
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 15

        2022.08 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        신체적, 정신적 건강에 대한 관심이 높아지면서 몸, 마음, 정신의 통합을 목표로 하는 요 가가 생활스포츠의 하나로 자리매김하였다. 최근에는 도구 활용 요가가 신체균형개선, 자세 교정, 통증 완화 등 재활목적으로 활용되고 있다. 도구 활용 요가는 도구를 활용하여 안전 하고 효과적으로 근육을 이완시키거나 강화시켜 신체의 기능을 회복시키는 것을 돕는다. 도구를 활용하면 관절 가동범위를 무리하게 넘어서지 않고, 골격의 위치를 바르게 하며, 정 확하고 안정된 자세를 유지시켜, 자세교정 및 통증완화에 도움을 준다. 사용되는 도구는 볼 스터, 의자, 벨트, 담요, 블록, 라운드 블록, 프레임, 로프 등이다. 본 연구는 현대인들의 근 골격계 질환중 대표적인 거북목 증후군의 특징을 이해하고, 도구 활용 요가를 통해 거북목 증후군을 개선할 수 있는 맞춤형 도구 활용 요가 프로그램의 구성과 원리를 제안하였다.국 문 요약문(10줄 내외) 본 연구의 요약은 연구의 목적과 방법, 결과, 논의와 결론을 정리하며 주제와 개요를 명확하게 파악할 수 있도록 적는다.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        선박 내에서 사건사고는 점차 다양화되고 있고, 특히 아주 잦아지고 있다는 것이 문제이다. 그에 반해 이를 위한 조사와 증거수집을 통한 범죄의 입증과 처벌로의 연결은 그리 쉽지가 않다고 한다. 선박은 누구나 잘 알고 있듯이 아주 폐쇄적이고 누구에게나 쉽게 접근을 허용하지 않는 공간이기 때문이다. 특 히 공해나 외국의 영해에서 사고가 발생한 경우는 그 어려움의 배가 된다. 이에 수사기관과 연구자들은 선박 내 CCTV설치를 의무화할 필요가 있다고 주장 한 바 있다. 게다가 최근 우리 사회는 외국인 선원의 무단이탈로 어려움을 겪고 있고 이와 관련하여 많은 우려가 제기되고 있다. 게다가 이러한 무단이탈은 코로나 바이러스로 인한 ‘감염법’ 위반 행위로 이어져 상당히 큰 사회보건상 문제로 이어질 수 있는 우려가 있기 때문에 이와 관련된 지침이 개정되기도 하였다. 선박관련 시설에 대한 보안과 범죄예방은 중요한 쟁점이 될 만하다. 국제적 문제로 확대될 수 있는 상당한 심각한 문제일 수 있기 때문이다. 그런데 우리 는 단순히 국내에서 관리할 수 있는 항만시설의 보안에 치중해 있었던 것이 사실이다. 실시간 이동하고 있는 선박은 더 많은 분쟁이 존재하고 이러한 분쟁은 육상과 달리 쉽게 접근하고 문제의 해결을 이끌어 낼 수 있는 환경이 아니다. 게다가 형사소송법상으로도 이러한 CCTV 영상은 육상에서의 경우보다 충분히 활용할 수 있도록 해석되고 있다. ‘범죄예방 및 수사를 위한 선박내에 CCTV 설치’는 필요한 변화라 생각한다.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리 정부는 자율운항선박이 일자리 창출이 높은 새로운 성장동력이 될 것 이고 제4차 산업혁명 대응과 함께 생산성 중심 경제로 전환하는 혁신성장의 아이템이 될 것이라고 예상하고 있다. 이러한 기대를 바탕으로 해양수산부는 기 술혁신을 통한 스마트 해상물류체계를 구축하는 것을 목표로 하여 해운운임의 하락장기화와 낮은 물류 성과지수 그리고 지속적인 해양사고 발생을 극복하고 양질의 신규일자리를 창출할 것을 계획하고 있다. 게다가 국제해사기구(IMO) 에서는 회원국들의 제안에 따라 2018년 5월에 개최된 해사안전위원회(MSC)에서 자율운항선박에 대한 복잡한 법적 문제에 대한 협약 적용에 관한 식별작업을 비롯하여 새로운 개념의 선박도입 에 따른 해상안전인명협약(SOLAS) 등 현행 선박의 운항안전에 관한 법적 규정 적용범위에 대한 분류에 관한 작업을 진행하고 있다. 