
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 13

        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to evaluate Korean rice cultivars to search any suitable varieties for the northern region of the Korean Peninsula (North Korea). A total of 92 rice varieties which included 74 bred cultivars from South Korea, 13 collections from North Korea and five local cultivars from China, were involved in the evaluating trials for their performance. Stability at three sites inthe northeastern areas of China, which are located in the northern border areas of North Korea, for three years from 2017 to 2019. The ecologically well-adapted rice varieties were selected at each trial site during the first year and employed again as the materials for the subsequent yield trials. A total of six varieties with relatively better performing and stability were selected through the subsequent trials at three sites for three years: Unkwang, Daejin and Taebaek at Dandong region; Hanseol and Taebong at Longjin region; Taebong and Namweon at Hunchun region, respectively. Dandong is located in the southeast parts of Liaoning, which has similar climatic characteristics to the west coastalregion of North Korea. Longjin is located in the middle-east parts of Jilin, which has also similar climatic characteristics to the northern inland region of North Korea. Hunchun is located in the northeastern parts of Jilin, which has presumably similar climatic characteristics to the northern part of the eastern coastal region of North Korea. Unkwang is characterized by its early maturity, with the heading at the 2nd of August, and reveals a yield potential of 7.11 T/ha with resistance to the blast (BL) and the bacterial leaf blade (BLB) diseases. It is predicted to be suitable for the northern area of the Suyang mountain region and the central inland region of North Korea. Daejin has asemi-early maturity heading around the 6th of August and yields of 6.06 T/ha with resistance to BL, BLB, and stripe virus (SV) diseases. Daejin will be adaptable to the northern area of Suyang mountain region. Taebaek is medium maturing variety of Indica/Japonica type. It is heading at the 14thof August with good ripening at maturity, and has yield potential of 6.84 T/ha with resistance to BL, BLB and SV diseases. It will be adaptable to the southern area of Suyang mountain region. Hanseol is early maturing, heading on the 3rd of August, and yields 6.44 T/ha with the short stature and cold tolerance (CT). It will be adaptable to the northern inland and mountainous regions of North Korea. Taebong is semi-early maturingwith the heading at the 6th of August and has a yield potential of 6.96 T/ha with cold tolerane and blast resistance. Taebong was also outstanding in theHunchun region, indicating a more or less wide adaptability in cold areas. It is expected to be adaptable to the northern inland region of North Korea as well as the northern part of the eastern coastal region. Namweon is a medium-maturing variety with aheading date of August 10, and a yield potential of 4.76 T/ha with cold tolerance and resistance to rice neck blast disease. It is expected to be adaptable to the northern part of the eastern coastal region.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to explore the potential of agricultural heritage as a sustainable agricultural and rural paradigm with a focus on the “Argan-based agro-sylvo-pastoral system in the area of Ait Souab-Ait Mansour”, a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) site in Morocco. Based on the inscription criteria of the GIAHS, we analyzed the economic-industrial, sociocultural, and ecological-environmental perspectives and presented strategies for revitalizing agricultural and rural development cooperation through the Moroccan