This study addresses the critical challenge of enhancing vehicle classification accuracy in traffic surveys by optimizing the conditions for vehicle axle recognition through artificial intelligence. With current governmental traffic surveys facing issues—particularly the misclassification of freight vehicles in systems employing a 12-category vehicle classification—the research proposes an optimal imaging setup to improve axle recognition accuracy. Field data were acquired at busy intersections using specialized equipment, comparing two camera installation heights under fixed conditions. Analysis revealed that a shooting height of 8.5m combined with a 50°angle significantly reduces occlusion and captures comprehensive vehicle features, including the front, side, and upper views, which are essential for reliable deep learning-based classification. The proposed methodology integrates YOLOv8 for vehicle detection and a CNN-based Deep Sort algorithm for tracking, with image extraction occurring every three frames. The axle regions are then segmented and analyzed for inter-axle distances and patterns, enabling classification into 15 categories—including 12 vehicle types and additional classes such as pedestrians, motorcycles, and personal mobility devices. Experimental results, based on a dataset collected at a high-traffic point in Gwangju, South Korea, demonstrate that the optimized conditions yield an overall accuracy of 97.22% and a PR-Curve AUC of 0.88. Notably, the enhanced setup significantly improved the classification performance for complex vehicle types, such as 6-axle dump trucks and semi-trailers, which are prone to misclassification under lower installation heights. The study concludes that optimized imaging conditions combined with advanced deep learning algorithms for axle recognition can substantially improve vehicle classification accuracy. These findings have important implications for traffic management, infrastructure planning, road maintenance, and policy-making by providing a more reliable and precise basis for traffic data analysis.
The lane designation and the bus-only lane system for traffic speed and road safety are difficult to crack down on, and for this purpose, crackdown methods using image recognition technologies are being studied. Existing studies require continuous learning or additional equipment, and it is difficult to classify combined vehicles such as vans and pickup trucks. Therefore, in this study, YOLO and EasyOCR were mixed to classify combined vehicles through vehicle type symbols. For combined vehicles, higher accuracy was shown than classification using YOLO. Due to the nature of Hangul, the accuracy was slightly lowered because the OCR was not accurately recognized, but if it is used with the existing YOLO classification, high accuracy of crackdown will be possible.
This research proposes a novel approach to tackle the challenge of categorizing unstructured customer complaints in the automotive industry. The goal is to identify potential vehicle defects based on the findings of our algorithm, which can assist automakers in mitigating significant losses and reputational damage caused by mass claims. To achieve this goal, our model uses the Word2Vec method to analyze large volumes of unstructured customer complaint data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). By developing a score dictionary for eight pre-selected criteria, our algorithm can efficiently categorize complaints and detect potential vehicle defects. By calculating the score of each complaint, our algorithm can identify patterns and correlations that can indicate potential defects in the vehicle. One of the key benefits of this approach is its ability to handle a large volume of unstructured data, which can be challenging for traditional methods. By using machine learning techniques, we can extract meaningful insights from customer complaints, which can help automakers prioritize and address potential defects before they become widespread issues. In conclusion, this research provides a promising approach to categorize unstructured customer complaints in the automotive industry and identify potential vehicle defects. By leveraging the power of machine learning, we can help automakers improve the quality of their products and enhance customer satisfaction. Further studies can build upon this approach to explore other potential applications and expand its scope to other industries.
PURPOSES : This study uses deep learning image classification models and vehicle-mounted cameras to detect types of pavement distress — such as potholes, spalling, punch-outs, and patching damage — which require urgent maintenance.
METHODS : For the automatic detection of pavement distress, the optimal mount location on a vehicle for a regular action camera was first determined. Using the orthogonal projection of obliquely captured surface images, morphological operations, and multi-blob image processing, candidate distressed pavement images were extracted from road surface images of a 16,036 km in-lane distance. Next, the distressed pavement images classified by experts were trained and tested for evaluation by three deep learning convolutional neural network (CNN) models: GoogLeNet, AlexNet, and VGGNet. The CNN models were image classification tools used to identify and extract the combined features of the target images via deep layers. Here, a data augmentation technique was applied to produce big distress data for training. Third, the dimensions of the detected distressed pavement patches were computed to estimate the quantity of repair materials needed.
RESULTS : It was found that installing cameras 1.8 m above the ground on the exterior rear of the vehicle could provide clear pavement surface images with a resolution of 1 cm per pixel. The sensitivity analysis results of the trained GoogLeNet, AlexNet, and VGGNet models were 93 %, 86 %, and 72 %, respectively, compared to 62.7 % for the dimensional computation. Following readjustment of the image categories in the GoogLeNet model, distress detection sensitivity increased to 94.6 %.
CONCLUSIONS : These findings support urgent maintenance by sending the detected distressed pavement images with the dimensions of the distressed patches and GPS coordinates to local maintenance offices in real-time.
The purpose of this study is to obtain data on the zones formed by the movement of livestock vehicles and to determine if such areas can be used to establish quarantine activities and quarantine policies for livestock epidemics. For this purpose, this study used mobile data on poultry-related livestock vehicles generated in 2019. InfoMap, a community detection method, was used for regional classification, and the results of the analysis were visualized on a map using GIS. The study results confirmed that the zone of the administrative unit can be classified based on the movement of livestock vehicles. In addition, the zones created by the vehicle movement could be seen to change depending on the purpose and timing of the operation of livestock vehicles. Some areas form relatively stable zones, such as Jeolla-do and Gyeongsang-do, while others change depending on the situation, such as Chungcheong-do, Gyeonggi-do, and Gangwon-do. Further, the zones derived for poultry differed from those derived for cattle and pigs in previous studies.
도로를 주행하는 차량들을 구분하는 차종자료는 도로 및 포장의 설계와 관리 등 여러 분야에서 기초자료로 활용되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 차종구분에 차량높이라는 분류기준을 적용하기 위해 주행하는 차량의 높이를 계측할 수 있는 방법을 고안하고 현장에 장비를 설치한 후 실험을 통해서 차량길이와 차량최고높이 자료를 획득하였다. 차량높이 측정과 동시에 동영상을 촬영하여 국토해양부 12종 차종분류에 의거하여 차종분류 기준값을 작성하였다. 영상을 통해 작성된 차종자료 기준값과 측정된 차량길이와 차량높이를 토대로 판별함수를 이용한 차종분류값을 서로 비교한 결과 88.6%의 차종정확도를 확인하였다. 이를 통해 차량높이라는 분류기준을 적용하여 차종분류에 활용할 수 있는 방안을 제시하였다.