이미 국제적으로는 자율운항선박에 대한 많은 논의가 오가며 진행되고 있고, 이에 발맞추어 국내에서도 이와 관련된 기술적 분야를 기반으로 하여 많은 논의와 연구가 이루어졌다. 시행됨과 동시에 현실적으로 직면하게 될 실질적 문제는 법규적용이 될 가능성이 농후하다. 특히 민사적 손해배상이 아닌 형사법 적 사고가 발생한 경우 누구를 어느 정도 ‘형사처벌’할 것인가에 대한 논의에 대해서는 여전히 황무지이다. 이와 관련되어 발생할 수 있는 법적 분쟁과 관련 하여 국내에서 대응하고 고민할 사항에 대해 검토해보겠다.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As recognized by all scientific and industrial groups, carbon dioxide(CO2) capture and storage(CCS) could play an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Especially carbon capture technology by dry sorbent is considered as a most energy-efficient method among the existing CCS technologies. Patent analysis has been considered to be a necessary step for identifying technological trend and planning technology strategies. This paper is aimed at identifying evolving technology trend and key indicators of dry sorbent from the objective information of patents. And technology map of key patents is also presented. In this study the patents applied in korea, japan, china, canada, US, EU from 1993 to 2013 are analyzed. The result of patent analysis could be used for R&D and policy making of domestic CCS industry.
        2013.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        UN 해양법협약을 계기로 하여 국제사회에서는 새로운 해양질서가 확립되었고 이에 따라 개방으로 인한 국가간 교류가 지속적으로 증가하였다. 이로써 어느 정도 해양범죄에 대한 대응여건이 국제사회에 조성되었다고 평가되기도 한다. 어떤 이유에서건 국제사회는 해양이용인구가 확대되고 있고 해양은 그 특성상 범죄로 악용될 경우에 규모가 대규모일 것임은 쉽게 짐작할 수 있다.해양과 관련하여 불법어업은 이미 예전부터 문제가 되어왔고, 다양한 협약을 통해 제재조치가 이루어지고 있었다. 하지만 그럼에도 불구하고 여전히 그 범죄의 비율은 줄어들지 않고 있다. 게다가 단순한 해양생물의 대량어획을 통한 이익추구에 그치는 것이 아니라 조직범죄단체와 연계되어 그들의 마약밀매, 밀입국, 돈세탁 등과 같은 대규모 범죄행위와 연계되어 매개체 내지는 자금확보의 수단이 되고 있다. 즉 기존에 염려하던 환경적 문제에서 더 나아가 다양한 문제로 확대되고 있는 것이다. 이러한 움직임으로 인해 이미 유엔 총회에서는 인터폴을 통한 IUU 어업행위의 규제를 제안한 바 있다. 그러나 국제사회에서 문제삼고 있는 기존의 범죄행위와는 달리봐야하며 RFMO와 FAO의 제재조치에 맡겨둠이 합리적이라는 반대에 부딪혀 잠시 일단락된 상태이다. 하지만 이러한 UN과 미국의 주장은 국제범죄로써 보호할 가치있는 것임은 IUU 어업의 현황을 살펴보면 알 수 있다. 단순히 해양생태계 문제에 그치지 않고 다양한 분야의 범죄행위의 전제 내지는 원천이 되고 있는 IUU 어업의 국제형사범죄화의 문제는 다시금 생각해 볼 만한다.
