmwc-1 strain. Among five putative photoreceptors identified, Vivid, cryptochrome-1, and cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer photolyase are strongly induced by light in a Cmwc-1- dependent manner, while phytochrome and cryptochrome-2 were not induced. The transcription factors involved in the fungal light reaction were mainly of the Zn2Cys6 type. CmWC-1 regulates adenylosuccinate synthase, an important enzyme for adenosine de novo synthesis, which could explain the reduction in cordycepin production. Some G proteincoupled receptors that control fungal fruit body formation and the sexual cycle were regulated by CmWC-1, and the cAMP pathway involved in light signal transduction in N. crassa was not critical for the photoreaction in the fungus here. A transcriptional analysis indicated that steroid biosynthesis was more active in the ΔCmwc-1 strain, suggesting that CmWC-1 might switch the vegetative growth state to primordia differentiation by suppressing the expression of related genes.
본고는 세계적으로 다발성의 이주현상과 관련하여 특히 북미 지역 화인들의 소설 가운데 서도 於梨華의 소설을 집중적으로 다루고 있다. 특히 이주자문학에서 종종 발견되는 개인 혹 은 개인의 정신과 정체성 등의 파편화 현상을 진단하는 것이 그 첫 번째 목적이다. 또 하나 의 목표는 소설에서 빈번히 나타나는 이주자의 공간 해석과 재구성을 진단하게 된다. 이주자 가 상이한 문화권을 오가며 경험하게 되는 문화충격과 적응 혹은 동화 및 이질화의 과정 중 에는 개개인의 정체성에서의 다양한 변화 역시 수반된다. 끊임없이 변화하는 정체성, 이중적 으로 나뉘는 정체성, 혹은 파편화되는 개인의 정체성 등으로 다양하게 살펴볼 수 있을 것이 다. 이주자는 이러한 정체성을 바탕으로 자신의 주변 공간을 해석하게 되고 그 공간 자체의 역사적 사회적, 정치적 배경과는 별개로 자신만의 정체성을 근간으로 하는 공간을 재구성하 게 되는데, 여기서는 위와 같은 두 가지 측면이 소설에서 구현되는 현상을 살펴보게 된다.
This research examines how the consumer responds to corporate advertising by a global BtoB advertiser. Based on the theory of consumer knowledge, corporate reputation, Attitude toward the Ad (Aad), and global consumer culture, this study assumes a positive relationship between Aad and corporate reputation, and in turn, word-of-mouth intentions. In addition to causal relationships, the moderating effects of level of knowledge were tested. The results showed positive causal relationships among consumer knowledge, brand attitude, and word-of-mouth communication. However, the moderating effects of level of knowledge were not fully supported. The implications and limitations of these results are discussed.
죽은 부친과 동료 문인에 대한 그리움이 창작 동기가 된 『환영을 찾아서』는 애가인 동시에 작가의 사후세계에 대한 호기심을 엿 볼 수 있는 초월 시 작법 서다. 시인은 죽은 자의 소유물을 응시함으로써 그들에 대한 기억을 떠올리고 그들의 영혼이 어디로 갔는가에 대한 질문을 던진다. 이와 더불어 작가는 그들이 사라 진 사후세계를 상상 함으로써 현실세계로부터 영혼세계로의 항해를 시도 하고 있다. 그리고 이 시들은 죽은 자들에 대한 회상 및 연민을 그린 점 때문에 낭만적 태도로부터 탄생 되었고 죽은 이들이 남겨 준 정신적 유산에 관심을 보이면서 다른 한편으로는 새로운 작품을 만들려는 점 때문에 부분적으로 모더니즘 작품의 특성을 나타낸다. 나아가 구체로부터 추상으로 의미의 다양화를 시도한 점 때문에 포스트모던 경향 역시 띤다고 평가할 수 있다.
