본 연구는 대북정책 추진과정에서 집단기억이라는 북한 내부의 특징을 적극적으로 고려해야 한다는 점에서부터 시작한다. 북한 내부 상황이나 북한 주민의 대남 인식과 북한당국에 대한 충성도와 결집도 등이 고려되 지 않는다면 대북정책의 효과성은 그만큼 낮을 수밖에 없다. 북한 주민 의 세대별 집단기억을 살펴보기 위해 북한이탈주민을 대상으로 심층면접 을 진행했다. 연구대상은 북한 장마당 세대로 1980~90년대에 태어나 ‘고 난의 행군’ 시기에 유년·청소년기를 겪은 세대이며 이들의 나이는 대략 15~35세이다. 장마당 시기 신념을 주체사상, 우리식사회주의, 당과수령, 미제와 남조선, 자본주의에 관한 인식으로 구분해 살펴보았다. 장마당 세 대의 두드러진 집단기억은 무엇보다 국가와 당이 물질적으로 해 준 것이 아무것도 없으며, 이는 곧 우리식사회주의와 주체사상의 이완으로 이어 졌음을 알 수 있다. 또한 이들의 신념체계를 무너뜨리는 가장 중요한 요 인은 남한 영상물로 대변되는 외부정보에 대한 노출로 나타났다. 이전 세대인 ‘천리마세대’와 비교해 자신들의 정체성을 명확히 구분하고 있으 며, 특히 당에 대한 충성도와 결집력에서 많은 차이를 보였다. 장마당 세 대에 관한 집단기억은 향후 대북정책 추진과정에서 북한 주민의 의식구 조를 선이해하여 정책의 효과성을 높인다는 점에서 의미가 있다.
2017, Red Candle Games released a game called ‘Detention’ in the global gaming platform, ranking number three in sales in just one month. In the game lies a fictional story about members of a school book club who were framed in the 60's under the Martial Law. It based on the historical event called the White Terror throughout the 50’s to the 80’s. White Terror had been a taboo in Taiwan for years, making the investigation of the event, damage, and accountability for a prolonged period of time. Since the termination of the Martial Law in 1987, the restoration of the forbidden history was commenced. Especially since 2016, Transitional Justice has become the core government policy, allowing the creation and execution of many policies in multiple aspects, such as fact-finding, restoration of records, rewriting history, compensation, and redemption of honor. Moreover, since the termination of the Martial Law, literature and personal biography based on the White Terror were created in the private sector. Nevertheless, it did not attract the attention of the general public. However, the release of ‘Detention’ has brought signs of change. ‘Detention’ grabbed the attention of teenagers who were distant with the history that happened 70 years ago. From the beginning of the release of the game, it has stirred up the internet and social media. In 2019, the game was made into a movie ‘Detention’. In addition, in December of 2020, ‘Detention’ made into a eight-series show. This is expected to create a collective memory of the White Terror in Taiwan. This study aims to find out how the White Terror in Taiwan is shown in various forms of narratives, using related concepts such as Assmann’s ‘Collective Memory’ and ‘Traumatic History’. Also, this study analyzes the new form of White Terror narrative of ‘Detention’ series.
Place memory is a new way of seeing as a new concept of cultural landscape research. Various research works and discussions have recently spread in landscape studies. In particular, the, which is visible and material, is a medium in which collective memory is embedded in place memory. The purpose of this study is to extract places of memory from the collective memory of residents of Janghang, Korea, and to visualize it through semantic relations. For this purpose, semi-standardized interviews (34 persons) were conducted with residents, and frequency analysis and semantic network analysis were used. As a result, the interviewees recalled only 127 places in Janghang that existed between 1920 and 2010. Locals remember the city based on places of memory. This means that the city could be illustrated according to specific places that are frequently mentioned. For instance, the top 25 places (top 20%) explain 65.6% of all the places in the city, and the top 39 places (top 30.8%) could describe 78.7% of the places. Some places are referred to more frequently when they are in the city’s symbolic landscape, and the city’s identity is projected on them. Some places were mentioned only infrequently but were nevertheless very important places by which to understand Janghang. These places of memory have not appeared in the documentary records before, which shows the value of the collective memory of the locals and the effectiveness of the interviewing method. In the clustering of the semantic network, six groups of places appeared. The local residents remembered the modern industrial city and recalled it in connection with the sites of daily life. This shows the possibility of looking not only at public memory and famous heritage as a macro history but also at daily life and meaningful places as a micro history about locals. This study has significance as an initial research that identified and visualized places of memory from the perspective of local residents. Such an approach could be useful in the study of everyday life and the conservation of modern heritage.