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        검색결과 11

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The economy of Tanzania relies on agriculture as the main economic activity, because agriculture provides both food and income to the population of the country, especially the rural households. Improvement of market access to crops also increases the productivity. Therefore, in this study, descriptive statistics and statistical analysis of the probit model were used to analyze the factors that determine the market accessibility of small-scale farmers in Chemba, Tanzania. Cross-sectional data collected by the systematic sampling method for 200 corn peasants in Chemba, Tanzania were used. As a result of probit regression analysis, it was found that access to improved seeds and technology had a positive statistically significant effect on the accessibility to the market, while the age of the head of the household, production cost, distance to the market, and household size had a negative statistically significant effect. Therefore, in this study, policy establishment and implementation are recommended. A policy needs to be considered to reduce the transaction costs that eventually allows the farmers to increase the accessibility to markets, enables small-scale farmers to participate in cooperatives, lowers input costs and provides educational programs on quality products to increase their competitiveness in the marketplace.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Enhancing income for small-scale farmers in developing countries, is one of the major concerns for governments and many stakeholders. This is attributed by the fact that, a majority of smallscale farmers in the region are characterized by low income earners caused by agronomic related challenges, such as low productivity of input factors. In addressing this challenge, the purpose of this study was to assess the impact of outgrower scheme on its members’ income, using the propensity score matching approach. Through this approach the study assessed cross-sectional data, collected from small-scale tea farmers in the Mufindi district, founded in Tanzania. Results of the assessment on the impact of outgrower scheme on its members, suggest that the scheme has a negative and insignificant impact on its members’ income. This implies that, the outgrower scheme does not meet its intended objective of raising the income of its members, due to failure of improving quality as well as quantity of tea produced in the study area.
        2021.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to examine the challenges facing Tanzania's primary education in achieving quality education and make comparisons with other countries. This study employed secondary data analysis procedures. The documents reviewed were published from January 2002 to October 2021. Firstly, the documents comprised the government's plans and policies, as well as non-governmental and multilateral organizations’ reports. Secondly, empirical studies, namely scholarly journals, reviewed articles, reference books, and theses, were reviewed. As a result of searches conducted by Google Scholar, Taylor and Francis, Sage Publication, and Science Direct, a total of 50 documents were retrieved and considered for content analysis. The findings showed that despite the noticeable achievements, the learning quality and outcomes remain daunting in Tanzanian primary schools. Explicitly, the pupil-classroom ratio (PCR) is very high due to a shortage of school buildings to accommodate the rapid increase in enrollment of pupils necessitated by the Free Primary Education (FPE) policy. The textbook-pupil ratio (TPR) and pupil-teacher ratio (PTR) are high and do not match the desirable demands. Teachers have doubtful quality since there are low entrance qualifications for the colleges and they receive little or no in-service training. Also, teachers’ absenteeism from duty is overwhelming. The budget allocation and expenditure on education have been inadequate, resulting in a shortage of necessary school infrastructure, including classrooms and libraries. Moreover, the curriculum lacks relevance to the Tanzania context, and its development process is not inclusive of stakeholders. The academic performance of pupils in school tests and national examinations is not impressive and consistent. Similar challenges face Uganda, Rwanda, and Kenya, which are considered case studies of developing countries, specifically in Sub-Saharan Africa. Developed countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and South Korea, on the other hand, experience language barriers in multicultural societies, technological bullying, classroom breakdowns, a lack of parental cooperation, and academic pressure and anxiety. This study recommended policymakers in Tanzania and Sub-Saharan Africa at large should critically rethink their educational plans, policies, and programs so that they can adopt the best approaches and strategies for providing quality primary education. This could involve more investment in education, researching on alternative education, and trying to embrace the out-of-school programs that continue to receive considerable attention in academic discussions