Microthermal fluctuations are introduced by atmospheric turbulence very near the ground. In order to detect microthermal fluctuations at Fuxian Solar Observatory (FSO), a microthermal instrument has been developed. The microthermal instrument consists of a microthermal sensor, which is based on a Wheatstone bridge circuit and uses fine tungsten filaments as resistance temperature detectors, an associated signal processing unit, and a data collection, & communication subsystem. In this paper, after a brief introduction to surface layer seeing, we discuss the instrumentation behind the microthermal detector we have developed and then present the results obtained. The results of the evaluation indicate that the effect of the turbulent surface boundary layer to astronomical seeing would become sufficiently small when installing a telescope at a height of 16m or higher from the ground at FSO.
한국과학영재학교 천지인 천문대의 천문학적 시상 패턴에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. 관측지의 시상 상황을 결정하기 위해서는 그 관측지에서 시상을 측정하여 데이터를 얻는 것이 가장 중요함에도 불구하고, 부산 지역에서 시상에 관한 체계적인 측정이 이루어지지 못하였다. 이러한 이유에서 본 천문대에서는 2008년 5월부터 SBIG사의 시상 모니터를 도입, 매일 시간별 시상을 꾸준히 측정하고 있다. 시상 측정은 CCD로 직접 천체 이미지를 촬영하여 FWHM지수를 추정하는 방식으로 이루어진다. 우리는 지난 8개월 동안 시상 모니터를 운영하면서 얻어진 한국과학영재학교 천지인 천문대에서의 시상 자료를 바탕으로 KSA SEMO에서의 시상 패턴을 'Sunset/sunrise Effect', 'Extreme Fluctuation', 'Sudden Increment', 'Daily Variation', 'Stable Condition' 등으로 분류하였다. 시상은 전반적으로 오전 1시에서 3시까지가 다른 시간대에 비하여 좋은 것으로 나타났으며, 여름의 시상이 겨울보다 좋았다.
Seamus Heaney is one of the representative writers who wrote many poems in memory of the dead people and memory is Heaney’s principle muse. Through rereading the selected poems for the dead, I could find out that Seamus Heaney used the different genres as memory art for the dead: some pastoral elegies of Field Work, a series of sonnets of The Haw Lantern and some free verses of Seeing Things containing the method of pastiche and incantation. Pastoral elegy is a funeral song or a lament for the dead with some convention: Although, Seamus Heaney following this convention, “The Strand at Lough Beg” and “Casualty” show some digression. And sonnet means “little songs” of fourteen lines that follow a strict rhyme scheme and specific structure with the theme of love. However, Heaney’s sonnets also show some transformation in line and rhyme. And the word pastiche means either a “hodge-podge” or imitation of several original works. Heaney’s some memory poems of Seeing Things apply some method of incantation which transforms keepsakes into the spiritual ones with the method of pastiche. What I came to the end from this study is that when Heaney commemorated victims of Ulster Trouble, he used somewhat artificial genre of pastoral elegy. However, for the memory of his dead mother, he used the sonnet genre of lyric mode which can contain praise and love of the dead. To our interest, he used free verse with pastiche and incantation to express love for his dead father and the late Philip Larkin. In short, he can be evaluated as a craftsman, memory digger and occulter.
Modernism and post-modernism are two aspects of aesthetic modernity reflecting some of the spiritual crises of the western civilization as resistance against the scientific modernity. These two are similar or the same to each other in seeing the modern world as fragments and discontinuities with pessimistic tone, the reality as relativity, and the language as lack.
By contrast, many differences between the two can be seen as well. For example, modernism reflects Elite's taste of high culture while postmodernism is impatient with Elite's taste of ideas. And also, modernism hands down humanism and enlightenment while postmodernism rejects the so-called humanism and enlightenment. More likely than not, however, the foremost difference will be that modernism has the spirit of betterment by a kind of stoic attitude through
self-criticism hoping for the birth of the hero who searches for the spiritual father, while postmodernism reflects a kind of Epicurism emphasizing 'seize the day' by accepting the commercial, technological and scientific values.
It follows that modernism tries to expand freedom of more people through digging inner reality while postmodernism tries to expand equality of more people through de-constructing the concept of hierarchy of the western civilization.
I think that Seamus Heaney's Seeing Things is characterized by the combination of modernism and post-modernism: his poetry contains the characteristics of modernism in respect that it continuously reflects the pursuit of tradition. At the same time, it includes post-modern aesthetics in respect that Squarings of Seeing Things transforms the concrete into the abstract by de-constructing some of the fixed meanings, from which readers can enjoy the entire freedom.