        2013.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Skin whitening products are commercially available for cosmetic purposes in order to obtain a lighter skin appearance. They are also utilized for clinical treatment of pigmentary disorders such as melasma or postinflammatory hyperpigmentation. Whitening agents act at various levels of melanin production in the skin. Oxidative modification of DNA, proteins and lipids by reactive oxygen species (ROS) plays a role in aging and disease, including skin damages. In this study, we present an natural whitening and antioxidant product that may decrease skin pigmentation and skin damages.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aimed to investigate the various biological activities of Geranium thunbergii such as antimicrobial activity and protective effect against oxidative damage. To evaluate its antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, we first performed methanol extraction; this methanol extract was further partitioned using various solvents. And then, its antioxidant activity was measured using various assays including total phenolic content and protection against oxidative DNA damage, and antimicrobial activities were examined using minimum inhibiting concentration (MIC) test, and paper disc method. In addition, high-performance liquid chromatography was performed to analyze the major chemical components of ethyl acetate fraction. The G. thunbergii fraction with ethyl acetate exhibited higher antioxidant and antimicrobial activities than the other fractions. The results showed that G. thunbergii ethyl acetate fraction at 50 μg/mL had strong DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities of 80.88% and 80.12%, respectively. In addition, the ethyl acetate fraction protected DNA from the oxidative damage induced by ferrous ion and hydroxyl radicals and showed high antimicrobial activity with diameter of inhibition zones ranging from 13.33 to 15.67 mm. High-performance liquid chromatography analysis revealed the major phenolic compounds of G. thunbergii to be ellagic acid and gallic acid. These results suggest that G. thunbergii might protect DNA against oxidative stress induced by reactive oxygen species and can be utilized as a natural source of antioxidant and antimicrobial agent in the food industry.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recent interest in green tea polyphenols has increased owing to their antioxidant activities and their possible role in the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Typically, 93% compounds of total polyphenols in green tea leaves, many of which are called catechins, are flavonoids. The major tea catechins are a mixture of epicatechin isomers, including (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC), (-)-epicatechin gallate (ECG), and (-)-epicatechin (EC). Separation of green tea catechins is generally carried out by HPLC-UVD. UV detector is a suitable detector for quantification this class of molecules and allows high sensitivity level for polyunsaturated species. However, UV detection does not discriminate different compounds having similar chromophore groups. More detailed structural information can be collected when a mass spectrometer is coupled with a UV-DAD. MSD is a powerful tool for qualitative analysis to identify and confirm molecular structures of unknown compounds, and it is particularly useful for quantitative analysis, owing to its high sensitivity and selectivity. This study describes the application of HPLC-DAD/MS methods for the rapid and routine analysis of 9 catechins in green tea leaves. Green tea extracts were injected directly onto a reversed phase HPLC column. Compounds, identified on the basis of their absorbance and MS spectrum, included gallic acid, (-)-epicatechin, and their various gallate derivatives. HPLC/MS detection was found to be more sensitive than UV-DAD, and MSD showed good precisions for quantification of catechins.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Anthocyanin pigments in black soybean seed coat have been known as including biological activities, which are antitumor, antioxdant and antivirus. Also in soybean, isoflavone have been reported as health-promoting benefits, which are antiestrogen, antioxidant, antitumoral activities and preventing cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis. The consumption of soybean increased in Korea because of the importance of its functional characteristics of the anthocyanin and isoflavone. Therefore, this experiment was conducted to investigate the variation of anthocyanin, and isoflavone contents in Korean domestic black soybean cultivars grown at different latitudinal locations, Suwon (37°16'N) and Milyang (35°30'N). D3G, C3G, and total anthocyanins in Geomjeongkong # 3, C3G, and total anthocyanins in Ilpumgeomjeongkong grown at higher latitudinal Suwon were higher compared to lower latitudinal Milyang. Daidzein, glycitein, genistein, and total isoflavone contents in Gemjeongkong # 4 were highest among the seven cultivars. Daidzein contents in Gemjeongkong # 3, Milyang # 112, and Milyang # 113 grown at higher latitudinal Suwon were higher compared to lower latitudinal Milyang. Glycitein contents in Gemjeongkong # 3, and # 4 grown at higher latitudinal Suwon were higher Milyang while that in Milyang # 113 grown at lower latitudinal Milyang was higher compared to higher latitudinal Suwon. Genistein contents in most black soybean cultivars except Milyang # 113, and total isoflavone contents in Gemjeongkong # 4 and Cheongjakong grown at lower latitudinal Milyang were higher compared to higher latitudinal Suwon. The variations of anthocyanin except Pt3G and isoflavone contents seemed to be affected by environmental conditions like different latitude than the genotype because they showed the significant interaction between cultivars and locations.