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        That language plays a pivotal and integral role in making political processes participatory and inclusive, and socioeconomic development sustainable has been commonsensically presumed to be a well-established fact. Language is not simply a means of mutual communication, but also a potent tool for social inclusion and exclusion, resulting in having both a positive and negative social impact. In this sense the use of African languages in all social domains for making sure of the concretization of inclusive political participation and representation as well as sustainable socioeconomic development. Despite being considered to be an exemplary country that has pursued an active endoglosic language policy, Tanzania has an uphill task in facilitating participatory democracy and sustainable socioeconomic development by virtue of the ease of language understanding with which people can make them understood in everyday life. What is imperatively needed in making participatory democracy and sustainable socioeconomic development possible and feasible is a strong political will and its implementation. In tandem with a strong political will and its implementation in the conduct of national affairs, a ceaseless and concerted effort needs to be made with a view to capacitating Swahili to make a meaningful contribution to participatory democracy and sustainable socioeconomic development. Furthermore, corpus planning that refers to an institutional effort for creating standards for Swahili has to be done.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Through this study the influencing factors for the development of a national dress for Tanzanian people was explored. The need and desire for this development received support from several groups including the Tanzanian Government, local tailors, NGO’s (Non-Government Organisations) and Tanzanian societies. This stage of the study focused on the effectiveness of traditional Tanzanian textiles’ motifs and natural symbols in the design process employing imported recycled second-hand clothes (mitumba). Qualitative data was obtained through interviews and focus group discussions. The study explored what Tanzanians need to strengthen their national identity and the use of recycled mitumba within a national dress. The study used a co-design style workshop for the development of the national dress as a different approach to addressing the issues identified in Tanzania regarding National dress. The participants added valuable contributions providing ideas for cultural conservation through building a national identity, ideas for strengthening the concept of recycling mitumba and suggestions for the incorporation of kanga and kitenge as inspirations for the design of a national dress in order to promote national identity. The study examined the presence of mitumba from abroad, several styles of indigenous traditional dress worn by different ethnic groups in Tanzania and reasons for strengthening Tanzania’s national identity. This paper reports on the main primary research activities and finding used for the experimental textile and dress designs, and includes the plan for the next stage of the project.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        YANG, Chul-Joon. 2014. Shifting Agency in Shaping Linguistic Landscape: Evidence from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 22(2), 45-64. This paper addresses the question of agency in shaping linguistic landscape and its manifold social and political implications in changing language ideology, attitudes and situations in post-Ujamaa Tanzania. Based on empirical data collected in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, this paper attempts to explain shifting agency in shaping linguistic landscape in the context of globalization as well as the spread of English in Tanzania. Agency in shaping linguistic landscape is inseparably interconnected with various social actors'motivations and reflects social changes at large. The domain of human agency behind linguistic landscape (public uses of written language) can be characterized as an epiphenomenon which involves a historical dimension and perspective. The study of linguistic landscape with special reference to agency offers a useful tool for examining various social actors who vie for public space. Agency in linguistic landscape needs to be seen in the wider context of social processes and existing power structures. (150)
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        탄자니아(United Republic of Tanzania)의 연방인 잔지바르의 옥수수 종자보급 개선을 목적으로 자유방임품종4종 (Tuxpeno-1,Staha, Situka, TMV-1)을 탄자니아 본토로부터 2006년도에 도입하여 키짐바니 농업연구소에서 적응시험을 수행하였다. Tuxpeno-1이 3.9 t ha-1로써 네 품종 중 수량이 가장 높았으며, Staha는 3.8 t ha-1, Situka는 3.0 t ha-1, 그리고 TMV-1은 2.0 t ha-1의 수량을 보였다. 이는 각 품종들의 잠재수량성(potential yield)과 비교하여 77%, 72%,67%, 그리고 47% 정도의 수량이다. 수량 차이가 많이 나는 이유로는 양분의 부족이 가장 큰 원인으로 판단된다. 잔지바르의 환경에서 생육이 부진한 TMV-1과 병해충 저항성이 약했던 Situka품종은 보급 품종에서 제외되었다. 키짐바니 농업연구소에서는 본시험 이후 Tuxpeno-1와 Staha 품종의 종자를 생산하여 농가에 보급하고 있다.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        탄자리아산 강옥의 보석광물학적 특성을 파악하기 위하여 XRD, XRF, EPMA, FT-IR과 SEM-CL 분석을 수행하였다. 탄자니아산 강옥은 장파장 자외선이나 단파장 자외선에서 거의 형광반응이 나타나지 않는다. 탄자니아산 강옥은 내포물의 종류에 따라 5가지 유형으로 분류될 수 있으며, 유형 I은 액상 내포물 풍부한 형태, 유형 II는 기상 내포물 풍부한 형태, 유형 III은 액상 CO2를 함유한 형태, 유형 IV는 고상 내포물을 함유한 형태, 유형 V는 유체 포유물과 고상 내포물 및 딸광물(daughter mineral)이 공생하는 복합 내포물 형태이다. 탄자니아산 강옥의 SEM-CL분석에서 성장구조가 수반된 쌍정조직, 스피넬 반정, 괴상조직과 누대조직 등이 관찰된다. 루비와 사파이어는 크롬과 철의 함량에 의해 뚜렷이 구분되며, Al2O3/100-Cr2O3-Fe2O3 다이어그램에서 각각 고유한 영역에 도시된다. FT-IR 분석결과, 탄자니아산 강옥 시료들이 모두 유사한 양상을 보이고 있으며, 455.09~459.23 cm-1, 603.15~611.71 cm-1, 1509.00~1655.05 cm-1와 3436.41~3468.87 cm-1에서 흡수 피크가 관찰된다. 연구 결과는 탄자니아산 강옥의 감별 및 산지 추측에 유용한 정보로 활용될 수 있다.