The government focuses the innovation paradigm of public institutions on the realization of social value through national tasks. Efforts are now being made to legislate the Framework Act on the Realization of Public Institutions’ Social Value, which allows public institutions to serve as the foundation and check the progress of social value realization plans every year. According to this Act, the government performance review must also reflect efforts and outcomes made to create social value. Traditional public institutions in the road sector are trying to convert social responsibility, job creation and related activities into indicators of social value realization. Social value refers to a “value that can contribute to public interests and community development in all areas including social, economic, environmental, and cultural ones.” This definition commonly used in government policy includes the concept of public institutions’ social responsibility and shared value creation. Here, social responsibility refers to the returning of corporate profits to society for the continued development of a community while shared value creation refers to the solving of a social problem by a company pursuing both economic and social value creation. The performance sharing scheme in particular is regarded as an important tool for companies to create social value. In this regard, this study examines how public institutions in the road sector used the performance sharing scheme. The purpose of this study is also to discover more cases based on this analysis. The analysis so far found the following 5 types of performance sharing schemes in the road sector: (a) service improvement, (b) technology development, (c) conditional purchasing, (d) technology transfer, and (e) performance sharing between multiple parties. Notably, technology transfer or performance sharing between multiple parties means that public institutions provide support to the private sector so that it can take the lead and develop required technology. These instances can be good examples of public institutions serving as the foundation and creating social value by removing new technology entry barriers for small and medium-sized enterprises and supporting the development of the latest prioritized technology or product. Accordingly, there needs to be established a cooperative ecosystem between small, medium, and large companies in a win-win approach to increase the adoption rate of SME support projects and provide more technical advice in the road sector and thereby, to expand the cases of shared growth where outcomes are shared in the road sector.
In the international businesses human resource elements acquired in different countries might have different values in varied industries due to the different quality of education and experiences in the original countries. Using selection models to evaluate expected values in earnings equation of human resource elements such as education and experiences etc. acquired in sending countries, system equations are expanded to examine also the values of science and engineering degrees in technology jobs with selectivity bias correction. This paper used the US census survey data of 2015 on earnings, academic degrees, occupations etc. The US has long maintained the policy of accepting more STEM workers than any other countries and helped maintaining own technological leadership. Assuming per capita GDP gap between the sending country and the US downgrades immigrant human resource quality, it rarely affects occupational selection but depresses earnings on average by two or more years’ worth of education. Immigrant quality index in the sense of GDP gap appears to be a valid tool to assess the expected earnings of the worker with. Engineering degrees increase significantly the probability of selecting not only engineering jobs but also general management jobs, as well as increasing the expected earning additionally over nine years’worth of education. Getting a technology job is additionally worth about four years of education. Economics and business degrees are worth additionally almost six years of education but humanities degrees depress expected earnings. Since years after immigration does not very fast enhance earnings capacity, education level and English language ability might be more useful criteria to expect better future earnings by.
In international businesses human resource elements acquired in different countries might have different values in varied industries due to different quality of education and experiences in original countries. Using existing models to evaluate expected values of human resource elements such as education and experience setc. acquired in sending countries they are expanded to examine also the values of science and engineering degrees in technology jobs with selectivity bias correction. This paper used the US census survey data of 2015 on earnings, academic degrees etc. to contrast qualitative effects with quantitative effects of human resource elements compared to those in the native and/or white group.
Value can be defined as function divided by cost. The ultimate goal of VE (Value Engineering) is to simultaneously reduce cost and to enhance function in given projects. In general, there are eight phases (Selection, Investigation, Speculation, Evaluation, Development. Presentation, Implementation, and Audit) to perform VE. This paper presents analysis of important factors for VE in construction fields using QFD (Quality Function Deployment) technique. QFD was introduced in 1972 to help design supertanker in Mitsubish's shipyards in Kob, Japan and formally defined by the American Supplier Institute in 1987 as a system for translating consumer requirements into appropriate company requirements at every stage, from research, through product design and development, to manufacture, distribution, installation, and marketing, sales and services. The objective of this paper is to provide and analyze the trend on the viewpoint of efficient value engineering of field workers. The data are collected by questionnaires. The samples for this study are chosen from 13 companies in Korea during 2 months (2002. 7 ∼ 2002. 8). The results of this study will play an important role not only for the efficient value engineering but also for preparing of life cycle cost analysis.
Initially, QFD (Quality Function Deployment) was introduced in 1972 to help design supertanker in Mitsubish"s shipyards in Kob, Japan and formally defined by the American Supplier Institute in 1987 as a system for translating consumer requirements into appropriate company requirements at every stage, from research, through product design and development, to manufacture, distribution, installation, and marketing, sales and services. Although QFD has complex and tedious procedure to complete, since 1972, it has now been used by Japanese, American, and European because of its fruitful merits. The objective of this paper is to provide and analyze the trend on the viewpoint of efficient value engineering of field workers using QFD technique as an value engineering approach. The data are collected by questionnaires. The samples for this study are chosen from 13 companies in Korea during 2 months (2002. 7 ~ 2002. 8). The results of this study will play an important role not only for the efficient value engineering but also for preparing of life cycle cost analysis.
테트라포드(Tetrapod)는 입사파의 에너지를 소멸시키는 역할을 수행하는 콘크리트 불록으로 해안 구조물에 폭넓게 사용된다.본 연구에서는 건설 현장에서 테트라포드 제작하여 효율성을 높이는 기술을 제안하였다. 스틸로 만들어진 4개의 거푸집을 등분배하여, 여러 번 걸쳐 설치되고 해체 되어져야 한다. 비록 제안된 기술은 현존하는 기술과 유사한 4개의 파트로 구성된 거푸집을 사용하더라도 기존의 제작 방법과 다른 3개의 작은 분절이 모여 1개의 큰 상부 거푸집이 되며 바닥이 큰 거푸집이 이용된다. 새롭게 제안된 기술은 기존 기술과 비교하여 더 작은 노력과 시간을 들여 테트라포드를 생산할 수 있다.