Argan GIAHS. The argan tree has been a source of economic, cultural, and environmental stability for the Berber people for centuries, but today it is exposed to many threats. In particular, the declining consumption of argan oil by Berbers, the lack of financial independence of women's cooperatives, and the over-exploitation of the tree suggest that it is time to balance the three pillars of environmental, economic, and social sustainability that development has sought to achieve. Agricultural heritage can be preserved when local people take ownership of their heritage and utilize it to generate economic activities. Only a symbiotic way of life between humans and agricultural heritage can overcome the possibilities and limitations of the ecological environment and generate local value through the accumulation of knowledge, technology, and culture. Only on these premises, can local self-sustaining development based on the pluralistic values and public functions of the world's important agricultural heritage be possible.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국내 주요 수계 중 만경강, 섬진강, 남해권 수계, 탐진강, 영산강, 동진강과 연결된 농수로 어류의 종 조성과 어류 길드 특성, 군집 특성을 분석하였다. 2017년 9월부터 2018년 8월까지 4회에 걸쳐 현지 조사를 시행한 결과, 어류는 농수로에서 6목 11과 53종 3,633개체가 출현하였고 본류에서 9목 15과 57종 7,108개체가 출현했다. 농수로의 우점종과 아우점종은 칼납자루 (Tanakia koreensis)와 납자루 (T. lanceolata)로 나타났으며, 납자루아과의 어종이 우점하는 지점이 10지점 중 6지점으로 나타났다. 이는 담수성 이매패류의 서식에 기인한다고 사료된다. 그리고 환경부 지정 멸종위기 야생생물 I급 임실납자루 (T. somjinensis)가 섬진강 수계의 농수로에서 출현했고, 멸종위기 야생생물 II급 큰줄납자루 (Acheilognathus majusculus)와 꺽저기 (Coreoperca kawamebari)가 각각 섬진강 수계, 섬진강과 탐진강 수계의 농수로에서 출현했다. 지점별로 어류 길드 분석 결과, 대체로 농수로가 본류보다 낮은 민감종의 비율을 나타냈다. 군집 분석 결과 하상 구조가 복잡하게 나타난 지점에서 비교적 안정적인 군집을 보였으며, 환경적 변수에 따른 분석 결과 하상 구조가 복잡한 농수로 그룹이 높은 다양도 지수와 낮은 우점도 지수를 나타냈다. 결과적으로 본 연구는 농수로의 어류 서식 특성을 나타내고, 향후 연구와 관리의 필요성을 제시했다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        농업유산은 농업을 기반으로 한 우리 민족의 역사와 전통이 어우러져 형성된 것으로서 오랜 시간에 걸쳐 생성되어 변화와 발전을 거듭하며 역사적, 문화적 정보를 담고 있는 소중한 자산이다. 울진 금강송 산지농업시스템은 울진 금강송 숲 군락지와 함께 산지농업문화유산이 임업유산으로서 가치를 인정받아 농림축산식품부가 지정하는 ‘국가중요농업유산 제7호’로 2016년 지정된 곳이며 산림을 중심으로 한 임업생산시스템을 유산적 가치로 인정한 첫 사례이기도 하다. 농업유산지로 등재된 이후에도 지속적인 관리를 위해서는 금강송림 지역의 생태적 특성 및 변화를 관찰할 수 있는 데이터가 필요하나 자료가 부족한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 울진 금강송림 지역을 대상으로 식물상 조사를 진행하여 울진 금강송림 지역의 생태적 특성을 규명하고 향후 생물다양성 측면에서의 변화분석 및 모니터링 기초자료로 활용하고자 한다. 울진군은 경상북도 최북단에 위치하며 울진 금강소나무림이 위치한 지역은 소나무림, 마을, 경작지, 하천으로 이어지는 토지이용유형을 보인다. 본 연구에서는 울진 금강송림의 식물상 특성을 알아보기 위해 토지이용유형에 따른 식물상 조사를 line transect방법으로 진행하였다. 토지이용유형은 크게 금강소나무림, 논, 마을, 하천으로 구분하여 각 토지 이용유형에서 출현한 식물상의 차이를 비교하였고 토지이용유형에 따른 식물상 조사와 더불어 송이 재배에 따른 금강소나무림 특성 조사, 숲가꾸기(천연하종갱신사업)에 따른 금강소나무림 특성조사도 함께 비교하고자 하였다. 각 유형별로 출현한 식물상의 차이를 비교・분석하였고 조사는 토지이용유형 구조가 분명하게 보이는 두천리, 하원리에서 조사를 실시하였으며 숲가꾸기에 따른 특성조사는 소광리에서 실시하였다. 두천리의 경우 송이 재배 소나무림과 송이 재배를 하지 않는 소나무림도 함께 조사하여 비교하였고 소광리는 산림유전자원보호구역 내에서 숲가꾸기(천연하종갱신사업, 파종조림 및 천연치수 이식 사업)사업이 진행된 금강소나무림에서 조사를 진행하였다. 연구는 2018년 1월 6월까지 이루어졌고, 현장 조사 결과를 바탕으로 식물상, 귀화율을 비교・분석하였다. 토지이용유형에 따른 식물상 조사 결과, 두천리(54과 100속 136종 20변종 3품종 159분류군)에서 각 토지이용유형별로 다양한 식물이 출현하였다. 금강소나무림은 대부분 상층에 금강소나무가 절대 우점하고 아교목 수종은 거의 나타나지 않고 싸리나무, 쪽동백나무, 떡갈나무 등이 관목상으로 출현하였으며 마을의 경우 흔히 볼 수 있는 쇠뜨기, 환삼덩굴, 괭이밥 이외에 귀화식물인 붉은토끼풀, 미국실새삼이 관찰되었다. 송이 재배에 따른 금강소나무림 특성을 살펴보면 송이 재배를 하지 않는 소나무림의 경우 상층은 금강소나무가 절대 우점하고 있으며 하층에는 떡갈나무, 싸리나무, 줄딸기, 국수나무 등이 관찰되었으며 송이 재배 소나무림은 지속적으로 잡목 제거를 해줌에 따라 큰기름새, 넓은잎외잎쑥, 맑은대쑥 등 국화과 식물 이외에 다양한 종류가 관찰되지는 않았다. 일부 주변에서 이입되는 신갈나무, 참싸리 등이 관목상으로 관찰되었다. 숲가꾸기에 따른 금강소나무림의 특성을 살펴보면 천연하종갱신사업지점(30과 41속 37종 1아종 5변종 2품종 44분류군)에서 쇠물푸레나무, 물푸레나무, 졸참나무, 신갈나무 등 자연천이 단계의 수종이 주로 관찰되었다. 일반적으로 인공조림지에서는 싸리나무 등 천이초기종에 머무르는 반면, 천연하종갱신 사업지는 천연림에서 출현하는 다양한 자생종이 차대를 형성하고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 유형별로 출현 식물상을 비교한 결과 하원리 하천에서 36과 75속 74종 12변종 5품종 91분류군으로 가장 많은 식물상이 출현하였고 토지이용유형별 귀화율은 두천리 마을(35.9%)에서 가장 높게 나타났으며 하원리 논(6.3%)에서 가장 낮게 나타났다. 