My last conclusion is that Seamus Heaney's Seeing Things reflects not only his pursuit for the past tradition but also his desire to de-construct it. In brief, his poetry reflects some ambivalence: the search for the father and killing him, waiting for Godot and searching for light, freedom, equality and song.
Magnetic fields are an important ingredient of galaxy clusters and are indirectly observed on cluster scales as radio haloes and radio relics. One promising method to shed light on the properties of cluster wide magnetic fields is the analysis of Faraday rotation maps of extended extragalactic radio sources. We developed a Fourier analysis for such Faraday rotation maps in order to determine the magnetic power spectra of cluster fields. In an advanced step, here we apply a Bayesian maximum likelihood method to the RM map of the north lobe of Hydra A on the basis of our Fourier analysis and derive the power spectrum of the cluster magnetic field. For Hydra A, we measure a spectral index of -5/3 over at least one order of magnitude implying Kolmogorov type turbulence. We find a dominant scale of about 3 kpc on which the magnetic power is concentrated, since the magnetic autocorrelation length is ⋋B = 3 ± 0.5 kpc. Furthermore, we investigate the influences of the assumption about the sampling volume (described by a window function) on the magnetic power spectrum. The central magnetic field strength was determined to be ~ 7 ± 2μG for the most likely geometries.
We have developed a seeing monitoring system and measured seeing variation of the Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory (BOAO) and the Sobaeksan Optical Astronomy Observatory (SOAO) using a small telescope system. Our seeing monitoring system is similar to the differential image motion monitor (DIMM) installed at the ESO. The ooly difference between the BOAO and the SOAO seeing monitoring system is a detector system, a video camera at the BOAO and ST-4 camera at the SOAO. We confirmed that the seeing monitoring system at the SOAO can measure average seeing size inspite of its simple detector system. From the BOAO seeing measurement, we found that the seeing size changes fast.
We expect that our seeing monitoring system could be used for real time seeing monitoring after some improvement, and the data to be obtained would be very useful when we build adaptive optic system in the future.
Ka Sa Hyeob, who wrote 「Chea Mihn Yho Sul」, lived in the times of Book-Wi (A.D.386-535) and his birthplace was San-Dong Peninsula. If the Back-Jae dynasty governed San-Dong Peninsula during A.D. 285-500, Jeo(Kimchi) of 「Chea Mihn Yho Sul」 should be investigated as Back-Jae's Kimchi, beause it accorded with Ka Sa Hyeob's time of existence.
Ka Sa Hyeob, who wrote 「Chea Mihn Yho Sul」, lived in the times of Book-Wi (A.D. 386-535) and his birthplace was San-Dong Peninsula. If the Back-Jae dynasty governed San-Dong Peninsula during A.D. 285-500, Jeo(Kimchi) of 「Chea Mihn Yho Sul」 should be investigated as Back-Jae's Kimchi, because it accorded with Ka Sa Hyeob's time of existence.
We have investigated the astronomical observational environments at the Choejung-san GEODSS site which is located at the south of Taegu, Korea. As a part of the investigation, seeing and night sky brightness were measured outside nearby the GEODSS site using the Celestron 8-inch portable reflector with $192{\times}165$ pixels Lynxx CCD camera during the period of December 1994 to April 1996. The average seeing values of 4.8 arcsecond in B filter and 5.1 arcsecond in V filter were determined using the IRAF software. These values might be overestimated and would be reduced by at least 1 arc second in both filters if they were measured by more stable telescope system with solid mount and under a dome. We also compare the average seeing value at the GEODSS site with those at three other observatories, the Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory, the Sobaeksan Optical Astronomy Observatory, and the Seoul National University Observatory, for justification of the above guess. Unfortunately the night sky brightness measurement was not successful mainly due to the short exposure time. The utilizing plan of the GEOSS site is discussed based on the average seeing value, naked-eye sky brightness measurement, analysis of the existing thirty-year weather data and twenty-year urban planning of the metropolitan Taegu city for the year of 2016.