In the event of an contingency situation of physical protection in nuclear facilities, the first organization to deal with at the forefront is the Special Response Forces (SRF). Since the SRF has to perform nuclear facility protection at the actual battle site, they must repeatedly train tactical understanding such as shooting, entry, and suppression so that their body can remember it even in real contingency situations (called Muscle Memory). In reality, however, repeated training using firearms is very difficult due to high risk and high cost, except for some military and police organizations. Using the advantages of VR technology, the Korea Institute of Nuclear nonproliferation and control (KINAC) has developed educational contents of “VR Shooting Training Center (VR STC)” to enable low-risk, low-cost, and repeated shooting training for these high-risk, high-cost training. This content was developed by dividing it into an “indoor” and “outdoor” training field. Educational firearms are all developed as gas guns to add to the sense of reality, and trainees can choose firearms, distance movement of targets and other options. The “Indoor training field” was developed by imitating an actual indoor shooting field, in particular the “outdoor training field” was developed using VR technology and motion tracking technology. Therefore, in “outdoor training field”, trainees can move freely within the designated spot of not only in VR content but also reality and then have to perform some missions. Trainees have to overcome random obstacles as they move to a designated destination, and at the destination, they are attacked by terrorists. Therefore, trainees must complete missions by concealing their bodies using objects around them. The one training course includes a total of 10 missions, and after the training is completed, comprehensive training results such as shooting accuracy and mission completion are expressed. VR STC will be a representative example of making high-risk, high-cost training into low-risk, low-cost, and repeated training. In this respect, VR technology can be used to develop various radiation protection curriculums accompanied by high risk and high cost, and can improve educational effects.
This study was developed to recognize the occurrence of 250[m] of experimental distance, rain and nighttime as an educational and training device without any safety accidents by applying algorithms to optical filters and noise filters to be used in all weather environments and closest to actual shooting training using IR Laser. There are live-fire shooting using live ammunition, screen shooting using beam project and screen, MILES using IR Laser and sensor, BB shooting using compressed gas and BB bullet, and painting shooting using CO2 gas and paint bullet. Among them, the actual shooting training is not efficient in terms of management and operation because it requires considerable risk factors and large costs in preparation for the highest efficiency. Therefore, training that replaces these problems is needed, and various alternative shooting training is being implemented. Therefore, research and development was conducted to solve these problems by using it as one of efficient shooting training and education systems. This study was conducted to develop high-performance and low-cost precision shooting training equipment to contribute to strengthening the defense of the Republic of Korea.
본 연구는 여자 고등부 공기소총 사격선수 5명을 대상으로 뇌파 바이오피드백 훈련을 실시하였을 때, 경쟁상태불안과 경기력 및 전두부의 뇌파 변화양상을 알아보고자 하였다. 실험은 8주간 주 3회, 회당 30분간을 훈련하였고, 측정시기는 뇌파가 훈련 전․후 2회, 경쟁상태불안과 경기력은 3회를 반복측정 하였다. 뇌파 바이오피드백 훈련 및 측정도구는 뉴로피드백 시스템(Neuro-Feedback system, Braintech Corp., Korea)으로 헤드밴드에 부착된 좌․우 전전두엽 부위의 활성전극(FP1, FP2)을 사용하여 쎄타, 알파, SMR, 저베타, 고베타 파의 좌․우뇌 세기와 알파/SMR파 비율(%)의 상대적 활성도를 분석하였다. 경쟁상태불안 검사는 CSAI-2를 사용하였고, 경기력은 전국 사격대회의 본선결과 점수를 측정하였다. 좌․우 뇌파의 윌콕슨 검정결과, (a) 훈련 직전 안정시의 알파/SMR파 비율은 좌뇌에서 안정상태를 반영하는 알파파가 유의한 증가를 보였으며, 각 대역별 뇌파 세기에서는 유의한 변화가 나타나지 않았다. (b) 집중력 훈련시의 알파/SMR파 비율은 좌뇌에서 주의집중을 반영하는 SMR파가, 우뇌에서는 알파파가 유의한 증가를 보였다. 또한 각 대역별 뇌파 세기에서도 좌뇌의 SMR파, 우뇌의 쎄타파에서 유의한 증가를 보였다. (c) 훈련 직후 안정시의 알파/SMR파 비율은 유의한 변화가 나타나지 않았으며, 각 대역별 뇌파 세기에서는 좌․우뇌의 쎄타파에서만 유의한 증가를 보였다. 경쟁상태불안의 프리드만 검정결과, 하위요인 중 인지적 요인에서만 유의한 감소를 보였으며, 경기력에서는 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다.
This study is based on the result of 6 weeks training program with 36shooters(as test subjects) who were high school students from Seoul and Gyunggido area, which was for checking how `concentration` training affects the shooting performances and the improvement of concentration-abilities, and whether there are correlations between `concentration-abilities` and shooting performances. The study issues set for this study are as follows; Study issue I : What` s relation between shooting performance and concentration training ? Study issue Ⅱ : Would concentration affect the improvement of concentration abilities ? Study issue llI : Would concentration-abilities affect the improvement shooting performances ? Followings are the results of this study based on the abovementioned study issues. Result I : There weue meaningful differences in shooting performances between the cases guoup and the control group. Result II : There were common correlations between concentration abilities and shooting performances. With the above results, I have come to the following conclusions. Conclusion I : Concentration training makes an effect on the improvement of shooting performances. Conclusion Ⅱ : Concentration training makes an effect on the improvement of concentration abilities. Conclusion lII : There are normal correlations between shooting performa-nces and concentration abilities.