식물상 조사 결과를 종합해보면 각 지역별로 마을, 경작지, 하천이 공통적으로 다양한 종을 포함하고 있었으며 직접적인 관리가 이루어지는 송이 재배지나 인공조림지는 식물종의 수가 비교적 적었다. 논의 경우 수환경을 제공하여 습한 지역에 주로 서식하는 좀개구리밥, 수염가래꽃 등의 수생식물이 서식하는 것을 관찰하였다. 송이 재배지의 경우 송이 재배는 양지 특성이 70%, 음지 특성이 30%인 곳에서 잘 자라기 때문에 이를 위해서 소나무 수고가 3~5m로 유지될 수 있도록 가지치기와 같은 관리가 진행된다. 또한 소나무 잎이나 가지가 두껍게 바닥에 적치되면 송이가 잘 나지 않아 계속적인 관리를 해줘야 하기 때문에 유입종이 적은 것으로 판단되나 송이는 유용작물일 뿐만 아니라 숲의 유기적인 순환 체계를 유지할 수 있게 해주므로 생태계의 물질순환을 담당하는 중요한 역할을 담당한다고 볼 수 있다. 또한 각 토지이용유형마다 미세하게 환경 특성이 달라 다양한 생물종이 서식할 수 있는 서식지 다양성을 제공해준다. 이러한 서식지 다양성은 다양한 생물종의 서식에도 큰 영향을 미칠 것으로 예상된다. 울진 금강소나무림 지역은 임업, 농업, 마을 간의 물질순환이 이루어지며 수천년 동안 고유의 생태 순환 체계를 지녔으며 이와 같은 순환 체계에 적응한 결과로서 목재, 송이와 같은 자연자원이 풍부한 곳이므로 문화유산으로서의 가치가 높다.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to categorize and comparatively analyze tourists of different life-style groups who visit Yesan according to their lifestyles as well as their consumption behaviors and attitudes towards local foods or specialty agricultural products in order to understand the various needs, attitudes, and behaviors of consumers in each life-style group. Group 1 had a high percentage of single people in their 20s and those who worked in technology. Group 2 had a high percentage of those in their 30s and 40s who were married and were professionals. Group 3 had a high percentage of men and those in their 40s and 50s, as well as a high percentage of high income, highly educated people. Group 4 had a high percentage of those in their 20s or those in their 60s or higher. Compared to other groups, group 4 had a larger percentage of lower income and less educated people. In verifying the difference between life-style groups in terms of their behaviors and attitudes toward local foods and specialty agricultural products, consumption and experience of regional specialty foods showed high average scores in groups 1, 2, and 3, with significant differences from group 4.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The consumers' purchase experiences of some imported agricultural products (rice, sesame, garlic, onion, jujube, red pepper, oak mushroom, apple, dried persimmon) and their consciousness for the labelling of the country of origin for agricultural products in Youngnam region were examined in this study. The sample consisted of 438 women who lived in Taegu, Pusan and other cities of Kyungpook and Kyungnam, and the self-administered questionnaire for the survey was used. The main reasons to purchase the imported agricultural products were the wide distribution and low price of them. Most of the consumers were concerned about safety of the imported agricultural products but only a few people experienced unsatisfaction of the products. The price, quality, package, container, label, and safety of the examined products were evaluated worse than those of the domestic products. Generally, although they suffered unsatisfaction, the consumers did not complain because they wanted to avoid troublesome work, which means the consumers did not assert their rights. Some people did not know the labelling system for the country of origin and the place to charge the market violating it. Therefore, it will be necessary for the consumers to receive education about the labelling system for the country of origin and the compensation criteria for consumers' grievances and damages. The current labelling method for the country of origin generally met the consumers' preference but the consumers wanted to improve the position and color of the label. Most consumers could not differentiate the imported products from the domestic products. The results obtained from the survey suggest consumer education for the labelling system for the country of origin and the compensation criteria should be activated through various ways such as mass media and consumer organizations.