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Crude protein is about 40% in soybean seed, and oil extracted from soybean seeds is one of the major vegetable oils. Also soybean oil is a good source of essential fatty acids, and sugars in soybean seed is composed of water-soluble saccharides, and most of them are oligosaccharide namely sucrose, raffinose, and stachyose. Although the production of soybean decreased in Korea, the consumption of soybean increased in recent time because soybean is well known as a well-being and healthy food. Therefore, this experiment was conducted to know the variation of crude protein, crude oil, fatty acids, and sugar contents in Korean domestic black soybean cultivars grown at different latitudinal locations, Suwon (37°16'N) and Milyang (35°30'N). In most black soybean cultivars, oleic acid content was higher, while linoleic acid, or linolenic acid contents were lower at higher latitudinal Suwon compared to lower latitudinal Milyang. Sucrose content in Geomjeongkong # 3, raffinose contents in Gemjeongkongkong # 3, # 4, Ilpumgeomjeongkong, and Cheongjakong, and stachyose content in Gemjeongkong # 1 grown at lower latitudinal Milyang was higher compared to higher latitudinal Suwon. The variations of crude protein, crude oil and fatty acids contents seemed to be affected by genotype than growing locations according to different latitude as they did not show the significant interaction between cultivars and locations. In contrast, the variations of glucose, sucrose, and stachyose contents maybe affected by environmental condition as different latitude than the genotype because they showed the significant interaction between cultivars and locations.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        NIR spectroscopy combined with multivariate analysis after the appropriate spectral data pre-treatment has been proved to be a very powerful tool for judgment of the relative pattern of the objects that have very similar properties. In this study, 500 GMO soybean seeds and, 500 non-GMO ones were measured in NIR reflectance mode. Principal component analysis (PCA), and discriminant analysis (DA) were applied to classify soybean with different genes into two groups (GMO and non-GMO). Calibrations were developed using DA regression with the cross-validation technique. The results show that differences between GMO and non-GMO soybeans do exist and excellent classification can be obtained after optimizing spectral pre-treatment. The raw spectra with DA model after the second derivative pre-treatment had the best satisfactory calibration and prediction abilities, with 97% accuracy. The results in the present study show NIR spectroscopy together with chemometrics techniques could be used to differentiate GMO soybean, which offers the benefit of avoiding time-consuming, costly and laborious chemical and sensory analysis.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The petals of edible rose contains diverse component, such as cratgolic acid, malic acid, vitamin C, B2, flavonoids, and lactons. The petals of edible rose are also known to have pharmaceutical effects. They have been used in the treatment of cardiac insufficiency, coronary heart disease, hyperpiesia and inflammatory disease only in folk remedies. Also, the petals of edible rose have various colors, such as red, pink, purple, blue, green, black, white, and yellow. Maybe, such color pigmentations are due to accumulation of anthocyanins, chlorophylls, flavonoids, and various combinations of breakdown products of these pigments. Despite many research on rose, report on the exact composition of anthocyanins in petal of edible rose is limited. Therefore, the objective of this study is to isolate and identify the anthocyanins in red petals of edible rose (Rosa hybrida cv. Noblered). Major anthocyanin pigments of the red petals in edible rose were extracted with 0.5% HCl - 20% MeOH for 24hrs. at room temperature, and purified using C18 open-column chromatography and prep-HPLC method. Two major anthocyanins were isolated, and their chemical structures were identified by spectroscopic methods (UV-VIS, LC-MS, and NMR). The λmax of anthocyanin 1 was 512nm, and m/z = 611[M+], while anthocyanin 2 had maximum absorbance at 501nm, and m/z = 595[M+], resulting in the two compounds are different. The complete structures of these anthocyanins were elucidated as cyanidin-3,5-diglucoside, and pelargonidin-3,5-diglucoside, respectively.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Black soybeans, which have been widely utilized as food and as material for Oriental medicine, contain anthocyanins in the seed coat. Soybean seeds with black seed coat and green cotyledon are called “Seoritae” in Korea. Korean customer prefer “Seoritae” to normal black soybean with yellow cotyledon. The pigments contained in green cotyledon of black soybeans were chlorophylls and lutein. These constituents function as antioxidant and protect humans against diverse damages. The purpose of this study was to investigate the most suitable extraction condition and method of green cotyledon pigments in black soybeans. The green cotyledon pigments were analyzed on RP-HPLC with C18 column using gradient system. The gradient system was used two mobile phases. A gradient elution was performed with mobile phase A, consisting of 100% MeOH, and mobile phase B, consisting of 100% EtOAc. Among the 4 kinds of extraction method using methanol and/or acetone solution, ultrasonic extraction at 30 min. using acetone solution was most suitable extraction condition for simultaneous analysis of chlorophylls and lutein in soybean with green cotyledon.