
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        1993.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To furnish basic data for the utilization of leaf mustard as a raw material of salted and fermented vegetable food, the contents of carotenoids and chlorophylls of Dolsan Leaf Mustard(DLM) were investigated. Total carotenoid content of DLM was 4.75 mg%, and the compositions were β-carotene(80.91%), lutein(13.07%), lutein epoxide(3.93%). The contents of chlorophyll a and b were 4.1 and 1.5 mg%, and leaf was 7.4- and 8.1-fold, respectively, higher than leaf stalk. The ratios of chlorophyll a/b in leaf (2.7:1) and leaf stalk(3.0:1) were similar to those of other vegetables.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Black soybeans, which have been widely utilized as food and as material for Oriental medicine, contain anthocyanins in the seed coat. Soybean seeds with black seed coat and green cotyledon are called “Seoritae” in Korea. Korean customer prefer “Seoritae” to normal black soybean with yellow cotyledon. The pigments contained in green cotyledon of black soybeans were chlorophylls and lutein. These constituents function as antioxidant and protect humans against diverse damages. The purpose of this study was to investigate the most suitable extraction condition and method of green cotyledon pigments in black soybeans. The green cotyledon pigments were analyzed on RP-HPLC with C18 column using gradient system. The gradient system was used two mobile phases. A gradient elution was performed with mobile phase A, consisting of 100% MeOH, and mobile phase B, consisting of 100% EtOAc. Among the 4 kinds of extraction method using methanol and/or acetone solution, ultrasonic extraction at 30 min. using acetone solution was most suitable extraction condition for simultaneous analysis of chlorophylls and lutein in soybean with green cotyledon.