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to reveal network potential among agricultural villages focused on landscape and amenity resources. For this study, we conducted Social Network Analysis (SNA) utilizing existing landscape resource database. As a result of the study, major landscape types shared among villages were found for each city. For example, agricultural and residential landscapes were identified as major types for Danjin city. Add to major landscape resources, in Dangjin city, Habduk village were recognized as a core. Seokmun, Daehoji, Woogang, and Sunseong villages were widely found as the sub core group. For Seosan city, Jigok, Palbong, and Kobuk villages were widely recognized as core group. Most of villages which indicated the highest degree centrality were superior in terms of the number of total landscape resources as well as landscape type diversity. These results can be useful for initial planning process when considering major theme for landscape-based network organization. Also, this information will be helpful for planning stage through the specification of the potential role of each village in overall network.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to identify the limitations and problems of organization, as well as present plans to activate the organization through diagnosis on 'My Hometown Keeper' organization that was created for the purpose of growth of agricultural and fishing regions, and environment improvement. Utilizing Weisbord's Six-box Model, an organization diagnosis model useful for diagnosis of 'My Hometown Keeper' organization, 6 areas including organization's objective, structure, relationship, compensation system, leadership, subsidiary device system etc. and 14 survey questions were prepared, and a survey investigation was conducted on the staff at Korea Rural Community Corporation in charge of 'My Hometown Keeper' participating residents and administrative support. Based on the analysis results of survey investigation, the limitations and problems of organization were identified, and as plans to improve these and activate 'My Hometown Keeper' organization, 'Clear establishment of organization's objective and role', 'Preparation of compensation and incentive system', 'Growth of relationship and leadership between constituents' 'Enhancing the utilization of subsidiary device system such as education and information acquisition etc.' etc. were presented.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Agricultural tourism is a new kind of industry, which combined agriculture with tourism. It not only has the productive function, but also has the function of improving the quality of ecological environment and supplying people with sightseeing, leisure, vacation. Agricultural tourism is a new kind of industry from the amalgamation of agriculture and tourism: it is based on farm work, characterized by agricultural management, combines agriculture and tourism, and includes the city as a market-place. It satisfies tourist demand with food, lodging, excursions, shopping and entertainment provided by agricultural places and agricultural products. After combining the substance of this study with the primary sources regarding the development of agricultural tourism, I suggest plans for the development of local agricultural tourism on the basis of sustainable tourism theory in case of the Inner Mongolia region. To conduct research, various data such as literature research and surveys are collected and analyzed. According to the result of the research, the Inner Mongolia region has great-wealthy resources for agricultural tourism. However, they have problems as well such as lack of funds, low infrastructure, low business-mind level, low management-mind, the