Recently, Car weight reduction has become an important development goal to improve fuel efficiency. Car seat frame is a key part of the weight reduction. Existing steel seat frames have the advantages of high rigidity and durability, but have the disadvantage of heavy weight. Recently, Almag material, which are alloy of aluminum and magnesium, is attracting attention because of excellence in strength and weight reduction. At first, the core stiffness members of the seat frame are selected to optimize the weight of the seat frame. And then strength analysis and natural frequency analysis are performed for the existing steel seat frame and Almag seat frame. Based on these analysis results, optimal thickness of the Almag seat frame are determined by an automation program using a genetic algorithm.
The sub-frame is located on the lower body of a monocoque type vehicle and serves as an engine and suspension, and is an important object part that receives a lot of load. The existing press-type sub-frame has a large number of parts for assembling, which causes an increase in cost. Changing the machining form of this part from the existing press-type machining method to the hydro-forming machining method has the advantage of reducing the cost and weight at the same time due to the reduction of the process. Therefore, in this study, the purpose of this study is to change the design so that the sub-frame of the existing press type can be changed to the hydro-forming process method. To this end, we intend to present a design method by analyzing the effect on the rigidity of the sub-frame using the existing machining method through shape optimization analysis.
Weight-based exercise equipment is unreasonable because of its large weight or volume and has limitations in use at home. On top of that, it is not easy to control the weight of domestic muscular exercise devices such as dumbbells and latex bands. This study proposes a new type of exercise equipment that can be used at home by modifying the exercise equipment used in fitness centers. Home training exercise equipment has been optimized by replacing the weight of strength training equipment, which is the core of weight control, with electric motors. For optimal design, process integration and design optimization (PIANO), a commercial PIDO tool, was analyzed in conjunction with DAFUL, a multi-body dynamics analysis program. When formulating the optimal design, the objective function was to minimize the weight, and the shape of the pinwheel and pulley used in exercise equipment was proposed considering the stress of cables as design constraints. As a result of optimization, design proposals were derived while meeting the design requirements and reduced by 5% compared to the initial model. In this work, we have miniaturized the shape of exercise equipment compared to conventional exercise equipment by optimizing its shape.
본 연구는 전기자동차 충전시스템에서 전력변환장치의 경량화를 위한 최적화 분석프로세스에 대한 내용을 서술하였다. 최적화 설계는 재료 물성치에 대한 설계민감도와 수학적 최적화를 결합하여 주어진 재료량 제한조건 하에 최적의 재료분포를 찾는 설계기법으로 위상의 고정화, 자유도가 묶이는 문제 등을 해결할 수 있는 위상 최적화방법을 사용하였으며, 위상 최적화 방법 중 비교적 수식화가 간단하고 수렴성이 좋은 SIMP법(solid isotropic material with penalization)에 의해 경량화 설계를 수행하였다. 경량화 설계는 3단계의 절차로 구성하였으며, 첫 번째 단계로 전력변환장치의 기본 설계에 대한 유한요소모델을 구성하고, 하중에 대한 정적해석을 수행하였다. 두 번째 단계로 정적해석 결과에 대해 등방성 재료의 강성계수를 적용한 밀도법을 이용하여 위상 최적화를 수행하여 경량화를 위한 최적 형상을 도출하였다. 세 번째 단계로 최적 형상에 대해 차량 탑재 부품의 충격시험기준에 만족하는 반정현파 펄스형태 충격하중을 인가하여 충격해석을 수행하였다. 위상 최적화단계에서 사용 환경조건으로 설계영역 정의는 마운팅 브래킷 영역으로 제한하였으며, 마운팅 브래킷의 설계 최적화를 통해 최종적으로 기본설계대비 20%이상의 경량화가 가능한 설계기술을 확보하였다.