scarcity of mid-supporting organizations for research and education, low awareness, and low service level of the agricultural tourism. In order to solve these problems, have to strengthen publicity, strengthen the county and city communication, educates continuously profession talented person, establish related laws and regulations, increase the integrity of infrastructure. As a developing industry, agricultural tourism is a new field of study which needs more encouraging research. The agricultural tourism of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has only just started development resulting in a limited amount of information available for this study. Future planned work entails a continuous in-depth study of Chinese agricultural tourism, considering Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in particular.
        2013.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this research is to distinguish the quantitative determination of phytochemicals in various agricultural products and to optimize an HPLC method for the determination of lycopene, lutein, α-carotene, β-carotene, and cryptoxanthin. Among the different conditions studied, the most suitable ones for our samples were the extraction with hexane/acetone/ethanol (50:25:25, v/v/v), dissolution of the dry extract in tetrahydrofuran/acetonitrile/methanol (15:30:55, v/v/v), injection on a C18 column with methanol/acetonitrile (90:10, v/v) + triethylamine 9 μM as mobile phase, and λdetection=475 nm. The mean percent recovery for the HPLC method were 120.7±4.1% (lycopene), 89.2±3.5% (lutein), 91.2±2.9% (α-carotene), 99.1±4.4% (β-carotene), and 100.0±5.3% (cryptoxanthin). The contents of lutein in the agricultural products were spinach, kiwi, tomato, blueberry, melon, respectively. However, the lycopene contents were the highest in the Black tomato (56.66±7.48 mg/kg) and Jangseong tomato (50.28±5.42 mg/kg). The concentration of β-carotene in all of the agricultural products ranged from 0.07 mg/kg to 65.03 mg/kg. The quercetin content of the agricultural products increased in the order of blueberry (986.57∼1,054.06 mg/100 g), kiwi (44.96∼55.09 mg/100 g), hallabong (31.92∼35.60 mg/100 g), and tomato (26.38∼34.94 mg/100 g). The highest kaempferol content was found in the blueberry (47.79∼76.15 mg/100 g) with results in all of the tested samples varying between 6.54∼48.11 mg/100 g. The total polyphenol contents of the various agricultural products increased in the blueberry (213.60∼229.96 mg/100 g), spinach (112.50∼141.67 mg/100 g) and kiwi (46.49∼70.44 mg/100 g). The total flavonoid content was the highest in both blueberry and spinach. Vitamin C content was detected in kiwi > hallabong > tomato > blueberry, respectively. The total anthocyanin contents (TAC) was detected in the Damyang blueberry and the imported blueberry.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigates the core elements of the formation and development of cluster using a multi-disciplinary approach and suggests a promoting strategy by development stage of cluster. As a sub-category of regional innovation system, the cluster has been considered as one of the most noticeable methodological argument to make the regional innovation system come true. In the meantime, this study examines the core elements of cluster shown in the theories and examples through six academic fields such as economics, geography, regional development, business administration, sociology and pedagogy and their educational back-ground. By means of establishing the incubation stage in the development of cluster, core elements are composed in the stages of birth, incubation and evolution in subsequent manner. A promoting strategy will be suggested through the implication of core elements in the reestablished stages.